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Forward from: The Barbarian Clergyman
Remember the Sacred 14 Words

Happy New Year's!

[An Original Edit]

Forward from: WoTaN Path 🌲⚡️
The new year is coming and it's time for good resolutions.

If the white people and their healthiest elements were to make only one, then this would be it:

Build community!

The Volva explains in stanza 44 that the wolf frees himself from his fetters and can thus participate in Ragnarök.

"The fetters will burst, and the wolf run free;"

The Volva, in describing the harm, gives the remedy for those who can read.

We now know that the Wolf is tyranny (Fenrir + Garm), so how do we push back the anti-white Tyranny?

By building strong fetters between whites.

If your body's cells were not linked together then would you exist?

The same goes for our people.

I love most of you.

Forward from: Anabolic Outlaw Coaching
When we look at some of the greatest men in history we can unequivocally conclude that they were not “good” men.

Often they were narcissists, sociopaths, egomaniacs, obsessed, and many other things.

Yet, they are still great men.

Therefore just because you consider yourself a “good” man doesn’t mean you are destined for greatness.

And similarly just because certain men in history were not “good” men doesn’t mean they were not great men.

Abolish viewpoints of contemporary morality towards characters of the past.

Forward from: Ethnonationalism
In 1848, Lord Bute inherited the Cardiff Castle in Wales. He hired the famous architect William Burges to remodel the castle, allowing him unlimited funds. In the Winter Smoking Room, which is located in the tower, images of Germanic Gods adorn stained glass windows. Here we have, in order, photos of the depictions of Mani, Tyr, Woden, Thor, Frigga, and Seater.

The new year is coming and it's time for good resolutions.

If the white people and their healthiest elements were to make only one, then this would be it:

Build community!

The Volva explains in stanza 44 that the wolf frees himself from his fetters and can thus participate in Ragnarök.

"The fetters will burst, and the wolf run free;"

The Volva, in describing the harm, gives the remedy for those who can read.

We now know that the Wolf is tyranny (Fenrir + Garm), so how do we push back the anti-white Tyranny?

By building strong fetters between whites.

If your body's cells were not linked together then would you exist?

The same goes for our people.

I love most of you.

Forward from: EN EREBOS PHOS
𝙻𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙱𝚢𝚛𝚘𝚗,
𝙲𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚍𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚛𝚘𝚕𝚍'𝚜 𝙿𝚒𝚕𝚐𝚛𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚎
[𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚙𝚞𝚋𝚕𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚎𝚍 𝟷𝟾𝟷𝟸]

Forward from: Red Pilled Reality ☦️🇫🇮🇺🇸
In Sweden, Iraqi rapist Abdulmahdi Baker Hedi, who was involved in a brutal gang rape of Swedish teen girl in 2014 has been shot dead by some hero who has yet to be identified.

Forward from: Folksede :ᚠᚩᛚᚴᛋᛁᛞᛖ:
Regarding Stanzas 144 and 145 of Hávamál.pdf
Here is a short write up I did regarding the meaning of stanzas 144-145 of Havamal. It is meant to be a deep dive on the two stanzas which involve discussion on Runelore and ritual which I hope is illuminating for you.

Forward from: Wandering Spartan
"Man's character is his fate."
– Heraclitus

The five-pointed star (Pentagram) was the only symbol that could overcome the six-pointed star (Hexagram) - that is to say, by reconnecting with Magic, the treasure of the people of priests and kings that are the Aryans, we would overcome the Jewish termite mound and the spiritual septic tank in which the West has been mired since the Christian-Bolshevik-Zionist parenthesis.

Moreover, it is simple common sense: the Hexagram (formed of two triangles in opposite directions) represents the absolute Dogma of Hermes,

"That which is above and like that which is below",

The eternal Law (macrocosm = microcosm), solid, irremovable, and, consequently, the material universe, - instead of the Pentagram representing the victory of Spirit over the same material universe (the fifth element [Spirit] dominating the other four [Fire - rune Sol , Water - rune Ul , Air - rune Ziu, Earth - rune Erda, which, when balanced, represent the phenomenal world, matter]. )

There is, however, a curious point in Magic, which is that the most sacred of all signs also happens to be a six-pointed star: the Unicursal Hexagram (drawn in a single line), which represents the absolute identity of the divine, the human and the material, - a bit like the three entwined triangles by which we Wotanists represent the analogy between the three worlds, but more striking.

