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Hotel "Halden Prison" in Norway

At Halden, each cell features a large rectangular window that is 2.55 ft by 5.64 ft (0.78 m by 1.72 m) and located behind the desk and in line with the entry door. There are no bars on this window, though it is comprised of thick, unbreakable glass. Most cells, by design, offer a view of the woods at the centre or the trees at the periphery of the prison campus. Thick fabric curtains, accessible from within the cell, are affxed to the window. Governor Høidal notes that:
[The cells] have a big window and they look out into the forest. So, it’s a nice view from the window of Halden Prison; it’s very green. [However] many inmates cover the windows with curtains because they don’t want to look out because...: It’s too nice I think, they want to be out. (A. Høidal, interview, 2018)

Breivik Hotel?

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🇳🇴😢 Human Rights Abuse on Telegram by GRT : When prisoners have more right than innocent not criminal people / homeless https://t.me/HumanRightAbuse

It's time to stop abusing human rights NOW!


Like RIP to all Dahmer victims and other


and you should NEVER FORGET TOO!

Backup by @PrisonHotel
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

Remember, in Breivik story there is NO missing topic he is not talking (in wrong* or right way) or we can analyse, things related to everyone lifestyle.

* if wrong, we can talk about why is wrong providing facts, not just like most people simply say "it's wrong, without even be able to proof that" (we don't mean the discrimination against Islam ...)

No other story in the world is related to so many missing human / animal and planet rights! Even not the story of Dahmer or Palestine or 11 September!

Yes, it's more about human rights and less about animal / planet, but ...

BREIVIK STORY IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STORY IN OUR HISTORY! THAT SHOULD REMAIN IN OUR BOOKS FOREVER! What is happening instead? Just an underevaluated story, where they prefer to talk about Palestine and other things ...

So not important for the massacre he did, but for all things behind such story. People ignoring and spreading bullshit can still ignore that. But then don't complain about things this story is talking by protesting in the street or saying "why is not available, we have shitty laws" (and we don't talk just about the death sentence now ...). Because this story is already covering such things (again, a bit less related to animals ...).

The fact that most viewed video this week made less than 30k views! show how people give a shit! Yes, all people shared the video posted by 🇷🇺 on Twitter ... but they just talked about this video and only because such big 🇷🇺 newspaper shared that, by reposting that on other socials.

Yes, few other mass medias shared such story too, but again only by focusing on things THAT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER TO IMPROVE SUCH PLANET! (means what is showing the 🇷🇺 video, that is a copy of what 🇳🇴 posted).

Yes, on TikTok there are some videos ... but just focusing on the same topic.

EVERYONE IS STILL SPREADING BULLSHIT ABOUT THIS STORY, without even probably reading what scientists, journalists, Breivik and other wrote ...

Conclusion, would be time that people show more interest on story that really could make a difference between YESTERDAY and TOMORROW!

Netflix understand that, by making the Tv Show about Dahmer ... but has not understand fully with Breivik, showing almost just negative points of such story ...

Because both stories are not just about Breivik or Dahmer, it's about YOU and US! It's about EVERYONE! It's about our rights! Especially Breivik story, which contains much more elements. But we need to be honest, until now we haven't investigate Dahmer story in detail. Maybe we discover things, that Netflix and other still ignored ... exactly like it happened with Breivik

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Behind mass murderer sues Norway over prison isolation - Breivik human rights fight against Norwegian and request for parole https://t.me/BreivikParole

🙅‍♂️ @ParoleFacts for serious criminals
🙅‍♂️ @HumanRightAbuse for serious criminals
@DeathSentenceNOW for serious criminals
@BreivikDeathSentence for Anders Behring Breivik
🙅‍♂️ @ShittyLaws@LawsTelegram@HumanRightsChecklist

🙅‍♂️ @BreivikBullshit@LearnWithNorway and fighting for Wenche Breivik human rights! 🙅‍♂️@BreivikCrimes

Stop abusing human rights in the wrong way!

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Breivik Hotel in 🇸🇦

Backup by @PrisonHotel
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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NTB har fått tillatelse til å ta bilder og filme inne på avdelingen der Breivik sitter alene og uten kontakt med andre innsatte. I videoen kan man se at Breivik blant annet har tilgang til TV-stue med en Xbox spillkonsoll, et treningsrom med romaskin, tredemølle og styrketreningsapparat, kjøkken og eget spiserom https://perma.cc/SKH5-QA7T

NTB has been given permission to take pictures and film inside the ward where Breivik sits alone and without contact with other inmates. In the video, you can see that Breivik, among other things, has access to a TV room with an Xbox game console, a training room with a rowing machine, treadmill and strength training equipment, a kitchen and a separate dining room.

