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Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
2022 is the years of trials that will separate TRUE Aryans from Internet Aryans. As I declared 2022 to be the year of the Aryans, this declaration is being fulfilled post haste by pretend Aryans exposing themselves by flipping on the vaccine mandates for fear of lost income, liberty, or acceptance by society. Even some well known talking heads in the movement have chosen to optics cuck on the vaccine, for shame. Anyone who flips on their beliefs when they actually have to follow through on their convictions are NOT Aryan. Aryan means Noble, cowards are not noble. Submitting to untested gene altering tech that WE KNOW is part of the (((enemy))) agenda to destroy us is no different than willingly destroying your blood by race mixing. There are still a lot of unknowns with this “vaccine” but literally everything we do know is bad. If you take it or are an apologist about it in any way you are a coward and don’t deserve any form of following in this movement. You are as poisonous as the clot shot!

-Father Orion

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity

The Church of Aryanity official position on the MRNA gene altering “vaccine”.

It has become apparent that the Aryan Church must take an official position on people who submit to the MRNA “COVID vaccine” agenda being enforced in most western countries. Members of our church are explicitly forbidden from submitting to this vaccine tyranny under any and all circumstances. Anyone, of legal adulthood, who willingly submits to taking a gene altering vaccine will be permanently barred from membership in the church, as we view submitting to tyranny revealing of a character defect unbecoming of a true Aryan. Any true Aryan should always resist tyranny, without compromise, no matter the cost, to the death.

In addition to the MRNA vaccines, The Aryan Church also strictly prohibits any of our members from receiving or giving their children any and all traditional vaccines. But any traditional vaccines administered to them or their children prior to membership will not disqualify them from membership.

This being said we must make allowances for those children who have been vaccine damaged or altered due to the ignorance or negligence of their guardians, as well as those who have been forced to take the vaccine against their will, such as those incarcerated. But in these special cases, we must take a temporary position and request that those who have been subjected to such grave mistreatment refrain from passing on any altered or damaged genes to future generations. We implore these victims of tyranny for the time being until the subject has been better studied to dedicate their lives to the preservation of a healthy and pure Aryan race.

Our temporary position on this matter can be reevaluated at any time in the future when we feel that our own geneticists have a firm grasp on the long term consequences to both the vaxxed and the offspring of genetically modified humans. But at this early stage we still don’t know for certain if those who have been vaxxed will be sterilized or even live past five years. We also require that any unvaxxed member refrain from having children with a vaxxed partner. This will also permanently bar one from membership just as race mixing would.

We realize that this is a topic that personally effects nearly everyone who may have family and friends who have been vaxxed. We also realize that this may limit the support of the church by those who have submitted to the vaccine tyranny. We don’t wish to alienate the unvaxxed who have vaxxed family, but Aryanity is not a religion that changes with the wind like Christianity. By compromising one’s principles for support is how we get nigger and faggot priests saying gay sex and race mixing isn’t a sin. We will not allow current events to undermine our principles.

Be ever uncompromising, die an Aryan, not a coward.

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
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Even greater things are coming in 2022...Join us in forging the thousand year imperium!

-Father Orion

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
Cowardice in the name of piety ensures misery.

Apathy in the face of tyranny enables the enemy.

Conquer yourself, conquer your enemy, conquer the world.

Aryan identity. This is ARYANITY.

Hail Omnis, Hail Victory!

-𝐏⊕𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒 ࿕ 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐬

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
So just because Christmas is over doesn’t mean the “12 days of Christmas is over”. Most don’t know that the 12 days of Christmas actually comes from the twelve days of Yule which ends on the Gregorian new year. But even more still don’t know that the celebration of Yule is tied in with every other ancient Aryan culture. Even ancient Egyptians decorated conifers and made wreaths during this time. The 25th was seen as the “birth of the sun” by the ancient Aryan pagans because it’s the first day after the 3 day hiatus where the sun is at its lowest point and the days start to get longer. The Roman Pagan feast of Sol Invictus was on this day long before Christmas replaced it. The feast of Sol Invictus marked the day that the Aryan Sun God defeated the Semitic Chthonic or Saturnian deities of the Saturnalia, a time of debauchery. These ancient Roman Pagan festivals each year were a microcosm of the celestial age of which our ancestors observed would always end with a time of debauchery and turmoil before the return of the Sun God to set thing in order with a course correction. Before the Romans, ancient Persian Aryans observed the pomegranate festival of Yalda for Mithra (called Mithras by Romans) seen as the day of victory by the light over darkness. The ancient Aryan Egyptians celebrated Amen-Ra, the Sun God, because they believed that winter came every year as a result of Amen-Ra being sick. This festival goes back into our primordial Aryan prehistory on to our lost home of Atlantis where the Sun God reigned supreme as the “coronated” (corona,crown,the suns nimbus) authority of the Father Sky God archetype (Omnis/Christos).

