Every Day Poems

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Forward from: Craving heart ❤️
He isn't someone with whom you cross paths with and don't even notice, he is someone whom you smell in the empty corridors, he once walked in.

He doesn't roam around with fakeness hanging on his lips, he stitches bleeding truths over his contour,

He won't accuse you of staring too long, on his flawless face or measured steps,

He isn't the talk of the town, but the one people whisper about,

He's a normal human being who hates attention, who is too hesitant to even look in your eyes, who doesn't care about his looks, who doesn't care about the knives ruining his back,

He is someone you all know,
he is someone you all judge.


- D's diary

Forward from: Retrogade Dissociation
They said, don’t meet your heroes—
you’ll see their humanity,
and their weakness might not be as appealing
as when they stood on the pedestal you built.

But why do I try to fit into every narrative?
Why do I chase a checklist
as if my existence depends on ticking all the right boxes?
Why do I want to be enough—
and more—
in a competition that doesn’t exist?

Why do I assume my life is under scrutiny,
that I was born to please everybody?
Who took my Nos, my I can'ts away from me?

I struggle to step away from the racing track,
from jumping through hoops—
but for whom?
Who is standing at the finish line?

And for how long should I run—
when I never even chose to be their hero?

Forward from: Sam Scribbles 🍉
A 'witch' you named, a 'witch' you cursed.

And a witch you shall see,

This neck is not for you to slaughter, these wrists aren't for you to shackle, they're mine to use.

And I shall use them well, in setting your souls on fire, with the wood you so kindly prepared for me.

I will shackle your minds and squeeze them open, with the chains you so humbly graced me with.

You refuse to see, then I shall make you watch,

I shall show you,

The price of my blood you thought you could spill.


Forward from: Poetic Therapy
The world wavers between chaos and coherence, a paradox I have learned to cradle rather than resolve.
I question the architecture of fate—does it sculpt us, or do we chisel it into shape with trembling hands?

Doubt hangs back like mist on a river at dawn, yet beneath it, the current surges forward, relentless, determined. I have seen ruins bloom with wildflowers, silence birth symphonies, and despair halt open to let the light in.

So, I hesitate, I analyze,
but I also walk—because even skepticism cannot deny the quiet insistence of possibility.

Forward from: Glimpse of Abdo's Heart
I'm your baby.
You call my name, and I come running, not because I have to,
but because your voice is gravity, pulling me home.

You give me that look,
the one that cracks my armor,
and I smile, not like a man who’s conquered,
but like a man who’s found a reason to surrender.

You take my hand,
pull me through roads that try to push me back,
and I let you, not because I can’t walk alone,
but because I’d rather walk with you.

You hold my face,
your hands warm against my skin,
and when you whisper, "It's alright, baby,"
the war inside me quiets.

I am a man, scarred, stubborn, proud,
but I won’t mind if I’m your baby.
You are not making me weak.
You are simply loving me
in a way that makes strength unnecessary.

#Abdo #29

Forward from: Retrogade Dissociation
"I don’t want this—goodness!" she spits.
"May the heirs remain in the abyss,
The prodigies of the stars,
The kin of the night,
And the servants of the moon.

Why must one yield to the other,
When two can coexist?

On the hem of my ancestor's robe,
The realm of my heart,
Let there not be a flicker of light,
A drop of life,
Nor the trail of the vine.

May it remain
A beacon of its ethereal descent.

Forward from: KosmicKritika
I find your voice a little softer, shaking meekly when you ask something for yourself, as if hesitant of being too demanding,

I've been witnessing you being too helpful going out of your comfort to be there for someone, do you fear being selfish, love?

Do you forget or do you deny your needs so that someone else gets to have what you deserve to have?

And do you not realise that your wishes are as important as the needs of your loved ones you feel responsible towards?


Forward from: Poetic Therapy
I have seen men destroy
themselves for love.
I have seen them kneel before it,
offering their dignity like a lamb to be slaughtered.

What is it in us that craves
such suffering?
Is it not enough to be burdened by life?
Must we also throw ourselves into the abyss of another’s affection,
knowing full well they will leave us there?

I have thought of love as salvation,
but now I see it as the executioner.

And yet—
some part of me still reaches for the rope.

