4 of my 5 boys are here at our new home and they decided we should all watch the 2016 movie ‘Fifth Wave’ tonight ~ an apocalyptic action movie where humanity has largely been wiped out by a ‘bird flu’ virus and those who survive are rounded up, recruited and trained by the army to kill the ‘Others’ ~ humans infected by a Wetiko like entity.
Except it’s all an elaborate PsyOp
Couldn’t actually believe my eyes watching this movie and everything it included ~ face nappy masks, medics in Hazmat suits, ‘keeping you safe’ narratives…
Absolutely unbelievable !!!
They’ve been softening minds for years to swallow everything presented by ‘Covid’ & subsequent !!!
And it would appear that the next phase is unfolding folks.
Keep Visioning what you DO want ~ rather than focussing your energy on the narratives which they are broadcasting/controlling.
Rachel xx