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This shows the credibility of "Karl Radl". He argued that the fake Solzhenitsyn quote that David Duke put in his Communism book is not fake because Solzhenitsyn never "denied" it. Solzhenitsyn died in 2008 and the Duke book was published in 2013, so he couldn't deny it from the grave.

Solzhenitsyn's actual comments on the matter show he believed the opposite of the fake Duke quote:

"No it would be quite wrong to say that the Jews "organized" the revolution of 1905 and 1917, just as it was not organized by any other nation as such."

Forward from: Martinez Politix
Together forever. 💩

Richard Walther Darré, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture, called Slavs inferior and advocated confiscating their farms.


Forward from: Martinez Politix
Vladimir Lenin was an anti-Zionist and wrote this:

"Whoever directly or otherwise puts forward the slogan of Jewish national culture... is the enemy of the proletariat, the defender of the old and caste element in Jewry, the tool of the rabbis and of the bourgeoisie."

He wanted them all to become international Marxists who abandoned any attachment to religion or identity. That, of course, would lead to the disappearance of Judaism eventually through assimilation.

No surprise the Soviet Union became the leading anti-Zionist state in the world which funded and armed all the Arab states against Israel.

Forward from: Know More News/CJB
The way the Nazis bent their own history to make it seem like Germany was always this unified nation is remarkably inaccurate. According to Nazi propagandists, Germany was promoted as a congruent history of one nation. When in reality the area known as Germany in the modern sense, was a collection of states/tribes before being unified under Prussian leadership in 1871. And nobody talks about how Prussia controlled many parts of German territory. It's kind of amazing that they convinced the German population that Nazi Germany somehow previously owned most of Western Europe and therefore entitled to take what is rightfully theirs. They also convinced them that Russia and Germany weren't ethnically connected at all.
And it's also unreal that they convinced so many ethnic Slavs living in Germany that they weren't Slavic but German and to hate other Slavs.

What a convoluted and head spinning retelling/revising of history.

And the worst part is that modern neo Nazis repeat these fallacies.

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How can we be sure that the alleged crimes against the German ethnic community that Poles are accused of committing are nothing more than Nazi propaganda that is spread by neo-Nazis over and over again?

1) Hitler makes no mention of massacres in any of his secret speeches; in fact, in his most well-known secret speech, which was delivered on August 22, 1939, he said nothing about massacres. It should be emphasized that multiple military commanders in attendance took notes during the address, resulting in various transcripts of the speech, none of which included references to the alleged crimes.

2) In his diaries, Goebbels—unquestionably a maestro of propaganda—writes the following instead of reporting any massacres.

"Poland is not important",

"Everything is quiet in Danzig",

"Hitler doesn't take the Poles seriously at all",

"The Poles have become noticeably more reserved"

Forward from: Red Ideologies
Rosenberg admits at Nuremberg the plan for Ukraine and the East in general: acquisition of their land for German settlement/expansion and exploitation of their labor. He says that while in Germany top officials publicly declared their contempt of the "inferior" Eastern Slavs, it was unwise to publicly declare such things in the East to not agitate their subjects.


MR. DODD: All right, I accept your interpretation; we won't have any trouble about that. Now, will you please look at this document? This is a memorandum found in your files, for your information.


MR. DODD: You set out there, in the second paragraph, what you call the aim of German politics, notably in the Ukraine, as having been laid down by the Fuehrer. They are, you say, exploitation and mobilization of raw materials, a German settlement in certain regions, no artificial education of the population towards intellectualism, but the preservation of their labor strength; apart from that, an extensive unconcern with the interior affairs.

Then, moving down a little bit-because I don't think it is necessary to read all of it, much of it has been referred to in another document-we come down to the 12th line from the bottom of that paragraph. Beginning at the 14th line:

"After continuous observation of the state of affairs in the Occupied Eastern Territories, I am convinced that German politics may have their own, possibly contemptuous opinion of the qualities of the conquered peoples, but that it is not the mission of German political representatives to proclaim measures and opinions which could eventually reduce the conquered peoples to dull despair instead of promoting the desired utilization of manpower to capacity."

Then, in the next paragraph, you say:

"If at home we had to announce our aims to the whole nation most openly and aggressively, in contrast to the others, the political leaders in the East must remain silent where German policy calls for necessary harshness. They must remain silent as to any derogatory opinions which they may form about the conquered peoples. Yes, a clever German policy may in certain circumstances do more in the German interest through alleviations which do not affect policy and certain humane concessions, than through open, inconsiderate brutality."

Were you honestly expressing your views when you wrote that memorandum on the 16th of March 1942?

ROSENBERG: This document is correct.