Forward from: The Accidental Poet
“The Genesis of Her Tears”

It begins with her eyes, doesn’t it?
Not the way they sparkle in rays or dart with cleverness
but the way they flood,
a betrayal of gravity,
each tear tumbling
as if the universe has failed her.
And you’re standing there,
this hollowed-out parody of a man,
with hands that don’t know how to touch without
a voice that turns to dust
before it can form even a
clumsy comfort.

Her shoulders quake,
like a typhoon you can see
but never stop,
the kind that washes away
everything sturdy,
everything you
thought you built for her.
And you—
you stand as still as a tree
in the gale,
roots frozen,
while the wind pulls at her soul.
Your words trip over themselves
before they even leave your throat,because what could they possibly do?
What could you possibly do?

Her sobs don’t just sound.
They invade.
A war cry for a battle you
already know you’re losing.
You reach,
but the distance between you
isn’t made of air.
It’s thicker, crueler, a chasm
carved out of your
You think of all the times
you promised her—
and how you were certain those promises
would be enough to shield her
from pain.
But promises don’t heal.
They don’t stand like armor
between her and the world.
And now, they’re just broken, brittle memories
trampled under the weight of her tears.

She doesn’t say it.
She doesn’t have to.
You see it in her trembling hands,
the way they clasp and unclasp as if looking for answers
you don’t have.
You’ve never felt so small,
like a single grain of sand
beneath the tide,
watching her crumble
while you remain
this pitiful statue,
an idol of all the ways you’ve failed her.

You wonder
if she hates you for this.
If she’ll look back on this night
and remember you not as the
man who tried,
but the man who stood there,
while her world shattered
around her.
But then again,
it doesn’t matter, does it?
What you feel doesn’t matter.
Her tears burn hotter than your self-pity ever could,
and you’d trade everything—
to see her smile again.

And so you try,
desperate and clumsy,
a child reaching for the stars with broken fingers.
You try to tell her you’re here,
you’re not leaving,
but the words falter,
because you know she
deserves more than your presence.
She deserves answers,
and all you have are excuses.

There is no worse feeling,”
you think,
than watching her break
and realizing you’re no hero,
just a man too small to save her.

But still, you whisper,
half to her, half to yourself:

“Don’t cry alone.
If I can’t save you,
at least let me drown beside you.”

Forward from: Bruce Wayne
I'd rather stand in the open field
And get burned by the scorching sun
Than go underground and hide in the dark
Untouched by its caressing

Forward from: Poetic Therapy
“Verses That Refuse to Bleed”

There is a monster inside me,
all teeth and claws,
gnawing at the walls of my skull,
dragging its nails down my throat,
shoving its hands into my ribs,
rummaging for words that do not exist.

I sit before this blank page,
a white slab of mockery,
a morgue drawer for all the
things I cannot say.
I bleed ink, but it clots before it
touches the paper.
The letters choke themselves
out before they are born.
Every sentence writhes and
dies in my hands,
a stillborn thought,
a corpse of a phrase.

I want to scream in metaphors,
but they crawl up my throat like
and I bite down,
crunching on syllables
until my teeth are coated in the taste of unfinished poetry.

I stab my pen into the page. Nothing.
I claw at the margins. Nothing.
I try to carve words into my skin,
but even my blood refuses to spell.

What do you do when the
words betray you?
When they fold their arms and turn away?
When they become “Judas” in
your mouth,
kissing your lips only to leave you empty?

a poet is drowning in verses.
a writer is setting fire to their own pages.
And I am here,
choking on the ashes of a story
that will never be told.

Forward from: Retrogade Dissociation
He twiddles with the pen with the grace of the ocean meeting the shore, velvet-smooth words on standby, ready to spill with the black ink at his command. And when he wills them to materialize, his thoughts take on bodies of immense beauty, jerking tears from all who see them. The multitude of hearts that follow the trail of his golden metaphors, in awe of his graceful renditions, do not know the truth of his trade. It is all an experiment—how far from the truth can his art stand? How unlike him could the creations of his hands be?

~inspired by the red flag poet.

Forward from: Sam Scribbles 🍉
To those listening, the void whispers,

"Two kisses, one day,

Blue Bird sings, a tale of stupidity and carelessness,

In a single hazy night, with drunken smiles, roaming hands and purple neon lights.

