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Forward from: Chief Moody
Subscribers new and old, the 'Mood of the Nation' podcast is back with a special guest tonight at 6 PM (1 PM New York Time). Share this far and wide and subscribe to my YouTube channel, if you haven't already.

^^^ Loving this!

Forward from: Erberderber
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Forward from: Mark Collett
The jab is more likely to kill healthy people under the age of 60 than Covid is!

^^^ Been saying this for over a year now. Maybe I should finally remove my tinfoil hat?

Forward from: The TrUK Show
After several "conspiracy theories" such as vaccine passports and a vaccine divided two-tier society have come true, this document published on the website is perhaps the most terrifying yet.

"Human Augmentation - The Dawn of a New Paradigm" epitomises the elites' vision for the goyim who survive the eugenical vaccine programme. Pioneered by German and UK Ministries of Defence, this 110 page document contains horror show after horror show in blueprints and plans, including talk of "neurostimulation", 3D bioprinting and microchipping. Here are just a few quotes to paint an image of how beyond sick and twisted these demons are:

"over the next 30 years our ability to manipulate the human body will radically improve"

"human augmentation is inevitable because: we have already developed technologies and there is no going back"

"once inserted, these 'chips' can be used for a great variety of identification purposes"

This is beyond dystopian, there if it wasn't already apparent are no brakes on the globalist train. Normies cannot be woken up to this because they have been conditioned through the repeat exposure effect to LOVE technology. This plandemic has NEVER been about a virus, it is about control and ushering in a worldwide tyranny!

It is clear "the coming of the Biotech age" is inevitable and unstoppable, but as human beings it is our duty to reject evil until our final breath.


This is the full song that was used for Bonnie Lad's quiz on Saturday.
Music: Burning Desire
Just some catchy musak.

^^^ All part of the scam. "Climate Crisis" had fallen flat on it's arse in order muster fear and anger in the normies, so COnVID was weaponised to provide the state of fear essential to set about their destructionist plans.

Then - mid pandemic - Klaus Schwab (the WEF's billionaire in chief) tells us that biological viruses are far less a threat to humanity than digital ones. Then - as the treatment programme for COnVID was underway - we see cyber attacks on energy and food supplies in the states. And while the mainstream media are lazily happy to scapegoat Chinese or Russian based hacker groups, personally, I would be digging in Schwab, and his white-cat stroking ilk's back gardens. You never know what you may uncover and who's really funding the cyber attacks. Cyber attacks that were strangely predicted by them, and have happened at ideal moments in time (i.e. just when COnVID hysteria is beginning to slow).

The evil-doers at the heart of The Monster have once again been trying to conflate Climate Crisis with the measures taken for COnVID, in order to procrastinate the now pointless and provably harmful lockdown measures. Unfortunately, outside of people who suffer from being of the hard of understanding, the normies have largely ignored this psy-op, because they are still in mental tatters over the psy-op job that put them into COnVID fear in the first place (courtesy of the Behavioural Scientists and Social Engineers in SAGE and NERVTAG - who have admitted as much, their psy-op was too effective).

So now they (The Monster), are now targeting supply chains with fear propaganda (another tome which was also intimated by Schwab - what a modern day Nostradamus he is). The reality is that the supply chains are not affected, and - providing people just buy what they usually would each week - there will be no shortages. However, what The Monster banking on, is that by saying the psy-op words "supply chain impact, leading to food shortages" will whip the same idiot fucking cunts (apologies, but that is exactly what they are), who went on a toilet paper, hand-sanitiser, and shelf stripping rampage back in March, to repeat their idiocy again now.

It was their very actions (back in March) that caused the shelves to be empty, not an impact on the supply chain. That was still running 24/7 just as it always had been, and if people had shown a modicum of common (and moral) sense, there would have been no shortages whatsoever, not even bog roll! Alas, that would require the same ethos that we had when we were a homogenised nation, and who had a sense of duty towards their fellow countrymen. Now it's, everyone for themselves, and it sickens me to the core!

And when all else fails, the ramp up of the UFO (aka UAP's Unidentified Aerial Phenomena) psy-op hysteria will then ramp up. Once again this will be an unseen enemy (like terrorism thousands of miles away, like a virus that's no worse than seasonal flu, etc.), but the normies will be corralled into acquiescing to even wider government controls, and - ultimately - even more global cooperation (to push us even further towards a One World Government).

This after all is their end game. That is why - joking aside - they should all (UN/WHO/WEF/IMF) be referred to as S.P.E.C.T.R.E.

Forward from: Bonnie Lad

Happy Fathers Day...

“A real man loves his wife and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing brings more peace and content in life than simply being a good husband and father.”

Forward from: Chief Moody
'The Mood of the Nation' will return tomorrow at 6 PM GMT (1 PM New York Time). Share this far and wide as MotN will be the next podcast for nationalists, by nationalists.

Forward from:
3,752 people have died in Scotland, within 28 days of a "vaccine"

1,289 deaths after Pfizer 2,461 deaths after AstraZeneca Scotland is 1/12th UK population.

A quick estimate puts the entire U.K. figure around 50,000

Source: Public Health Scotland

^^^ My reply to the above YouTube Video (after I downvoted it). I expected to be blocked, and the comment deleted, for being far too rational for their wokeness! ^^^


Would it not be preferable to simply teach "critical thinking"? If that alone was taught - outside of any form subjectivism relating race, gender, sexual orientation, etc. - then surely the children would come to their own conclusions based on evidential fact, rather than someone else's beliefs? Colour me simple, colour me stupid, but I always thought that knowledge and fact were always better foundations - from an educational perspective - than guesswork and assumption?

I also find that pinning a message immediately after you posted your video - essentially saying: "I don't care about YOUR opinion!" - is the very thing that is wrong with atomised, modern day, western discourse. This is the epitome of snowflakism, and anyone wishing to actually have an "adult conversation", would not caveat their work with such a codicil.

If the materials that teachers use to teach are not subject to critique, then they become indoctrinators, not educators.

Luckily, I escaped the Marxification of the education establishment. Most of the teachers who taught me were probably left-leaning (although they'd probably be considered far-right "ists" or "phobics" by today's standards), but they were there to teach, and I thank them for the education that they provided me with.

For the objective based subjects (such as mathematics and the sciences), you were taught how to work out the problem, find the solution, and then prove your findings using inductive techniques.

For the subjective subjects (art, music, philosophy, etc.), we were taught not what to think but how to think . For example: a music teacher would play some Chopin, and then would ask the very simple question: "Did you like it?" Irrespective of whether a person liked that piece of music or not, the teacher would then say: "So, why did you like or dislike that piece of music? How did it make your feel?" There is no wrong answer - because music is subjective - but the real goal of teaching in this scenario, was providing you with the vocabulary to express your opinion (i.e. your critique) about the piece of music and why.

The teacher did not play some Chopin and then say: "You must like Chopin!" - which is essentially the mantra surrounding Critical Race Theory teaching. You either agree 100%, otherwise that makes you a bad person. There is no room for your views. We are right, and you are wrong. Again, this is indoctrination not education, and our children need a lot less of the former, and a lot more of the latter!

So if you are going to delete and block reasonable comments/posters, who are not abusive but have a differing view to your own, the please enjoy the echo-chamber that you create for yourself, and exacerbate your own self-entitlement of thinking that you are never wrong.

Forward from: No Chance
2.8k downvotes Vs 900 up votes. NICEEEEEEEEE

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