Lazar Kaganovich ⚒️

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Bolscevismo e buonsenso.
Notizie aggiornate in tempo reale dai migliori canali, e maltrattamento agli scemi assicurato.
La pietà, cercatela in chiesa.

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Репост из: How to Irritate Jews
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English testimony of Palestinian hostage Ibrahim Mohammad Al-Shawish who was released today by jews.
For 45 days, he was blindfolded, shackled, and forced to kneel, before being transferred to Naqab (Negev) prison, where he suffered electric shocks and attacks by dogs.
Upon his release, visible signs of torture and extreme malnutrition marked his face.



Israel’s new law for refusing treatment of Palestinian patients
December 28, 2022

King's Torah - people outside echo chamber need to understand what they are witnessing is not about

"business as usual"

or taking Palestine alone

Jews want the whole fucking planet

it's about Jewish Supremacy and Jews following their Talmud..

The Talmudic plan is to slaughter non Jews like the Palestinians

It's not "business as usual"

"One of our team members finished translating the entire King's Torah to English.  They spent hundreds of hours on this.

Page 11 is when it starts."

"The" Jewish Utopia
Professor Rabbi Michael Higger PhD 1932

Репост из: How to Irritate Jews
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"We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers for ever. Nothing that you will do will meet our needs and demands. We will for ever destroy because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build. Beyond all temporary alliances with this or that faction lies the ultimate split in nature and destiny, the enmity between the Game and God. But those of us who fail to understand that truth will always be found in alliance with your rebellious factions, until disillusionment comes.The wretched fate which scattered us through your midst has thrust this unwelcome role upon us."

"We dream of a world of utter justice and God-spirit, a world which would be barren for you, devoid of all nourishment, bleak, unfriendly, unsympathetic.

You do not want such a world: you are unapt for it."

Maurice Samuel

Репост из: How to Irritate Jews
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Israeli settlers poisoned over 50 sheep belonging to Palestinian farmers in the Arab al-Malihat community, West Bank.

"It  is  true  that  the  Jews  at  some  time  obtained  control  of  the territory  that  was  thereafter  known  as  Judaea,  but  there  is  no  way of  determining  what  part  of  the  population  was  composed  of racial  Jews  as  distinct  from  the  subjugated  and  mongrelized descendants  of  the  original  inhabitants,  who,  despite  the  Jews' boasts,  were  not  exterminated  in  war.  It  is  possible,  of  course, that  some  nucleus  of  truth  may  underlie  the  Jews'  story  that  they captured  city  after  city  of  the  Canaanites,  butchered  all  the  men, butchered  all  the  women,  butchered  all  the  children,  butchered all  the  oxen,  butchered  all  the  sheep,  butchered  all  the  donkeys, and  then  relaxed  in  blissful  contemplation  of  their  own  holiness (e.g.,  Jos.  6.21)."

The Jewish Strategy by Revilo P. Oliver

Репост из: How to Irritate Jews
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Kings Torah

David Sheen Kings Torah

"It  is  true  that  the  Jews  at  some  time  obtained  control  of  the territory  that  was  thereafter  known  as  Judaea,  but  there  is  no  way of  determining  what  part  of  the  population  was  composed  of racial  Jews  as  distinct  from  the  subjugated  and  mongrelized descendants  of  the  original  inhabitants,  who,  despite  the  Jews' boasts,  were  not  exterminated  in  war.  It  is  possible,  of  course, that  some  nucleus  of  truth  may  underlie  the  Jews'  story  that  they captured  city  after  city  of  the  Canaanites,  butchered  all  the  men, butchered  all  the  women,  butchered  all  the  children,  butchered all  the  oxen,  butchered  all  the  sheep,  butchered  all  the  donkeys, and  then  relaxed  in  blissful  contemplation  of  their  own  holiness (e.g.,  Jos.  6.21)."

The Jewish Strategy by Revilo P. Oliver

"We must fill our insane asylums with anti-Semitic lunatics"

Репост из: MT News
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‘We are gonna continue to SPEAK LIES to his truth!’: California Rep. Sydney Kamlager-Dove speaks candidly about Democrats’ bizarre future tactics

It’s a bold strategy Cotton, let’s see if it pays off for ‘em…



Репост из: Retards_TikTok
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Twerking flight attendant who was fired by Alaska Airlines for twerking on a plane, breaks down in tears during new interview.


Репост из: JUDAH
K² + F² = C²

RFK Jr.’s former running mate announces religious conversion

Nicole Shanahan, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s vice presidential running mate in the 2024 presidential election, announced she had been baptized as a Christian after practicing Judaism for more than a decade.

