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Germany Seizes Largest Cocaine Shipment in Country's History

A total of 35 tons of drugs worth several billion euros were found.

German investigators conducted raids in seven federal states. As a result, seven people were arrested. Most of the drugs were seized in the port of Hamburg.

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⚡️ U.S. Worried That Israel May Start a War with Lebanon That It Won't Be Able to End Without U.S. Help — CBS News

The U.S. government has expressed concern that Israel might initiate a conflict with Lebanon that could escalate beyond its control, potentially requiring American intervention to resolve. This apprehension underscores the delicate balance in the region and the potential implications for U.S. foreign policy and military involvement.

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⚡️ Ship Carrying 271 Passengers Sinks in Democratic Republic of Congo

A ship carrying 271 passengers has sunk in the Democratic Republic of Congo, according to Interior Minister Shabani. The fate of the people on board is currently unknown.

The incident occurred on the Kwa River, a tributary of the Congo River. Authorities are likely mobilizing efforts to search for survivors and determine the cause of the sinking.

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⚡️ The New York Times Publishes Full Draft of April 2022 Russian-Ukrainian Treaty for the First Time

The main points of the treaty include:

📍Both sides agreed to exclude Crimea from their treaty, leaving it under Russian control without recognition by Ukraine.
📍Ukraine would not join military alliances or deploy foreign military bases and contingents.
📍Ukraine would recognize the independence of the DNR (Donetsk People's Republic) and LNR (Luhansk People's Republic) within the administrative boundaries of Ukraine's former Donetsk and Luhansk regions.
📍Russia demanded that Ukraine make Russian an official language.
📍Ukraine wanted its allies to be bound by a treaty to intervene if attacked again, such as by closing airspace and providing necessary weapons.
📍Russia demanded the lifting of all sanctions.
The draft provided for limiting the number of 📍Ukrainian Armed Forces (AFU) and their equipment. Ukraine was willing to accept limitations but sought higher limits, proposing up to 100,000 men, 147 mortars, and 10 attack helicopters. The range of Ukrainian missiles would be limited to 40 kilometers.
📍Ukraine was allowed to join the European Union (EU).

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⚡️ DPRK Military May Be Building Fortifications or Long Wall in Demilitarized Zone on Border with South Korea — Ryonhap News Agency

The North Korean military may be constructing fortifications or a long wall within the demilitarized zone (DMZ) along the border with South Korea, according to reports from Ryonhap News Agency.

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Romania Denies Visas to All Members of Russian Delegation to OSCE General Assembly

Romania has refused to issue visas to all members of the Russian delegation scheduled to attend the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly session. This decision was made in response to Russia's ongoing aggression against Ukraine, according to the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

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Huawei Becomes Largest Importer of Beef to China Due to US Sanctions

US sanctions have restricted the ability of the US and EU to pay Huawei for its goods and equipment with money. As a result, Huawei began accepting alternative forms of payment, including meat, alcohol, and fish.

The influx of these products led Huawei to establish a separate brand to sell meat, wine, fish, and other items.

Thousands of years of evolution have, in a sense, brought us back to barter.

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⚡️ Boeing Airplanes Found to Have Hundreds of Improperly Fastened Elements in Fuselage — Reuters

An investigation revealed that some unreleased Boeing 787 Dreamliner models have more than 900 improperly fastened elements in their midsection. This discovery has led to renewed scrutiny of Boeing's manufacturing practices.

Boeing has previously faced issues with cracked windshields, engines catching fire, and cowls and hatches coming off. Amid the ongoing crisis, some members of Boeing's management have resigned, and two whistleblowers who raised concerns about faulty production have died in recent months.

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U.S. Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump-Era Ban on Increasing Gun Stockpiles

The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned a Trump-era regulation that banned the increase of gun stockpiles. This decision marks a significant shift in federal gun control policies, removing restrictions that were previously imposed to limit the accumulation of firearms.

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Peace Summit Organized by Ukraine Starts Today

📍 The summit will last for two days, with participation from 92 countries and 8 organizations.

📍The main goal is to find a starting point for negotiations—negotiations based on the UN Charter and fair to Ukraine.

📍The discussion will focus on three points of Zelensky's "formula": nuclear security, food security, and freedom of navigation.

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Nearly Half of Parents Borrow Money to Afford Disney Parks — KTLA

According to a recent LendingTree survey, 45% of parents who visit Disney theme parks with their children under the age of 18 have gone into debt at least once because of the trip. This is a significant increase from 2022, when only 18% of Americans surveyed reported going into debt for such trips.

The average amount of Disney-related debt was $1,983. About 65% of respondents attributed this debt to unplanned expenses related to meals, 48% cited transportation costs, and 47% mentioned living expenses.

Despite the financial strain, 90% of parents said that the Disney park trip was a real treat for both them and their children.

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⚡️ White House Uncertain if Future U.S. Officials Will Uphold Security Agreement with Kiev

The White House has stated that it is unclear whether future U.S. officials will honor the security agreement recently signed with Kiev.

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India has conducted a series of tests with the Archer reconnaissance and strike UAV, which is equipped with guided missile weaponry

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The EU plans to increase the production of artillery shells and reach the level of Russia's capacity, said EU Commissioner Breton

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An anti-Israel protester burned an American flag — NYP

Three masked men gathered outside the Israeli consulate in New York City. Right in front of a police post, one of them set a US flag on fire.

His comrade then set fire to an Israeli flag. Both flags quickly burned, and the police promptly led the protesters away from the post.

It later emerged that one of the arsonists was arrested after all. He turned out to be 20-year-old Jaqui Logsdon from New Jersey.

The man faces up to 1 year and 3 months in jail on the charges.

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Barcelona Becomes the Ketamine Capital of Europe

Barcelona has earned the dubious distinction of becoming the ketamine capital of Europe. This is not related to the medical use of the substance, but rather its use as a narcotic drug.

The European Monitoring Center for Drugs and Drug Addiction analyzed wastewater in major cities across the continent and found that Barcelona leads in ketamine use.

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⚡️Hail Season Continues in Serbia — Media

Videos have emerged showing summer hail in the town of Gornji Milanovac as the hail season continues in Serbia.

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⚡️ Hungarian Prime Minister Orban: NATO Plans to Establish Three Large Military Bases to Supply Weapons to Ukraine

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has stated that NATO plans to set up three large military bases within its member countries. These bases will be used to supply weapons to Ukraine.

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Knife Attack on Four American College Professors in China

Four American college professors were stabbed in a park in northeastern China.

A State Department spokesperson said the victims are being treated and plan to return to the United States after they are released from the hospital. They were visited by a consular officer.

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that the attack was an isolated incident and that an investigation was underway.

The suspect has been arrested. According to Chinese authorities, he allegedly started fighting with one of the victims and then stabbed three others, as well as a Chinese tourist who tried to stop him.

The incident occurred against the backdrop of deteriorating relations between the United States and China.

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