Forward from: Mirzo Zominiy
Men Z-artistlarning mustaqil Oʻzbekistonimiz tuprogʻida boʻlishi, kuylashi, ijro etishini ochiqchasiga xohlamayman va ma'qullamayman, chunki ular Kreml tomonidan qoʻllab-quvvatlanadi, Kremlni qoʻllab-quvvatlaydi.
Men ham sizni @zhara_events_uzb ni boykott qilishga chaqiraman.
Qonxoʻr jinoyatchilar, istilochi va ularning tarafdorlariga sud tilayman.
Repost qiling va boykottga chorlang.
I do not want and do not welcome these Z-artists, their presence, performance in our sovereign Uzbekistan, because they openly support and are supported by criminalized Kremlin.
And I openly call you to boycott @zhara_events_uzb .
Court to bloody war-criminalists, invaders and their allies.
Repost it and call to boycott.
Men ham sizni @zhara_events_uzb ni boykott qilishga chaqiraman.
Qonxoʻr jinoyatchilar, istilochi va ularning tarafdorlariga sud tilayman.
Repost qiling va boykottga chorlang.
I do not want and do not welcome these Z-artists, their presence, performance in our sovereign Uzbekistan, because they openly support and are supported by criminalized Kremlin.
And I openly call you to boycott @zhara_events_uzb .
Court to bloody war-criminalists, invaders and their allies.
Repost it and call to boycott.