«Strenge krav til brevenes innhold og hvem som kan motta brev fra ham gjør at han i praksis er avskåret fra kommunikasjon med omverdenen. Dette medfører også at isolasjonsregimet som beskrevet ovenfor blir enda verre for ham» https://perma.cc/Y7SZ-ULFN
"Strict requirements for the content of the letters and who can receive letters from him mean that he is practically cut off from communication with the outside world. This also means that the isolation regime as described above will be even worse for him," 🤦♂️
Fordelt over to etasjer er det er flere celler til ulike aktiviteter, blant annet et trimrom med romaskin, tredemølle og vektapparater. Det er en egen TV-stue med dataspill, spiserom og et besøksrom https://perma.cc/7SCJ-Z8VP
Spread over two floors, there are several cells for various activities, including an exercise room with a rowing machine, treadmill and weight machines. There is a separate TV room with computer games, a dining room and a visitor's room.
Breivik har mye mer plass enn noen annen innsatt i Ringerike fengsel, sier fengselsleder Eirik Bergstedt.
Breivik has much more space than any other inmate in Ringerike prison, says prison manager Eirik Bergstedt.
Det Breivik også håper skal endre seg med søksmålet, er sensuren av brevene han gjerne vil sende ut av fengselet. Det vil bli et sentralt spørsmål under rettssaken i januar.
What Breivik also hopes will change with the lawsuit is the censorship of the letters he would like to send out of prison. It will be a central question during the trial in January.
De han selv vil ha kontakt med, stanser Kriminalomsorgen brevene til. De oppgir at det kan være en fare for at han kan inspirere andre til å gjøre det samme som han selv, sier Storrvik.
Those he himself wants to have contact with, the Correctional Service stops the letters to. They state that there may be a danger that he may inspire others to do the same as himself, says Storrvik 🤦♂️
Like said previously, 🙅♂️ @HumanRightAbuse!
"Strict requirements for the content of the letters and who can receive letters from him mean that he is practically cut off from communication with the outside world. This also means that the isolation regime as described above will be even worse for him," 🤦♂️
Fordelt over to etasjer er det er flere celler til ulike aktiviteter, blant annet et trimrom med romaskin, tredemølle og vektapparater. Det er en egen TV-stue med dataspill, spiserom og et besøksrom https://perma.cc/7SCJ-Z8VP
Spread over two floors, there are several cells for various activities, including an exercise room with a rowing machine, treadmill and weight machines. There is a separate TV room with computer games, a dining room and a visitor's room.
Breivik har mye mer plass enn noen annen innsatt i Ringerike fengsel, sier fengselsleder Eirik Bergstedt.
Breivik has much more space than any other inmate in Ringerike prison, says prison manager Eirik Bergstedt.
Det Breivik også håper skal endre seg med søksmålet, er sensuren av brevene han gjerne vil sende ut av fengselet. Det vil bli et sentralt spørsmål under rettssaken i januar.
What Breivik also hopes will change with the lawsuit is the censorship of the letters he would like to send out of prison. It will be a central question during the trial in January.
De han selv vil ha kontakt med, stanser Kriminalomsorgen brevene til. De oppgir at det kan være en fare for at han kan inspirere andre til å gjøre det samme som han selv, sier Storrvik.
Those he himself wants to have contact with, the Correctional Service stops the letters to. They state that there may be a danger that he may inspire others to do the same as himself, says Storrvik 🤦♂️
Like said previously, 🙅♂️ @HumanRightAbuse!