☀️✨Rachel Speaks Out🌙💜

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Category: Politics

Join Rachel Elnaugh-LOVE as we journey to LIBERATE ourselves from the Globalist Big-Corporate Digital Totalitarian nightmare and co-create the new Golden Era ☀️✨💜✨🌙

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What if…

…everyone smiled at one another rather than snarling… all those within the ‘System’ refused to comply with any order/command that caused pain or suffering to another… nurses/doctors refused to give the experimental injections… police constables refused to enforce nonsense legislation… traffic wardens let everyone off tickets… all speed cameras magically disconnected… everyone refused to work for debt collection agencies… indeed all debt to corporations deemed unlawful and collapsed/wiped… Judges refused to Judge…

…and everyone simply refused to buy products which had been manufactured/sourced unethically…

Imagine life’s basic necessities (a home, water, energy, food) supplied to every individual as a fundamental human right.

With these bases covered… everyone now focussing their time/energy on doing/creating what they loved (regardless of whether it could earn them £££).

Imagine an outpouring of creativity and songs and colour and art and self-expression.

Imagine everyone freely honouring one another’s value via conscious contributions, gifting appropriate to their means.

Imagine currently ‘lowly’ jobs (like refuse collection) being the highest paid.

[‘Where’s the money going to come from for all this?’ I hear you cry!
Simple: print/create more ~ that’s what the Elite have been doing for centuries!!!
That’s what has funded all the skyscrapers and casinos and palaces and rockets/satellites ~ money created out of thin air!
So much debt now that it could never, ever be paid off!!!
Money was always an illusion.]

Imagine support for all those in pain and suffering which facilitated healing at the deepest level. Nourishment at a physical, emotional and spiritual level to restore vitality & health. Deep rest for all those depressed.

Imagine gathering in groups & communities with the sole purpose of creating joyful connection ~ all welcome and no one excluded.

Imagine a world where everyone felt so safe and loved and loving that there was no longer any need to manufacture weapons (let alone pick one up!)

And a world where all animals were treated with love and respect.

All the above is happening of course… every day, in millions of small ways, all over the planet.

Indeed most of us would not have awareness of anything else were it not for media pumping doom & gloom ‘news’ stories out at us.

Am I suggesting that we ignore pain & suffering? No ~ exactly the opposite. But if everyone looked after their own little corner of the world… helping one another in their immediate vicinity, and refusing to energise ‘the machine’… if this way of being was normalised to the extent that nothing else was even imaginable… together we could Vision in and co-create a world without pain & suffering ~ a world of Peace Joy Prosperity and Love where ALL beings are cared for and looked after.

This is where I’m placing my focus this Sunday morning 😌

Rachel xx

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At this stage in the proceedings I’m just seeing all the latest plot twists as part of a giant ‘reality show’ type soap opera ~ where the characters and storylines are getting more & more ridiculous in an attempt to keep us glued to the storyline/drama instead of us pouring our energy/intention into Visioning (and then co-creating) a different future reality.

[Imagine if this was The Truman Show and everyone was so convinced it was all real that they started doing chat shows discussing the latest plot twist 🧐]

Who amongst us knows what the Truth is any more ~ as 99% of what we think we know is only what we are told by those who control the news/footage.

Added to that who knows what is real and what is AI faked any more?

My feeling is that, at this stage in the game where everyone is pretty much awake to the corruption/deception/evil and no one believes the propaganda, we have two choices:

Either keep talking about it ~ or energise an alternative story!

There is tremendous power to Visioning ~ as where focus goes energy flows.

Rachel xx

Forward from: 4D International

Forward from: David Avocado Wolfe
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

Forward from: David Avocado Wolfe
Join @davidavocadowolfe 🥑

857 0 12 1 28


2025 = 45² si it is a "square" year. The last "square" year was 1936 and the next one will be 2116.

Even better, 2025 = 45² is also a "perfect square" year, the square of the sum of ALL the single digits in the numbering system: (0 + 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9)² = 2025.

It even happens to be the sum of the cubes of ALL those single digits: (0³ + 1³ + 2³ + 3³ + 4³ + 5³ + 6³ + 7³ + 8³ + 9³) = 2025.

Via Cliff Findlay 💙

962 0 22 4 16

Forward from: David Avocado Wolfe
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879 0 11 4 29

Ever wonder how it is possible for Elon Musk to blanket Space with StarLink satellites, yet the 'Authorities' won't even allow you to put steps into a steep hill that you own? 🧐🧐🧐

Did Musk apply for 'Planning Permission'?