In a lengthy social media post on Tuesday, the former vice presidential running mate shared her testimony about her "baptism story," in which she recalls feeling "a heaviness settle over me, thick and suffocating, like the air before a storm."

The 39-year-old philanthropist and patent lawyer who was previously married to Google founder Sergey Brin described the overwhelming moment that brought her to prayer. "At that moment, I could only think to bow my head, close my eyes, and offer a silent prayer to God," she said in the X post.

Репост из: LiveLeak
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🇬🇧 UK. Teen throws massive chair from top floor of Stratford Westfield, misses someone by Inches.

"Make sure its recorded so that the police can track us down"

Follow us -> LiveLeak

single mother atheist femittor is seething that her 6 year old son believes in Christ and wants to go to heaven.

Репост из: Vi racconto la Russia
Da il riformista

Cioè, Macron va in TV a fare il Napoleone de noantri, dichiarando di voler "pacificare" la Russia, utilizzando anche una retorica nucleare, e sarebbe Putin (che lo percula senza neanche citarlo) a minacciare Macron e l'Europa?

📱 Vi racconto la Russia

✈️ Russian Tour

Репост из: Vi racconto la Russia
Macron parlerà con Putin... se Zelensky lo permetterà!

Secondo Le Point, il presidente francese ha affermato di essere pronto a chiamare Putin se Zelensky e i leader europei fossero d'accordo.

"Sono pronto a parlare con il presidente Putin quando il presidente Zelensky, io e i nostri partner europei riterremo che sia il momento giusto".

Macron ha dichiarato che una simile conversazione potrebbe aver luogo nel prossimo futuro, poiché il conflitto ucraino “è entrato nella fase di negoziazione”.

Ma sei sicuro che Putin sia interessato a parlare con te?

📱 Vi racconto la Russia

✈️ Russian Tour


Il "pericoloso dittatore" che conquista i territori europei per depredarli e sottomettere le popolazioni al suo pugno di ferro ha, ancora una volta, mostrato un segno di apertura verso gli Stati Uniti. Ricordiamo che questa guerra per procura è stata scatenata dagli Stati Uniti. È stata la Cia a prendere possesso dell'Ucraina ed a dirigerne le operazioni, influenzando i Governi o rovesciando quelli scomodi. Sono le armi degli Stati Uniti, date da Joe Biden a Zelensky, che hanno ammazzato un sacco di soldati russi in questa Operazione Z. Quindi al di là del Presidente in carica, Putin avrebbe tutte le sue Buone ragioni per avercela a morte con gli States. Eppure, dopo tutto questo, riesce ancora a perdonare e fare passi di apertura, se la controparte (Trump) si mostra conciliante. Questa è la diplomazia del futuro, non penetrante ed aggressiva (maschile) ma conciliante ed accogliente (femminile). Trump ha capito che doveva togliere gli aiuti militari all'Ucraina per fermare questa guerra. Putin ha capito che Trump vuole indietro i soldi delle armi date da Joe all'Ucraina tramite lo sfruttamento dei giacimenti minerari. L'IMPERO Britannico per non fermare questa guerra ha firmato un accordo semi-segreto con Zelensky, per sottrarre le Terre Rare a Trump. Putin ha compreso il Piano ed ha deciso di cedere i minerali dei territori ucraini conquistati a Trump. L'unico che vuole davvero fermare questa guerra.

COORDINAMENTO PERFETTO: PUTIN OFFRE AGLI STATI UNITI MINERALI RARI "La Russia ha molto di più, e non lo sottolinieró mai abbastanza, risorse più grandi dell'Ucraina. Saremmo aperti alla cooperazione con i nostri partner americani, cioè con le aziende governative, amministrative e anche private. Lo sviluppo di queste risorse richiede un significativo investimento di capitale". VLADIMIR PUTIN - T.G.

Репост из: ARSENALE K CHANNEL - Circolo Ricreativo delle Bestie di Satira

➡️ 🌐 🅰️ 💥💥

Per i geni delle guerre. Ma non eravate Voi a dire che la Russia combatteva con pale e picconi?che prendeva i microchip dalle lavatrici rotte? Chiedo così giusto per capire come mai volete spendere 800 miliardi per il riarmo. Io preparo i pop corn.

Репост из: MT News
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HUD Press Office CONDEMNS Maxine Waters’ ‘political stunt’ over alleged ban on delivering anti-DOGE letter to Sec. Scott Turner

What really happened? Staff politely explained that he was unavailable before a brief scuffle broke out among those demanding entry into the building.



Репост из: SicilianGorillian
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When the patriarchy smashes back

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