بسم اللــــه الرحمـــن الرحيم
These are vlogs sent to me by beloved older brother Abu Shufaa from Slough
Allah has made it easy for him to leave darul kufr England
He had gotten away from the clutches of this land n its kufr n sins with his wife and children to the safety of Yemen n seeking beneficial knowledge with the scholars of ahlul sunnah
Above video he is driving pass the markaz of our sheikh Abu bilal al hadhrami called al haami as salafiyah by the sea 🌊 side
These are vlogs sent to me by beloved older brother Abu Shufaa from Slough
Allah has made it easy for him to leave darul kufr England
He had gotten away from the clutches of this land n its kufr n sins with his wife and children to the safety of Yemen n seeking beneficial knowledge with the scholars of ahlul sunnah
Above video he is driving pass the markaz of our sheikh Abu bilal al hadhrami called al haami as salafiyah by the sea 🌊 side