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German Memorial Day (Volkstrauertag)

Today we commemorate all the fallen white soldiers from the past wars and those german civillians that were raped, abused and killed during and after the 2nd world war. May no more brother wars happen, may no more whites leave their soul on the battlefield for a useless war.

We remember those wehrmacht soldiers that fought for what they believed and loved. Their homeland that was taken from them, the friends and family they lost. Shall they never be forgotten, for their names be eternal.


Making a good name

It is no secret that we have a bad reputation. We should put our time and resources into changing this and make National Socialism a more reasonable aproach to people that were spooked by the bad way the media and society portraits us.

Droping banners, handing out wlm flyers and picking up trash with your buddies are just examples of what you can do to build up reputation and make a good name in your city. Show the people out there that we arent monsters, but men that care about their race and people!

Godspeed brothers.


I guess we got ourselfs a deal. New post in 1 ½ hours.

Whoever voted 2nd option i am going to find you and im going to pet your pet.

  •   Yeah, sure!
  •   Fuck yourself lol
12 votes

I know i've been lacking on my own posts... i've had no motivation because the views and followers stagnated and i was out of ideas. If you guys could be good goys and share my posts in the future, i'll be more than glad to post again.

Finally a game for real racists.

Forward from: The End Times

Forward from: BASED ANON
Antifa at it again, like spoilt children...

>Good guys win for once
>muh white supremacy

Forward from: Proud Boys: Uncensored
Jews and their Shabos Goys are already crafting the narrative that the judge in Kyle Rittenhouse's trial is biased. It does not matter to them that the prosecution is incompetent and had no case with which to begin. It doesn't matter that the judge is being completely fair. Kyle is going to be acquitted, and the Jews will say it is because of White supremacy.

Forward from: ☢ F A L L O U T ☢
I'm guessing the Department of Jewstice is chomping at the bit for a go at Kyle Rittenhouse.

That's why the FBI suppressed evidence that exonerates him. The defense is now pushing for a mistrial with prejudice so that Kyle can't be prosecuted again. The prosecutor is obviously pushing for a mistrial without prejudice because they blew the case and, I'm assuming that as just as in the Chauvin case, he has it on good authority that the feds are ready to come in as backup.

So now he's trying to get talking points out for the media to attack Kyle so that the Jewish bureaucracy can make an example out of him. Keep in mind, Rittenhouse, a good American White boy, killed 2 Jews in self-defense. It doesn’t matter what they were doing or that they were trying to kill him.

Jews only think in terms of what is good for them as a tribe. This is the same tribe of ethnonarcissistic parasites that created an advocacy org for Leo Frank, a child rapist and a murderer. Nothing is beyond them when it comes to securing their interests against their most hated enemy.

This is a Jewish blood vendetta. It's gang warfare. And they have taken all the valuable turf while most of us still don't know we're being attacked. It's no coincidence that the Rittenhouse, Charlottesville, and Jogger trials are going on simultaneously. The Jews are hellbent on revenge, accelerated by the symbolic victory of 2016 and its fallout.

We must recognize this for what it is and fight back within our capacity.

Forward from: American Freedom Party
In light of the chaos that took place at Travis Scott's Astroworld festival, the party believes we should take a hard look at fame in this society. A general takeaway from this event is the fact that the worship of celebrities for frivolous talents, or for just being famous, is a sign of social decay. Gone are the days of Charles Lindbergh and George S Patton, and gone are the days of our children’s role models being men who accomplished feats of greatness. Instead, today our children’s heroes are sports celebrities, singers, and actors, all with talents that are ultimately superficial and are easily replicated. Fame should be something that is earned by the performance of great and important deeds, not something that is manufactured by a collection of corporations. The days of worshiping men like Travis Scott must come to an end, and in their place, a new order will implant true heroes, for our people to look up to.

Hail Victory!
Hail Columbia!

Forward from: Breaking911
BREAKING: Prosecution rests case in Kyle Rittenhouse trial — defense up next | Watch Live Here: https://breaking911.com/live-prosecution-rests-case-in-kyle-rittenhouse-trial-defense-up-next/

Forward from: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
They seem not very invested about Rittenhouse case, just the standard automated posting, I wonder why are these feds not calling Rittenhouse a Saint? Really makes you go humm....
Maybe becuase he is actually inspiring people for justice and order?
Maybe because Rittenhouse is an example of Righteous violence and Not Sinister violence like (((Tarrant)))?

Makes you think.

Forward from: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews

Forward from: Random Anon Channel - Daily reminder: Is the Jews
lmao corona kikes seem to be a mess over this one, let me find more stuff

Poor boy looks stressed out.

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