In light of the chaos that took place at Travis Scott's Astroworld festival, the party believes we should take a hard look at fame in this society. A general takeaway from this event is the fact that the worship of celebrities for frivolous talents, or for just being famous, is a sign of social decay. Gone are the days of Charles Lindbergh and George S Patton, and gone are the days of our children’s role models being men who accomplished feats of greatness. Instead, today our children’s heroes are sports celebrities, singers, and actors, all with talents that are ultimately superficial and are easily replicated. Fame should be something that is earned by the performance of great and important deeds, not something that is manufactured by a collection of corporations. The days of worshiping men like Travis Scott must come to an end, and in their place, a new order will implant true heroes, for our people to look up to.
Hail Victory!
Hail Columbia!