Z-CELL - ANOTHER TERROR NETWORKA semi new terror cell seem to have sprung up around Telegram once again. Just like we have written about the eastern European and Russian White terror cells, we would like to write an historic post about Z-Cell.
Z-Cell themselves have actually written to us, and stated their goals. We believe that the best way to document history, is to have any person or organisation freely explain themselves and their motivations. This does not mean that we encourage any said message, but only that we take the role as historians serious, by showing every detail of our research. We are not here to debate anyone, but only here to document history.
The message reads:
''The Z-Cell Network is an underground resistance group that operates in the shadows, fighting tirelessly to dismantle the corrupt system that has plagued our folk. With unwavering determination and unyielding courage, the Z-Cell Network has become a force to be reckoned with. Our members are fearless and resourceful, willing to sacrifice everything for the greater good. As the flames of revolution spread, Z-Cell stands at the forefront, ready to inspire and ignite total collapse....and there's absolutely NO TURNING BACK!
We are
on a mission to dismantle this oppressive degenerate society we live in and its jewish masters, empowering and uniting those who share our Accelerationist cause. We stand for unity and cooperation, forging a brotherhood of resistance to overthrow zionist governance
. In a world shrouded in darkness, we are the beacon of hope and terror, and will not rest until we bring about revolutionary change!๐ฏ
๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ผ๐๐ ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐๐๐๐๐๐พ๐!''
If there is any more about Z-Cell, it's accomplishments, or anything else, then we would look forward to document that as well.
This channel, and every one associated with it, DON'T encourage any form of terror or mass murder. We simply share this content for the purpose of documenting history.