Forward from: Red Ideologies
Hitler aimed for world domination.

> "We National Socialists must go still further: The right to land and soil becomes a duty when a great nation seems destined to go under, unless its land is extended. Germany will either be a world power, or not at all. But in order to become a world power, it needs that size which gives it the necessary importance today, and gives life to its citizens." - Mein Kampf

> "there will be but two possibilities either the world will be governed according to the ideas of our modern democracy, and then the weight of any decision will result in favor of the numerically stronger races, or the world will be dominated in accordance with the laws of the natural order of force, and then it is the peoples of brutal will who will conquer, and consequently once again not the nation of self-restriction." - Mein Kampf

> "you know the Anglo-Saxons have the mission to govern the people they have subdued, precisely in the name of their superiority. The Nordic race is called to dominate the world, and this right must guide our foreign policy. It’s why we cannot envision any rapprochement with Russia" - Hitler in discussion with Otto Strasser, 1930

> "Mister Hitler agreed with me on the primacy of Germany’s interests in the matter of foreign policy. In his eyes, an entente with England corresponded with this imperative, the goal was the Nordic domination of Europe, and through America Nordic-Germanic domination of the world." - Hitler in discussion with Otto Strasser, 1930

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Discrimination against Poles in Germany.

During the Nazi reign:

"In early 1939, there were no anti-Polish riots in the Ruhr area, although Nazi Germany increased both its invigilation of Polish activists and organizations, and the censorship of Polish press.[28] Polish activists, expecting a German attack, secured the files of Polish organizations.[28] On 15 July 1939, the Gestapo entered the headquarters of the Union of Poles in Germany in Bochum, searched it and interrogated its chief Michał Wesołowski.[33] The Nazis then carried out mass searches of Polish organizations in the region and interrogated Polish activists, however, they did not obtain the desired lists of Polish activists, which had been previously hidden by Poles.[34] Nazi terror and persecutions rapidly intensified. The Nazis limited freedom of assembly, increased censorship and confiscated Polish press for reporting on the persecution and arrests of Poles.[34] In response, many Poles from the region came to Bochum for organizational and information meetings.[34] On 24 August 1939, the Gestapo, under threat of arrest, demanded 30 leading Polish activists to appear at the Gestapo station in Bochum and present lists of members of Polish organizations, but again to no avail.[34] Due to increasing German repressions, many Polish organizations suspended public activity.[35]"

"After the outbreak of the Second World War, all remaining Polish organizations in the Ruhr faced dissolution by the Nazis. On 11 September 1939, 249 leading Polish activists from the Ruhr were arrested and then placed in concentration camps.[35] At least 60 of them were murdered for their activities by Nazi Germany.[36][37] Headquarters of Polish organizations and premises in Bochum were looted and expropriated by Nazi Germany.[12] The Gestapo closed the Polish monastery in Bochum, which was then converted into a transit camp for people deported from German-occupied Lithuania.[17] It was destroyed during air raids in 1943, rebuilt afterwards,[17] and eventually demolished in 2012.[38] Shortly before demolition, the church bells were sent to Poland.[38] Polish men and women from German-occupied Poland were deported by the Germans to slave labour in the region, including to the subcamps of the Buchenwald concentration camp in Bochum,[39] Dortmund,[40][41] Essen,[42] Unna[43] and Witten.[44]"


On German deportations of Poles in occupied Poland

Forward from: Red Ideologies
Hitler sent weapons to the Ethiopian resistance armies fighting against Mussolini's Italy.

"Nazi Germany sent arms and munitions to Ethiopia because it was frustrated over Italian objections to its attempts to integrate Austria. This prolonged the war and sapped Italian resources."

Hitler was a true Third Worldist. He would support black African and Indian struggles against European countries if those countries wouldn't let Hitler do what he wanted in Europe.


Volkish theorist Guido von List advocated for a pan-Germanic empire with the "ruthless subjection of non-Aryans (non-Germanics".

That's exactly what Hitler attempted to do.


Forward from: Martinez Politix
According to Holodomor website, these were the main perpetrators of the crime:

Stalin (Georgian, Main Perpetrator)

Molotov (Russian)

Kaganovich (Jewish)

Postyshev (Russian)

Kossior ( Polish)

Chubar (Ukrainian)

Khatavevich (Jewish)

That's five non-Jews and two Jews.

Hardly a single group is responsible for this. Soviet Communists are responsible, period, not the particular background of the perps which were varied.

Forward from: 옥수수보수주의
On June 18 1940, Stalin’s USSR Officially Congratulated Hitler’s Germany for Successfully Conquering France

Forward from: Know More News/CJB
This is a typically how neo Nazis respond to the argument/justification of the Nazis attacking so many European nations. So the Nazis had no choice but to invade European nations because of PROXIMITY (Lol)? Such a great reason to invade.

