Benefit From Shaykh:
Abu Abdillāh Wahb bin
Abdillāh Adh-Dhayfānī
-May Allāh preserve him-
Lā ilāha illa Allāh!
Al-Fākihī reported in 'Akhbār Makkah' (1029), with an authentic chain on the authority of Ibn 'Uyaiynah may Allāh have mercy on him:
"Amr bin Ubayd used to pray Fajr with the wudhū of Ishā in Makkah!"
Abu Abdillāh Adh-Dhīfānī may Allāh rectify his private affairs:
🚫"Do not become deceived by the acts of worship of anyone or his exertion, until he traverses the Salafī way of life, and his entering and exiting is with Ahlus-Sunnah, and his association and aiding and his Bitānah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends, etc.) are righteous Sunnī Salafīs.
For this Amr bin 'Ubaid the filthy Qadarī (a follower of the Qadariyyah), Jahmī (a follower of the Jahmiyyah) heretic used to pray Fajr with the wudhū of 'Ishā, we ask Allāh for Salāmah and Āfiyah (safety from every affliction) and we seek his refuge from being forsaken.
⌨ https://t.me/wahba_althayfany/384
Translated by:
Abu 'Abdillāh 'Omar bin Yahya Al-'Akawi
Benefit From Shaykh:
Abu Abdillāh Wahb bin
Abdillāh Adh-Dhayfānī
-May Allāh preserve him-
Lā ilāha illa Allāh!
Al-Fākihī reported in 'Akhbār Makkah' (1029), with an authentic chain on the authority of Ibn 'Uyaiynah may Allāh have mercy on him:
"Amr bin Ubayd used to pray Fajr with the wudhū of Ishā in Makkah!"
Abu Abdillāh Adh-Dhīfānī may Allāh rectify his private affairs:
🚫"Do not become deceived by the acts of worship of anyone or his exertion, until he traverses the Salafī way of life, and his entering and exiting is with Ahlus-Sunnah, and his association and aiding and his Bitānah (advisors, consultants, protectors, helpers, friends, etc.) are righteous Sunnī Salafīs.
For this Amr bin 'Ubaid the filthy Qadarī (a follower of the Qadariyyah), Jahmī (a follower of the Jahmiyyah) heretic used to pray Fajr with the wudhū of 'Ishā, we ask Allāh for Salāmah and Āfiyah (safety from every affliction) and we seek his refuge from being forsaken.
⌨ https://t.me/wahba_althayfany/384
Translated by:
Abu 'Abdillāh 'Omar bin Yahya Al-'Akawi