Kelly Brogan MD

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Curated resources for those passionate about bodily sovereignty, health freedom, and embracing the body’s innate healing capacity. A Mind of Your Own, Own Your Self, and A Time for Rain. Founder: Vital Mind Reset and Vital Life Project.

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Ever since I devoted my life to creative celebration, I’ve reclaimed the aliveness in my body. My days look like following my every impulse, desire, & expression. 🎨

Self-honoring & pleasure have become my guides, rather than endless task mastering, self-sacrifice, or efforts to prove myself. 🌪️

If you’re interested in walking this path with me, click here to view my masterclass on aligning with desire, transforming pressure into play, & expressing your glorious self. ⭐️

Let’s fast forward three months from now, shall we? ⏩

You’ve become a devoted custodian of your needs. 👏

You care for your body like a devoted lover: anointing, adorning, and honoring it. 👑

When sensations & feelings arise, you know exactly how to attend to them, allowing them to transform into creative ideas & expressions. 🎀

You expect delight, synchronicity, & magic to effervesce through your life. ✨

The anxiety, pressure, and vigilance melt. You’ve got you. 💞

This newfound lightness leads to you prioritizing pleasure, play, & expression above your to-do lists, performance, or productivity. 🎹

You spend nights playing with the kittens you once thought you’d never have time for. 🐈

You spend afternoons dancing to your favorite 80s power pop groups, & mornings cooking up creative projects that make you giddy when you think of them. 🔑

If you’re in a relationship, inspire your man to provide for you (and stay tuned to a Reclamation Radio episode on what this actually looks like!). 🌸

Men can only step into their true potential when women stop contributing and trust men to step up. 🙏

This not only allows you to operate via your feminine essence, but it inspires your man toward his calling. 🗣️

And if you don’t have an able-bodied man, use your imagination to secure a consistent, stable job or to set up competent leadership in your business. Think of it as a bridge to the income you’ll generate with your creative expression… also known as… 🌉

Feminine money: This is income earned from a place of sheer delight. It doesn’t have to make sense. It just has to feel good. 👍

When you earn from this place, you are making a deposit into what I refer to as your vitality bank account: the ROI comes back in the form of the connection, delight, & expansion you feel. 🌹

As a woman, when you focus on creating feminine money, it’s much easier to stay in your receptive, open, & expansive nature…allowing you to attract a man who can provide, strategize, & problem-solve. 🧲

And even if you’re not searching for a man…honoring and trusting your feminine is what allows your inner masculine to consistently function with clarity, decisiveness, & ease. 🎯

Here’s a hot take… 🔥

I don’t believe women should be breadwinners, corporate baddies, or driving the marketing infrastructure of their businesses. 👩‍💻

I don’t believe our creativity & expression should be responsible for the car payment or the rent. 💸


As women, we thrive when we're free to allow our inspiration and energy to flow unencumbered by the demands of bill paying. 🌊

When your daily priorities are misaligned with your core native essence as a woman, you become resentful, overwhelmed, & generally subsist on the breadcrumbs of life. 😵‍💫

So…what’s the best way to create wealth? 💰

Think of your money as masculine & feminine. 

Masculine money: This is functional money. It’s what pays for groceries, rent, & everyday essentials. It's masculine because it's charged with establishing your secure foundation. 🏠

Here's my recommendation...

For my RECLAIMED women — take a moment and feel the huge field you are stepping into. ❤️‍🔥

The thousands of dogma-defying women who have risen in and through my field, the courageous humility that has worn this path so that it can feel softer for your beautiful feet. ✨

I attract POWERFUL babes, and you are one of them. HUGE energy is holding your capacity to step out of victimhood and ease into the practice of self-alignment. Feel us all at your back. We’ve got you, and soon you’ll feel that you’ve got you, no matter what. 🫂

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I just released the second episode of my new podcast series, Audacious Asks. 🎈

These questions come from my membership community, Vital Life Project (VLP), which is the only place where I’m answering your questions. 🎤

If you have a burning question you want me to answer on the show, join VLP here. 🙋‍♀️

In this juicy episode on marriage and romantic relationships, I discuss…

💟 The questions you need to ask if you’re on the fence about your partner
💟 Why we unconsciously sabotage intimacy 
💟 The origins of performative pressure in relationships & how to relax your inner performer
💟 Why women play the decisive role in creating polarity in romantic dynamics
💟 The doors that can only open within the energetics of marriage
💟 How our fantasies can get us into contact with long-disavowed parts 

Check out the full episode ⬇️
Apple Podcast

I’ve needed other women, all kinds of women, to give me permission to try on new habits, types of behavior, and ways of being, to alchemize shame, and to inspire me toward my deepest initiations to date… 🦋

🌷To have more hard real talks with my family of origin

🌷To let go of the things I thought I’d die without

🌷To soften my hardest activist edicts

🌷To let my daughters be their own women

🌷To free my voice and dance in new ways

🌷To say “No” when I felt a little no and “Yes” when I felt a little yes

Ready for the plot twist?  👏

As a woman, you’ve been conditioned to believe your value lies in climbing the mountain of professional success. 📈

We’re taught to see feminine values–like play, pleasure, and softness–as rewards for working hard rather than fundamental nutrients.  🌱

But this division between our to-do-list-slaying task masters & inner girls results in a major disconnect. 🥀

One that leaves us feeling numb, overwhelmed, and disconnected, going to bed with our makeup on once again, because what’s the point? 😶

The truth is…

Most of us only really care about success insofar as it supports our fulfillment. 🥇

What we actually want is...