Lavender is in the air, out of its field,
Defiled angels are on the streets, holding their own leash.

Two kisses in one day,
Two shots from one hand,

Interlocked arms, dizzy thoughts and sweet, crushing bites,
Dreams are high, beyond a normal sight.

The Lavender laughs, the Angel smirks.

Two, in one night,

A crazy witch, a maddog,

In a single moonlit night."


Forward from: 𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐕𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞𝐬™
Will it heal you
if I apologize,
for the scars
I never gave.
- Priyanka Metha

this will break me
Into halves.
Of a million pieces,
Of my heart struggling
to make me feel alive.

Not because I blamed you… 
but because I let you believe 
you were the reason for my pain. 

When the truth is— 
I was always at war with myself. 
The scars I carry 
belong to my past, 
not your future.

But I let them touch you. 
I let them shape the way I loved you—  
like arms that wanted to hold, 
but only knew how to break. 

You were my everything. 

And yet, little do you know— 
I carved these wounds myself, 
then placed them in your hands 
as if you were the one who cut me. 

I never meant to hurt you. 
But pain is all I’ve ever known. 
I was never enough for you, 
but somehow, 
I was too much for myself.

Trapped between who I was 
and who I swore I’d never be. 
Drowning in the past, 
suffocating a future I don’t deserve. 

And if I whisper, 
"I’m not enough..." 
Will you leave me? 
Please do. 

Not because I don’t love you. 
But because I do— 
too much, 
too wrong, 
too destructively. 

Because I am carving scars into tomorrow, 
and tomorrow is you, 
my love. 

And in the end— 
you will only bleed for one… 
but I? 

I will bleed for two. 
For myself, 
and for you. 

For the wounds I carry, 
and the ones I left on you. 
For the past that still haunts me, 
and the future I will never hold. 
For the love that tried to save me, 
and the love I made suffer. 

I will bleed— 
until my past has had its fill,
until my sins have been paid in full, 
until I have given back every piece of you I stole.

And when there is nothing left of me, 
maybe then— 
you will finally heal.

- Achu B

Forward from: Rahul's verses
The mirror sighed today,
It’s tired of watching me search for someone who isn’t there.

~ rahul
#poetry #poems #prose

Forward from: The Accidental Poet
“Some voids are too vast for wording, too quiet for anyone to notice.”

Forward from: Backyard
"Yesterday, I Broke My Pen"

Yesterday, I broke my pen.
Snapped it in half like the silence I could no longer bear.
Ink spilled onto my fingers,
like the words I had swallowed for too long.

It wasn't just a pen—
it was the weight of everything unsaid,
the burden of unspoken thoughts,
the pressure of a mind that never rests.

For years, I let it write stories
that weren’t mine to tell,
poems that rhymed but never felt right,
letters that never reached their destination.

But yesterday, I broke my pen.
And in that moment, something shifted.
Not just the ink, not just the plastic—
but the fear of writing my own truth.

Maybe today, I’ll pick up another,
not to rewrite the past,
but to finally, finally write as me.

Late-night 28feb.

Forward from: Sam Scribbles 🍉
Do you have things you don't want to forget,
Things you're scared to forget,
Because then it means,
Losing the sight of an already blurry path?

I do.

Are you afraid of oblivion,
Because then it means,
Fading out of everything that matters?

I am.


Forward from: Retrogade Dissociation
I'm sure the butterfly looked ugly in her cocoon,
wrapped up in such a way you'd think of death
before imagining flight on colorful wings.
It must have been pitch black—I can only assume.

But after countless mornings
and rainbows following storms,
she got to see beauty for the rest of her life.

So I'll hold on to that hope:
a beautiful, warm morning will precede this night.
I'll hold on to the hope
that this night will come to an end.

Forward from: Sam Scribbles 🍉
Will you be able to love me,

For what I am, for who I am, for all of me?

Will you be able to love me,

For my ever changing nature, for my deteriorating pieces, for the broken and fading fragments of me?

Will you be able to love me,

To hold my hand, and smile at me in a way you don't smile to anyone else?

Will you be able to love me, to hold me,

When I can't do that for myself?


20 last posts shown.