
Гео и язык канала: не указан, Английский
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Гео и язык канала
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Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
Mother elephant can't wake baby sound asleep, asks keepers for help


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Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
🐶💙 🐶🩵🐶💚🐶🤍🐶💜


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Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
Entrepreneur in the making


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Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
Culturally enriching streets wars on the streets of slough.

Репост из: Pole Connection
I am a monarchist. Socialism is robbery. Abortion is a crime. Normal family is foundational. No to promotion of sodomy. Simple and low taxes. Death penalty for murders and traitors. Poles as hosts in Poland. No to jewish claims. Right to bear arms for Poles. Emigrants, this is your home

Репост из: Pajeet Holocaust
Another Pajeet 70iq larper ends his career

Репост из: 🪙 THE FERRYMAN'S TOLL 🪙
Alberta's two largest cities are projected to become majority non-White within two years.


Репост из: Black London 🔪
"A doctor at Kingston Hospital has been found guilty of fraudulently claiming thousands of pounds for hours he did not work and is now set to be removed from the medical register.

Dr Kifayat Ullah, a locum ENT specialist, was overpaid £45,402 after submitting false timesheets over several months.

His actions have now led to a tribunal and a suspended prison sentence.

Dr Ullah, who completed his medical degree at the University of London in 2009, worked at Kingston Hospital on a zero-hours contract through the medical recruitment agency MedicsPro."


Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
Descendants of the 12 tribes compared to Edomite the children of darkness 🐍


Репост из: The Graveyard of Empires
“We dig a hole for ourselves and then keep digging and digging and digging…”

Репост из: survival4u
What She Got

Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
If you think it’s bad that they’re eating your pets, just wait until the welfare system collapses. They’ll eat you. Kaffir niggrs must not be allowed to leave afr


Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
These are wytracetraitors


Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
This is why we can't have nice things


Репост из: Real Lucas Gage
They are demons.

Репост из: G🪝ll⭕️ws7Chat
Dewsbury today, migrant spitting at an old lady and a child then decided to kick a black bin at a lads van so he got out and confronted him.

Репост из: Black London 🔪
"A pregnant woman thought she and her baby were about to die as her thug ex-boyfriend drove his car at her outside her home. Luciano Brown was spurned by Shianne Williams after a series of degrading assaults on her, but surprised her at a hospital appointment, assaulted her, then followed her home in his four-by-four, Inner London Crown Court heard during a trial this week."


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