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Documenting the extensive links between Red and Brown ideologies

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Forward from: Martinez Politix
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I run through some topics:

- by 1933 Danzig was controlled by the NSDAP by proxy
- No massacres of Germans in Poland pre-war
- Italy was aggressively Italianizing German-speakers in South Tyrol
- Hitler dismissed the plight of Germans in South Tyrol & cut a deal with Mussolini
- Proof of Hitler's tactical and selective use of the issue of diaspora Germans to execute expansion agenda
- Ruhr Poles were being suppressed by Germany too
- & more

Forward from: Martinez Politix
After World War I, Italy was aggressively Italianizing German-speakers in South Tyrol. Mussolini's government was carrying this out.

Hitler completely dismissed their plight in both Mein Kampf and after seizing power, sided with Mussolini, and made a deal inviting the German speakers back into Germany. He didn't accuse the Italians of "genocide" for doing this, like he did with Poland and Czechoslovakia despite no worse assimilation pressures there.

He offered no such migration deals to Germans in Poland or Czechoslovakia because he wanted to use them as a fifth column to expand Germany's territory. Proof of the selective and tactical concern for diaspora Germans to rationalize Lebensraum expansion.

Same reason Putin is not inviting Russian-speakers in Ukraine into Russia, he wants them there to justify territorial expansion.

Nazis were anti-Christian.

Forward from: Martinez Politix
In Mein Kampf Hitler labels both Poles and Russians "inferior" and deserving of subjugation.

Elsewhere in the book he argues that Germany must conquer parts of Russia in the manner of the English conquering India.

This is why nationalists need to stop simping for this divisive anti-European ideology.

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> ordered the complete destruction of Moscow and St. Petersburg
> called for colonizing the East with German settlements even "beyond the Urals"
> Russians are "fit for nothing but hard work under coercion"
> Ukrainians were "every bit as idle, disorganized, and nihilistically Asiatic as Greater Russians"
> Slavs only understood "the whip"
> praised Stalin as "one of the greatest living human beings"
> British colonial rule in India was the model for German occupation of Russia
> Wanted to keep Slavs uneducated so they would function as little more than donkeys for work
> Crimea to be fully colonized by Germans

All of this confirms what Hitler wrote in Mein Kampf and what was revealed in Table Talks.

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> "We [Germans] are the master race and must govern hard but just.
I will draw the very last out of this country. I did not come to spread bliss, I have come to help the Fuehrer. The population [Ukrainians] must work, work, and work again ... for some people are getting excited, that the population may not get enough to eat. The population cannot demand that. One has only to remember what our heroes were deprived of in Stalingrad We definitely did not come here to give out manna, we have come here to create the basis for victory.
We [Germans] are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the [Ukrainian] population here."

Source: Erich Koch, Speech in Kiev on 3/5/1943
Document 1130-PS in Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression. Volume III: US Government Printing Office, District of Columbia: 1947. pp. 797-798.

Forward from: Red Ideologies
NS Germany's homicidal policies in Ukraine.

> "Like Bormann and Göring, Himmler was also arguing behind the scenes that ‘the entire Ukrainian intelligentsia must be decimated’. Like the skimmed fat at the top of a pot of bouillon, Himmler explained, there was a thin intellectual layer on the surface of the Ukrainian people; do away with it, and the leaderless mass would become an obedient and helpless herd. Such an attitude — and the concomitant Untermensch propaganda — set the atmosphere for Koch’s reign."

Source: German rule in Russia, 1941-1945 : a study of occupation policies

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After Hitler's takeover of Czechoslovakia, the British viewed this as a clear demonstration of Hitler's ambitions to go much further than "the lost territories" from World War I.

"On March 21 the British Minister at Warsaw handed the Polish Ministry for Foreign Affairs a memorandum in which it was stated that the German absorption of Czechoslovakia showed “clearly that the German Government resolved to go beyond their hitherto avowed aim to consolidate the German race”. If this extension of conquest “should prove subsequently part of a definite policy of domination, there is no state in Europe which is not directly or ultimately threatened”."

Nazis had significant control of Danzig by 1933, basically took over the Senate.

"The party acquired the reins of power on June 20, 1933. In September 1933 the election gave the National Socialists 38 out of 72 seats in the Senate."

This is where they claim "massacres" were occurring? What a joke.


Forward from: Martinez Politix
Businessman Fritz Thyssen supported the Nazi Party thinking they would stop a communist revolution.

Ended up having his business nationalized and stuck in a concentration camp.

Did he not realize that people calling themselves "socialists" would eventually take his shit?

Lesson: never trust socialists. ☠️

Forward from: Martinez Politix
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There was no "genocide" or even "ethnic cleansing" of Germans in Poland before World War II.

There were however ethnic cleansing of Poles perpetrated by the Nazis when they invaded Poland.


Forward from: Martinez Politix
"You are downs syndrome cuckservative for calling my guy a commie!"

Also: "My guy (a self-defined socialist) didn't nationalize enough! So we want to nationalize EVEN MORE than he did, but we're not commies I swear!"

The level of midwittery here is shocking. Either he is very stupid or he thinks you are.

A direct call for imperialism in the 25 points of the NSDAP.

Point 3: "We demand land and territory (colonies) for the maintenance of our people and the settlement of our surplus population."


Forward from: Red Ideologies
After being expelled from the Italian Socialist Party, Mussolini stated unequivocally that he retained his socialist beliefs and will forge ahead with socialist revolution.

Source: Killing History

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Forward from: Martinez Politix
More economic midwittery from Sewell. He's always dropping these incoherent takes on econ like most NatSucks.

So he says Hitler "didn't nationalize enough" while arguing that he and his ideology aren't communists. So if socialist Hitler was not socialist enough, what does that make him if not a commie who wants to nationalize everything?

Then says "they merely banned arms companies from profitting off the war". If a company can't profit, then it's not a private company, it's a state-run enterprise.

Funny how these NatSucks have no issue with the German State profiting off a war Hitler started on false pretenses by looting and sucking dry every country they invaded, but they're irked if some private German businessman makes a profit off a war Hitler started. They hate "profits" except when the state gets them to finance its war of extermination against Slavic nations.

Clown ideology.

List of quotes from Goebbels proving he was a hardcore Marxist-socialist.

Full article

This shows the credibility of "Karl Radl". He argued that the fake Solzhenitsyn quote that David Duke put in his Communism book is not fake because Solzhenitsyn never "denied" it. Solzhenitsyn died in 2008 and the Duke book was published in 2013, so he couldn't deny it from the grave.

Solzhenitsyn's actual comments on the matter show he believed the opposite of the fake Duke quote:

"No it would be quite wrong to say that the Jews "organized" the revolution of 1905 and 1917, just as it was not organized by any other nation as such."

Forward from: Martinez Politix
Together forever. 💩

Richard Walther Darré, Reich Minister of Food and Agriculture, called Slavs inferior and advocated confiscating their farms.


Forward from: Martinez Politix
Vladimir Lenin was an anti-Zionist and wrote this:

"Whoever directly or otherwise puts forward the slogan of Jewish national culture... is the enemy of the proletariat, the defender of the old and caste element in Jewry, the tool of the rabbis and of the bourgeoisie."

He wanted them all to become international Marxists who abandoned any attachment to religion or identity. That, of course, would lead to the disappearance of Judaism eventually through assimilation.

No surprise the Soviet Union became the leading anti-Zionist state in the world which funded and armed all the Arab states against Israel.

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