Then as now we see the time of debauchery and turmoil permeate our civilization, the degeneracy has reached a fevers pitch and the Sun God returns to set things right yet again.

-Father Orion

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
The famous Christmas Truce of 1914 between German and British troops. For just one day in The Great War, peace was shared between combatants. Today we have similar infighting between racially aware Pagans and Christians. One side observes Yule while the other side observes Christmas. Both sides are either in denial or unaware that this holiday and it’s archetypal origins predate both holidays, and are rooted in our primordial religion, Aryanity. The Christmas truce of 1914 shows us that fighting brother wars is a waste of life and only hurts our people. Just as this day united these two sides, hence it should be the day that shows all Aryans that we are indeed ONE RACE and ONE RELIGION! ARYANITY!

No more brother wars!

-Father Orion.

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
Have a very Merry Aryan Christmas. Unashamed, hopeful for the future, and with proper racial/religious understanding.


-Father Orion

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
The Aryanity Tornado Toy Drive was an amazing success! We have around $3500 in toys and games for struggling White families in Kentucky who lost everything two weeks before Christmas. Thanks to everyone who donated! This is what practicing Aryans do, to become a practicing Aryan read Aryanity and join the Aryan Church. Hail Omnis!


Please share our work with others.

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
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Please join us for a virtual pre-Christmas party in our public Church chat on Solstice day. Father Orion and other members of the Church and the Order will be there to answer questions, discuss Aryanity, and to celebrate one year since releasing the Doctrine of Aryanity.


Forward from: HAMMERTUBE
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Here is the stream for anyone who missed it. Hail Omnis!

Forward from: 🩸🩸HAMMER🩸🩸



Don’t forget to get on Hammer’s show tonight. We’ll be talking more about the Church’s charity work for the struggling White families in Kentucky.

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
OMTO/COA is doing a toy drive for the families affected by the tornadoes in Dawson Springs, Kentucky. Locals can donate toys and drop them off at the tattoo studio, or you can donate to the gofundme campaign. 100% of the proceeds will go toward buying toys for the kids.


Dawson Springs, Kentucky is over 98% white, 1/3rd of which live below the poverty line. 75% of Dawson Springs was completely destroyed by the Tornado that ripped through Kentucky. We only have 10 days to reach our goal. Please help to make this Christmas a little less heartbreaking for the kids who lost their homes.

Please share!

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
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What does it mean to be a “Practicing Aryan”? If you identify yourself as anything other than “Aryan” when describing your religion then you are NOT yet an Aryan. Our race and our religion are one and the same. Read Aryanity, and awaken the Aryan blood memory!

Ar·y·an ā́Ryan (आर्य)

*Sanskrit word meaning “of noble blood”, oldest known ethnological term for “White” or racially pure, fair skinned Caucasians, used traditionally in contrast to non-White races who were seen as ignoble.

*Of or related to the ancient people and parent language of what is now classified as the Indo-European language family.








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Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
“…and a future for White children.” -David Lane

-𝐏⊕𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐒 ࿕ 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐬

Forward from: Ministry of Aryanity
Happy Thanksgiving to our American members! Today is the harvest festival for the US, celebrated as the feast shared by the Pilgrims with the locals. But harvest festivals have European pagan roots. There are many examples of harvest festivals in Europe that descended from the wheel of the year. Most are celebrated around the Autumnal Equinox. Whatever your religious background, it is important to stay mindful of the wheel of the year. We must recognizing the importance of seasons to our ancestors and to ourselves. As White-Aryans we evolved in regions where seasons mean everything. The harvest was the last period before the long winter. Other races evolved in climates where there are only two seasons (wet and dry), or none at all. Thousands of years of our ancestors struggling to live in the harsh environmental selection of the northern hemisphere made us strong and clever. When the ancient festivals come around thank your ancestors for their struggles, their strength lives in you.

-OrionStarfire ☩13/14࿕

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