OpSec & Paranoia.
The AC aesthetics has drawn many introverted & paranoid individuals from the digital activism realm, to our IRL scene.
Is this a net gain or hinderence?
Upon closer observance, a clear distinction is revealed in the eyes of those whom have been through IRL trenches vs. those whom have led sheltered & soft lives. Does this make them less valuable? No. They do however come with seemingly distinct characteristics; one glaringly apparent one tends to be a hyper focus on being doxxed.
The purpose of OpSec, when really boiled down to the foundation, is probable deniability in our hyper PC culture. Those whom take that initial step to become active, do so with one goal in mind: establishing XIV IRL.
The AC aesthetic offers these keyboard housecat warriors, a way to channel their energy IRL, while still (mostly) remaining anon. The problem occurs when the focus shifts from being XIV primarily, to obsessive OpSec at the detriment of their IRL activism.
When stepping out from the shadows & into the light of reality vs. anon shit posting behind a blue screen; it's a big step- not designed for the average keyboard warrior & can serve as a detriment to all those surrounding the individual.
IRL activism comes with increased risk, this goes without saying. One should seek to find the priorities in their life; taking into account the individual factors of IRL work & weigh that against the risks of their identity eventually being publicly revealed.
At the end of the day, we are fighting against the tide for our individual survival, as well as that of our culture & existence. The IRL brand of work is not for everyone, & we all serve our purpose in our designated arenas.
Perhaps those whose main priority is maintaining their anonymity, should play to their strengths & stay digital anon. Leave the AC's to those whom seek victory IRL.
As long as we tread the same path, we all serve our purpose to achieving victory- play to your strengths...
and see you there...