Think you've done shadow work? 🪞
Not so fast…
The deepest shadow work is in and with the body. 🔄
With the headaches, brain fog, and bloating you’d do anything to get rid of. 🥕
With the condition you need to “go away.” 🔪
With the diagnosis you're trying to "beat." 👊
When you get on your own team, you end the triangulation against the you that is your flesh and bones. ✨
From here, you meet the part of you that has only known symptoms as boundaries…and you can recognize its very wise adaptations to the traumas of your upbringing. 🔍
This is how you learn the language of the rejected dimensions of yourself. You finally listen, lean in, and show the F up for YOU (rather than insisting that something be different than it is). ✅
This is the reclamation. It's your body, owned by you, loved by you, honored by you. 🌺
Not so fast…
The deepest shadow work is in and with the body. 🔄
With the headaches, brain fog, and bloating you’d do anything to get rid of. 🥕
With the condition you need to “go away.” 🔪
With the diagnosis you're trying to "beat." 👊
When you get on your own team, you end the triangulation against the you that is your flesh and bones. ✨
From here, you meet the part of you that has only known symptoms as boundaries…and you can recognize its very wise adaptations to the traumas of your upbringing. 🔍
This is how you learn the language of the rejected dimensions of yourself. You finally listen, lean in, and show the F up for YOU (rather than insisting that something be different than it is). ✅
This is the reclamation. It's your body, owned by you, loved by you, honored by you. 🌺