Leon Degrelle had to practically beg Himmler to include Walloons as "Germanic" after being labeled a non-Germanic inferior group.

Himmler only obliged out of political convenience because Degrelle was mobilizing thousands as cannon fodder for Hitler's Lebensraum project.


Forward from: Debunking Zoomer Historian
Debunking ZH's "Hitler's Peace Offers 1933-1940"

At 2:23, ZH quotes Hitler's Reichstag address to demonstrate that Hitler was eager to disarm Germany. It is well known among historians that Hitler merely lied in public addresses; his true intentions are glaringly disclosed in his behind-closed-door remarks, such as the following, which occurred in the same year 1933, well before May.

“The future of Germany depends exclusively and only on the reconstruction of the Wehrmacht. All other tasks must cede precedence to the task of rearmament ... In any case, I [Hitler] take the view that in [the] future in case of conflict between the demands of the Wehrmacht and demands for other purposes, the interests of the Wehrmacht must in every case have priority.”
~ Adolf Hitler
Cabinet Meeting on 9 February 1933

«Curt Liebmann, noted Hitler's words [from the speech Hitler delivered on February 2, 1933] thus: ‘We might fight for new export markets; or we might – and this would be better – conquer new Lebensraum in the east, and Germanise it ruthlessly.’»
~ David Irving, Hitler's War and The War Path.

"Hitler told military leaders in early February 1933, it was pointless trying to boost exports; the only way to a long-term, secure recovery of the German economy was through the conquest of ‘living-space’ in the East, and preparations for this now had to take priority over everything else."
— The Third Reich in Power, Richard J. Evan

“The next 5 years in Germany must be devoted to the rearmament of the German people. Every publicly supported job creation scheme must be judged by the criterion of whether it is necessary from the point of view of the rearmament of the German people. This principle must always and everywhere stand in the foreground.”

— Hitler to his Ministers, 8 February 1933. ( Richard Evans, “The Third Reich in Power”, p 337)

“…rearmament was the overriding and determining force impelling economic policy from the earliest stage. Everything else was sacrificed to it. In the 6 years between January 1933 and the autumn of the Munich crisis, Hitler’s regime raised the share of national output going to the military from less than 1% to almost 20%. Never before had national production been redistributed on this scale or with such speed by a capitalist state in peacetime.”

— The Wages of Destruction,

Forward from: Debunking Zoomer Historian
ZH continues to assert that Poland prepared an invasion of Germany in 1933, which is untrue and has already been debunked.

The following excerpt from the work of historian Richard J. Evans makes it abundantly evident that the economy of Nazi Germany was structured so that the "debts would be paid by territorial expansion in the near enough future."

"Hjalmar Schacht may not have been a rabble-rousing apostle of violence, but he had certainly become enough of a radical nationalist to approve wholeheartedly of the regime’s primary aim of rearming Germany at maximum speed. By the end of May 1933 he had come up with an ingenious scheme for DEFICIT FINANCING. A Metallurgical Research Institute (Metallurgisches Forschungsinstitut), set up by four big companies with a capital of a million Reichsmarks, was authorized to issue so-called ‘Mefo bills’, which were guaranteed by the state and discounted by the Reichsbank. The bank in turn simply met the bills presented to it by printing banknotes. Fifty percent of arms purchases by the military were made in these bills between 1934 and 1936. Since the Reichsbank covered the bills by printing money, the notes in circulation increased by 6,000 million by the end of March 1938, by which time about 12,000 million Mefo bills had been spent. Schacht was already worried about the inflationary effects of these measures, and he stopped the issue of Mefo bills in 1937, after which point tax vouchers and non-interest-bearing treasury notes were used instead. In the meantime, gross Reich debt had spiralled almost out of control. But neither Hitler nor his economic managers considered this very important. For deficit financing was only a short-term measure in their view; the debts would be paid by territorial expansion in the near enough future. And besides rapid rearmament, Hitler was busily taking other steps to ensure that this would not only be possible but would also, as he saw it, bring the maximum economic benefit."
~ The Third Reich in Power, Richard J. Evans

Goebbels the rat fink commie.

Forward from: Martinez Politix
Marx specifically attacks the "Jewish finance houses" including the Rothschilds and labeled them "the loan-mongering Jews of Europe".

I'm not sure why Nazis don't love this guy, he was a socialist who despised Jews as a group.

Forward from: Martinez Politix
"But but Hitler hatred central banking maaaan"

So what was Hjalmar Schacht's job? 😂

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