The Adepts call this sacrosanct symbol the Beautiful Star, and the great arcana that it expresses made a man of science declare one day: "Thus, according to whether you trace a hexagram in one line or in two lines, you find yourself at the very top (Magic) or at the very bottom (Judaism) of spirituality. »

The Bicursal Hexagram (a Babylonian symbol, to which the Jews added the name of Solomon, then David, and which they chose as their emblem precisely because of its material solidity, attractive to a off-caste people; the Jews aspire to material solidity like a turd, floating in the bowl, has as its supreme ideal the rectum above it), this Hexagral means :

"The Macrocosm is like the Microcosm, and the Microcosm is like the Macrocosm",

while the unicursal Hexagram means:

"Macrocosm and Microcosm are one and the same manifestation of primordial energy". Or : "The Laws of Nature are the Divine Laws".

Or again, even if I'm just stating the obvious:

— Wotan is to the universe what energy is to the world and the life force to the human body,

— Frigg is to the universe what the celestial vault is to the world and the brain is to the human body,

— Baldr is to the universe what the sun is to the world and the heart to the human body,

— Thor is to the universe what the air is to the world and the lungs are to the human body,

— Freyja is to the universe what the moon is to the world and the belly to the human body,

— Freyr is to the universe what the earth is to the world and the reproductive functions to the human body,

— Loki is to the universe what microbes, viruses, parasites, etc, are to the world and excrement to the human body.

Therefore, the Beautiful Star is the supreme symbol; the Pentagram is the almighty symbol; the bicursal Hexagram is the solid base.

Is it not, moreover, the best illustration of the principle summarized by the six-pointed star that the supreme sign and the base sign are the same :) ?

Our Magi knew (long before the Jews and the advertisers) that he who does not care about the meaning of a symbol is powerless, and that he who knows this meaning dominates the world thanks to it... homage to the Father of the Runes from whom all wisdom comes!

Moreover, We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.

The French Revolution was necessary, it's not a question of right or wrong, but the absolutist Christian monarchical regime was suffocating our intellectual elite.

The Christians were becoming absolutely unbearable with their hypocritical morals. (Cf Molière : Le Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur)

The aristocrats were for many too: degenerate (this is linked to the idleness of Versaille which the King had built to keep an eye on the lords who had revolted a few decades earlier) and the people found themselves paying exorbitant taxes to maintain a system that was out of breath.

There is a lot to be said for this event, very few people can claim to understand it and even fewer non-French people.

To do this properly, you need at least 40 different books on the subject and then link this to the principle of tripartition in order to place this social explosion in a larger historical framework (the IE tripartite framework)

In short, it's really a big interesting subject but not really a priority anymore, it's too late, the train has passed.

Ps: yes the Jews surfed the wave but they are not at the origin of it, they simply took advantage of a natural revolt of a people which asphyxiated to raise themselves out of their ghetto.


Forward from: Adolf Hitler's Artwork
Adolf Hitler, Santa Claus, 1909

The logical method of the study of Yggdrasil, is the logical method of dream association. But in this case, the dreamer is the racial subconsciousness, the Earth Spirit.
Into communion with his racial subconsciousness, the adept enters by means of meditation on the prescribed symbols.

If the most quantitatively important book of the Edda is called Gylfaginning ("the mystification of Gylfi"), it is because Erda, this world, the world of the quantitative, is just that: a mystification, of which Wotan pulls the strings.
Since our arrival on earth, we are the toys in the hands of the old magician... Everything is only illusion, fake and hidden camera... Our fights, our loves, our misfortunes... mystifications!... In order to lead us to transgress the "eternal pact" of death, by giving us the courage to defy our Fate and to abandon our hysterical envelope on our own, killing the old man so that, like the new Sun of Yule, or Baldr returning from Helheim, for us to be reborn for a new life...
Everything is always, with Wotan, a question of initiatory suicide, as it is written in Hávamál 138 : "The self sacrified to myself".

Enlightened leadership is service, not selfishness.
The leader grows more and lasts longer by placing the well-being of all above the well-being of self alone.
John Heider, Tao of Leadership

Language shapes consciousness, and the use of language to shape consciousness is an important branch of Magick.

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