Questions, questions…

Rachel xx

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Yesterday on the beach 🩵🌊💙

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Happy birthday (& retirement day 🥳) to my good friend (& fellow Trustee of Cressbrook Dale Estate Private Members’ Association) John 💙🎉🩵

Here we are singing a prophetic song in the Ravensdale woods in Sep 2023 !!! 🌿🦌🌳

Rachel xx


Forward from: The Soul Matrix - Steve Nobel
Dear Starseed,

Every 3D/Lower 4D system is programmed for survival no matter its stated purpose or mission statement.

Despite more money being poured into systems such as healthcare, police, military and so on the stated problems they seek to solve do not improve or diminish.

The pharmaceutical and medical industries need customers, they do not need a human collective that is vibrant and happy.

The police and military need crimes/problems to chase/neutralise otherwise they would not exist. They do not need harmonious communities.

Humanity needs a shift in consciousness, it does not need more drugs, more police, more cameras, more investment in arms, more cyber security.

What is needed is not another fight, whether that be against germs or terrorists. What is needed is the creation of a new paradigm, a new environment, a new matrix where 3D problems are not able to survive vibrationally.

Steve 🙏🌷🌈🌟✨☀️🌟💚✨🌟✨🌈✨🌷🌈✨🌷💚🌷🌟🌷🌟🙏

4 of my 5 boys are here at our new home and they decided we should all watch the 2016 movie ‘Fifth Wave’ tonight ~ an apocalyptic action movie where humanity has largely been wiped out by a ‘bird flu’ virus and those who survive are rounded up, recruited and trained by the army to kill the ‘Others’ ~ humans infected by a Wetiko like entity.

Except it’s all an elaborate PsyOp

Couldn’t actually believe my eyes watching this movie and everything it included ~ face nappy masks, medics in Hazmat suits, ‘keeping you safe’ narratives…

Absolutely unbelievable !!!

They’ve been softening minds for years to swallow everything presented by ‘Covid’ & subsequent !!!

And it would appear that the next phase is unfolding folks.

Keep Visioning what you DO want ~ rather than focussing your energy on the narratives which they are broadcasting/controlling.

Rachel xx


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And now this appears on Trump’s channel.

Are you smelling a rat?

(This follows the explosions in USA)

As we are now at the stage where no one knows what’s real or false ~ and the Agenda appears to be one of constant FEAR and ‘loosh’ generation, it is apparent to me that the Wetiko is starving, and is clutching at straws by any means to keep being fed.

Like Dracula, it cannot survive in Light ☀️

Keep co-creating Love and Light people !!!

Rachel xx

I’m also having to ask myself:

“Just where does Laura Aboli get her content from?”

It’s a constant stream of original videos (not shared from elsewhere) flowing out on her Telegram Channel every single day.

It’s almost as though the content is being created for her ~ with her as the glamorous, engaging, spiritually aware, professional presenter.

Surely not?

Rachel xx

Practically every Channel I am following here on Telegram is currently going into overdrive ~ attempting to draw me into the drama of the past year or scare me with the terrible future planned for us by ‘The Globalists’ 😱

Practically nowhere on Telegram am I seeing/reading anyone Visioning (and thus Energising into 3D Reality) a glorious possibility for our collective future!!!

(With the possible exception that ‘Trump is going to save us’.)

Over here, in RachelLand, I continue to visualise torus fields of highest vibrational frequencies (i.e Love & Harmonic Resonance) piercing the Veil… flooding the Labyrinth with Light… turning the demonic dark forces to dust… and ushering in the greatest evolutionary quantum leap ever witnessed on this planet.

This Apocalypse is already well and truly underway, and there’s no stopping it ~ no matter how hard the brakes of Fear/Doom/Gloom are applied !!!

Have faith 💜

Rachel xx

Forward from: David Avocado Wolfe

2025 is here 🥳💖🎉

New Year, Infinite Possibility !!!

A fascinating group of evolved souls is gathering for my new ‘90 days to Transformation’ adventure, which begins next week…

It promises to be my best ever mentoring programme yet!

If you’d like one of the remaining places all the details are at http://rachelelnaugh.com/90-days-to-transformation

(I was planning to film a video later today by the sea ~ but it’s gale force winds + rain outside at the moment !!!

Maybe I’ll do it anyway…

Rachel xx

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