Diary of an Underground Ronin

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Stories, Poems, and Criminal Thoughts directly from the Kali Yuga
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Many people think avoiding conflict reduces harm, but somewhat counterintuitively, in the long run avoiding conflict actually increases harm because all the problems that could've been dealt with swiftly are given space to grow into even bigger problems

Reality punishes cowards.

“You call yourself free? ... Free from what? As if that mattered to Zarathustra! But your eyes should tell me brightly: free for what?”
— Nietzsche

"Nothing beautiful without struggle."

χαλεπὰ τὰ καλά

— Plato, The Republic

Forward from: Männerbund
What we strive to restore and re-animate will never come from the promises of the middle class politicians, but will come instead from the spirit of the last Delphic prophecy, which foresaw that, ‘One day Apollo will return and it will be forever’.

Guillaume Faye.

Forward from: Hellstorm
I experienced young love. That’s why I can’t take anything seriously. I just don’t care. What’s left for me to top it is perhaps becoming a modern Critias. I walk around life in a state of animalic calm, knowing that nothing matters, that the gods exist… and once winked at me!

Forward from: 𝔾𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕥 𝔸𝕤 𝔽𝕦𝕔𝕜
“I am not upset that you lied to me, I am upset that from now on I cannot believe you.”

― Fredrich Nietzche

"...When the body becomes effeminate the mind too is debilitated."
— H.D.F Kotto, The Greeks

Create a corpse worth immortalizing; not too far of a goal. Kalos kagathos referred to a aristo code of conduct when concerning military matters. It is evident that this youth had achieved such honor. Herodotus is mentioned as καλός ("beautiful") and ἀγαθός ( virtuous).
Aim for that.

Forward from: Eurosiberia
“In our tragic view of life, the struggle becomes the supreme rule. A genuine man is one who confronts overwhelming endeavors. The same line of shields unites Prometheus and Siegfried.”

— Jean Mabire

"For the authentic revolutionary conservative, what really counts is to be faithful not to past forms and institutions, but rather to principles of which such forms and institutions have been particular expressions, adequate for a specific period of time and in a specific geographical area."
— Evola, Men Among the Ruins

Forward from: Strength Kvlt
“Be ready so you don’t have to get ready!”

So many people assume they will simply rise to occasion, but never train in any form of self defense. Never in gym getting stronger, or putting in the dry/live fire time with their carry gun. They will “turn that switch” and handle whatever is thrown at their way. Sadly, it more than likely not going to turn out in their favor.

We don’t rise to our highest level of training and preparedness in a high stress, violent situation. We drop down to our highest level of proficiency. If you are not regularly training your body to move, shoot, and fight. You’re not going to perform at the level you think you are, and it may cost your life.

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