To feel alive. Expressed. Safe in our skin.  🌝
We want to feel like ourselves. 🧸

If you’re ready to expand your permission field so pleasure can become a dominant part of your life–rather than a reward for working yourself to the bone– check out Reclaimed Masterclass 🌺

Tell me if this sounds like you.. 👩

🤍You’re ready to feel worthy just being, not doing

🤍You’re ready to prioritize pleasure and play

🤍You’re ready to feel deeply ok no matter what

🤍You’re ready for depth and intimacy in your relationships

🤍Own Your No, Know Your Yes.

🌺 Join the Reclamation movement HERE

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This week, I’m talking to one of my all-time favorite humans, Alec Zeck. 💎

Alec is my close friend, the founder of Health Freedom for Humanity, & host of The Way Forward podcast. 🌱

This episode will help you separate your thought & decision-making process from the echoes of victim consciousness, trauma, and wounding that might otherwise lead you headlong into disempowerment.⚡

We discussed…

🔅The internal shift required for you to value your truth over security within the social fabric 

🔅The origins of the collective war on free thought & inquiry 

🔅The threads that bind truthing across seemingly unrelated dimensions like health, law, & politics

🔅The logical fallacies that dominate virology (& why detecting these can inoculate you against nearly every psych-op out there 😉)

🔅The art of interacting with people who wade into free thinking but can’t seem to get on board with deeper inquiry

🔅What makes a person ready to explore world-rearranging truths?

Tune into the full episode ⬇️
Apple Podcast

Riddle me this… ♥️

What if your children can become an opportunity to learn about yourself, be with yourself, and spiritually mature yourself? 🦋

What if they came into this world more actualized and developed than you give them credit for? 🤔

What if your only real work is to hold space for them to be their full Selves and learn about your own full Self along the way? 🌻

Right now, you can support your children in staying connected to their inner compass rather than having to reclaim that connection decades down the line. 🧭

The importance of women supporting other women during their Reclamation: The approval we offer one another as women models the authentic approval of the self, and this approval allows our shame-holding part to come out into the light and find a new job, perhaps, as the cheerleader holding enthusiasm for change. 🌷

If up until now you've had trouble finding or connecting with a community of women who understand you, know that they are waiting for you, and that your spirit will guide you to them just as it guided you here.🦋

What’s one piece of advice you’d give someone like me starting my RECLAMATION journey? ❤️‍🔥

Consider this your permission slip to:

🔸No longer believe you're broken.

🔸Drive outside of your lane.

🔸Be the villain in the privacy of your own mind.

🔸Love money.

🔸Stop trying to save the world. 

🔸Own your well-intentioned shitty behaviour.

🔸Admit when you’re enjoying playing small.

🔸Love pity, attention, and being right about how wronged you’ve been.

🔸Be audacious and unapologetic.

🔸Celebrate every damn thing about who you are.

🔸Get it wrong.

🔸Get it right.

🔸Release the concept of right and wrong.

Want to change the world?

I’d argue the number one credential—as an activist, a light-worker, or a change-maker—is how embodied & regulated you are. 💓

That’s right: the most essential form of activism is getting back into your calm body. 🧘‍♀️

When you’re in stress physiology, you’re unable to see with sober eyes. 🧐

Because of our particular conditioning, traumas, and wounding, we often see and project danger where it doesn’t actually exist. 👀

There might be a pile of laundry on a chair in your bedroom, and in the dim light of dawn, that laundry looks like an intruder. Your system responds with an intense physiologic response. You make all sorts of decisions based on that assumption. ⏰

But if your capacity to regulate and be with yourself is intact, then you will see that it’s a pile of laundry, and you will remain self-possessed. 🍃

Without this work, you risk perpetuating the very conditions you’re seeking to fight. 🌟

➡️ Join Emily for a free embodied manifesting workshop here :

Listen to the full episode on Spotify or Apple Podcast

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Today, I’m speaking with the force of nature Emily Fletcher, founder of Ziva Meditation & recently discovered soul sister. ✨

Emily & I are deeply aligned on feminine reclamation, emotional alchemy, & sensuality as a portal to daily aliveness ❤️‍🔥

We explore Emily’s recent soul creation, Ziva Magic, a modality that unites emotional alchemy with manifestation practices to create bone-deep magnetism 🧲

We also discuss…

💟 Resolving “I’ll-be-happy-when…” living 🪞

💟 Engaging the body as an alchemical vessel to resolve rigid & dogmatic self-discipline 🌞

💟 No amount of sun gazing, ice bathing, or plant medicine can bring you a daily sense of aliveness…but this can 🌕

💟 Breaking down the shame-gated caverns of your vital force 🎊

💟 Why your capacity for emotional self-regulation is the only true bridge to intimacy ♥️

💟 How to become a better receptacle to having & holding what you want

💟 Good luck feeling ecstasy without this

When I worked with clients one-on-one, as our work together ended, they’d get antsy. Even as they reclaimed strength and balance, they’d search for new symptoms 🔎

All of them said their first diagnosis came as a relief. It was a prison sentence but it made them feel seen ☀️

When you identify with your struggle—whether it’s illness, romantic longing, or a lack of community—seeing it as the source of the problem is like blaming a fire on a smoke alarm 🔥

It’s missing the opportunity to enter through your struggle and ask “What am I getting from this?”  👀

When you know the answer you’re liberated to meet those needs in a different way 🗣️

This is exactly the kind of victim-story-shedding we do in my health reclamation membership community Vital Life Project ✨

🌸 Learn more about Vital Life Project here

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