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Forward from: Freedom.
This is very strange. Trump just popped up on Twitter hosing a live but look at the emblem.

Forward from: Police frequency
Cost of illegal aliens per state in 2023:

Alabama: 596 million
Alaska: 130 million
Arizona: 3.19 billion
Arkansas: 356 million
California: 30.9 billion
Colorado: 1.94 billion
Connecticut: 1.28 billion
Delaware: 244 million
Florida: 8.04 billion
Georgia: 3.14 billion
Hawaii: 771 million
Idaho: 405 million
Illinois: 5.27 billion
Indiana: 886 million
Iowa: 405 million
Kansas: 603 million
Kentucky: 367 million
Louisiana: 604 million
Maine: 90.3 million
Maryland: 2.14 billion
Massachusetts: 2.16 billion
Michigan: 1.28 billion
Minnesota: 657 million
Mississippi: 100 million
Missouri: 657 million
Montana: 45 million
Nebraska: 136 million
Nevada: 1.47 billion
New Hampshire: 108 million
New Jersey: 5.27 billion
New Mexico: 174 million
New York: 9.95 billion
North Carolina: 3.14 billion
North Dakota: 43.25 million
Ohio: 332.4 million
Oklahoma: 273 million
Oregon: 1.47 billion
Pennsylvania: 1.64 billion
Rhode Island: 313 million
South Carolina: 746 million
South Dakota: 57 million
Tennessee: 341 million
Texas: 5.35 billion
Utah: 931 million
Vermont: 75 million
Virginia: 2.84 billion
Washington: 2.62 billion
West Virginia: 12.9 million
Wisconsin: 246 million
Wyoming: 18.1 million

This is not sustainable....

Forward from: Defender of the Republic 🇺🇸
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Forward from: MJTruth
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RINO Mike Turner was BUSTED trying to “Stack the Deck” against Donald Trump in the National Security Council — a Move to make sure the Swamp remain the Defacto President of the United States

Mike Johnson fired him at Trumps orders and the Mockingbird Media is now panicking…

• Per Chanel Rion, very high-up sources tell her:
—— This was an attempted hostile takeover, trying to ensure key Biden (Obama?) National Security people remain past Inauguration Day.

• If Mike Turner succeeded, all his people would run the entire Trump National security apparatus.
—— Because the National Security Council touches every agency in the Federal government, Mike Turner (Obama?) would have been the defacto President of the United States.

A clean house is important.

Forward from: Анюта.
2001 AD = 6001 AL
part 2
1st year 7th millenium

Thout aka Thoth= the 1st month of the ancient Egyptian & Coptic calendars. 11 September - 10 October (Gregorian)

9th sefirot=Yesod/Moon
Thoth, a 'Moon god'
11th sefirot=Daath

Thoth & the month of martyrdom
God of 9/11
911=156th prime, 156:FalseFlag
The dancing Israelis
911: WEF-Division

22 years later, another "Islamic" terror attack with almost the same rhetoric & talking points used in 9/11. Coincidence?
9 11

22nd & final letter Hebrew/Phoenician alphabet = Tav (Mark) X, value 400(connected to Saturn)
Number 400=used 22 times in the Bible. Chronos was surrounded by 22 main assistants & 22 secondary, according to the Phoenician Sanchoniaton
Properties of the number 22
*Symbolizes the end of a cycle
*Cards Major Arcana Tarot
*Paths in the "sephirotic Tree" Cabal
*Years Muhammad received revelations
*Patriarchs, from Adam to Jacob
*Chapters of Revelation
Psalm 22
Number 22=used 13 times in the Bible.
13th Name Marduk
2 2
‖ ‖

Forward from: Tironianae 🍊 🍊 Z. - Ultra Verbum Vincet
What is this? Roman numerals?
We signaling the end of [zionist]- [roman]-[nazi] Occupation?

Forward from: Анюта.
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"9 11,IXXI, XXII, 22"

Human DNA creates 22 amino acids
22 Atomic number Titanium.
Our head is constituted of 22 bones

22 chapters of the Vendidad, book of the Avesta, written by Zarathustra.
Ring Lords
22° Sun Halo...7 colors
154:August Prince (Nudimmud)
154:Frequency of DNA-Hopi Prophecy
154, Factorization 2 × 7 × 11, Divisors 1,2,7,11,14,22,77,154

22 divided by 7 = 3.14 "pi" (Genesis 3:14, the "pi" verse)
314:Twenty Two divided by Seven

Forward from: Reptos und Nagas
Apropos 9/11
9 11 = IXXI
IX   XI  - Das leere Feld dazwischen ergibt ein Hexagramm
Das Hexagramm steht bekanntermaßen, wie der Kubus, für den Saturn.
Der Saturn, die alte Sonne, Chronos, Satan, ihr Gott.
9/11 und 11/9 sind wichtige Freimauerdaten. Viele von ihnen initiierte, weltverändernde Ereignisse geschahen an diesen Tagen. (Novemberrevolution, Hitlerputsch, Fall der Mauer, die gestellte Reichspogromnacht
11.09.90 hält George H. W. Bush eine Rede, in der er zum ersten Mal vor großem Publikum über die „neue Weltordnung“ spricht und genau 11 Jahre später gibts das 9/11 welches die NWO in die Welt bringt, dazu passend das Anti-Terrorgesetz der BRD am 9/11/01)
IXXI steht auch für das Marienmonogramm Auspice Maria - "Unter dem Schutz Mariens". Oftmals in Verbindung mit den Jesuiten (hier ein paar Jesuiten Ringe) zu sehen.

Forward from: Redneck Renegade Radio
The Esoteric Symbolism of 9-11 (IXXI) 🧵

Today is September 11th, 2023. Exactly 22 Years Ago (2 11s) the "Twin Towers" FELL; forever changing the course of Modern History.

22 is the Master Builder Number.

9-11-2001 was a Dark Sun Ritual Sacrifice, a form of High Black Magick. 👇🏻👇🏻

Forward from: The Black Douglas
911 = IXXI

Forward from: Michael A. Fuchs
                🌍 🔎9⃣1⃣1⃣ 🌎
9 11 = IXXI
IX XI - The empty field in between gives a hexagram
As is known, the hexagram, like the cube, stands for Saturn.
Saturn, the old sun, Chronos, Satan, their god.
9/11 and 11/9 are important Masonic dates. Many of the world-changing events initiated by them happened on these days. (November Revolution, Hitler putsch, fall of the Wall, the staged Reich Pogrom night. (fake because of lack of pictures - link/chan/comm)
11.09.90 George H. W. Bush gives a speech in which he speaks for the first time in front of a large audience about the "new world order" and exactly 11 years later there is the 9/11 which brings the NWO into the world, matching the anti-terrorist law of the FRG on 9/11/01)
IXXI also stands for the Marian monogram Auspice Maria - "Under the Protection of Mary". Often seen in conjunction with the Jesuits (here are a few Jesuit rings).
#secretHistory #subvertedHistory #hiddenLanguage #hiddenTruth #freemason #history

AND it has THIS SYMBOL on Obama's!

Forward from: DEEP DIVES
Gavin Newsom was groomed!!

His parents were
Pilgrim Society bankers!!


Forward from: DEEP DIVES

Melania's outfits are comms... she wore a black dress with a white pilgrim collar to carter's funeral. Pilgrims Society....

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