Practically every Channel I am following here on Telegram is currently going into overdrive ~ attempting to draw me into the drama of the past year or scare me with the terrible future planned for us by ‘The Globalists’ 😱
Practically nowhere on Telegram am I seeing/reading anyone Visioning (and thus Energising into 3D Reality) a glorious possibility for our collective future!!!
(With the possible exception that ‘Trump is going to save us’.)
Over here, in RachelLand, I continue to visualise torus fields of highest vibrational frequencies (i.e Love & Harmonic Resonance) piercing the Veil… flooding the Labyrinth with Light… turning the demonic dark forces to dust… and ushering in the greatest evolutionary quantum leap ever witnessed on this planet.
This Apocalypse is already well and truly underway, and there’s no stopping it ~ no matter how hard the brakes of Fear/Doom/Gloom are applied !!!
Have faith 💜
Rachel xx
Practically nowhere on Telegram am I seeing/reading anyone Visioning (and thus Energising into 3D Reality) a glorious possibility for our collective future!!!
(With the possible exception that ‘Trump is going to save us’.)
Over here, in RachelLand, I continue to visualise torus fields of highest vibrational frequencies (i.e Love & Harmonic Resonance) piercing the Veil… flooding the Labyrinth with Light… turning the demonic dark forces to dust… and ushering in the greatest evolutionary quantum leap ever witnessed on this planet.
This Apocalypse is already well and truly underway, and there’s no stopping it ~ no matter how hard the brakes of Fear/Doom/Gloom are applied !!!
Have faith 💜
Rachel xx