Tre undulater – en turkis, en blå og en hvit – flyr fritt rundt inne på avdelingen.

I tillegg har Breivik tilgang til luftegård, og han har også tilgang til bøker fra fengselets bibliotek og matvarer fra fengselsbutikken Røverkjøpet.

Three budgies – one turquoise, one blue and one white – fly freely around the ward.

In addition, Breivik has access to air farm, and he also has access to books from the prison's library and food from the prison shop Røverkjøpet.

Vi meiner at det ikkje er noka utvikling i soninga. Slik soninga er i dag, meiner vi at han ikkje har nokon høve til å halde oppe nokon som helst relasjonar til andre menneske, og det er derfor han går til sak mot staten, sa advokat Øystein Storrvik til NTB før jul https://perma.cc/7JWL-R4D3

We believe that there is not enough development in the sentencing. The way the sentence is today, we believe that he has no opportunity to maintain any kind of relationship with other people, and that is why he is suing the state, lawyer Øystein Storrvik told NTB before Christmas.

Because Norway is not respecting my human rights .... NORWAY IS DOING @HumanRightAbuse!

Instead of preparing the death execution @BreivikDeathSentence they prefer to give him a no sense sentence
by allowing no sense things

«Strenge krav til brevenes innhold og hvem som kan motta brev fra ham gjør at han i praksis er avskåret fra kommunikasjon med omverdenen. Dette medfører også at isolasjonsregimet som beskrevet ovenfor blir enda verre for ham» https://perma.cc/Y7SZ-ULFN

"Strict requirements for the content of the letters and who can receive letters from him mean that he is practically cut off from communication with the outside world. This also means that the isolation regime as described above will be even worse for him," 🤦‍♂️

Fordelt over to etasjer er det er flere celler til ulike aktiviteter, blant annet et trimrom med romaskin, tredemølle og vektapparater. Det er en egen TV-stue med dataspill, spiserom og et besøksrom https://perma.cc/7SCJ-Z8VP

Spread over two floors, there are several cells for various activities, including an exercise room with a rowing machine, treadmill and weight machines. There is a separate TV room with computer games, a dining room and a visitor's room.

Breivik har mye mer plass enn noen annen innsatt i Ringerike fengsel, sier fengselsleder Eirik Bergstedt.

Breivik has much more space than any other inmate in Ringerike prison, says prison manager Eirik Bergstedt.

Det Breivik også håper skal endre seg med søksmålet, er sensuren av brevene han gjerne vil sende ut av fengselet. Det vil bli et sentralt spørsmål under rettssaken i januar.

What Breivik also hopes will change with the lawsuit is the censorship of the letters he would like to send out of prison. It will be a central question during the trial in January.

De han selv vil ha kontakt med, stanser Kriminalomsorgen brevene til. De oppgir at det kan være en fare for at han kan inspirere andre til å gjøre det samme som han selv, sier Storrvik.

Those he himself wants to have contact with, the Correctional Service stops the letters to. They state that there may be a danger that he may inspire others to do the same as himself, says Storrvik 🤦‍♂️

Like said previously, 🙅‍♂️ @HumanRightAbuse!

Our world is not correct at all! Part 2
Part 1 https://t.me/LawsTelegram/71

Just a shame that our governments still allow shitty laws, where criminals get all benefits and maybe even no sentence at all!
with missing human
or animal / planet rights in 2023!

We talk about reducing costs, where we even reduce money to police!
but we allow prisoners to live a better life. Near the fact that:

a) we refuse to end the lives of people who wish to die! increasing just useless cost and asking people do self suicide!

b) we still keep alive serious criminals for 80+ years! instead of applying a death sentence for serious crimes

c) we don't fix any source problem, we always just work on the end problem!!!

d) we ignore things, by creating much worse problems!

We need to stop to abuse human rights NOW!

We need to rewrite human rights from 0 again, considering criminals not like not criminals
since the current definition is just made BAD! Deep, intensity, reason of crimes should change human right definition! So there shouldn't be just one short list, we need to create tons of lists! like we have tons of guidelines based on different diseases!

It's time to stop seeing things in the same category

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Ferske bilder: Slik soner Breivik

Backup by @PrisonHotel
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

Our world is not correct at all! Part 1
It's just a discrimination with uncorrect laws!

Criminals killing at least 78 people (YES 78! not the bullshit 77 people like all journalist are sharing!, near other bullshits about Breivik ...)

get more human rights than what the population, the victims or no criminals are getting!

Just think that while a terrorist is getting just 12 years of prison
people spraying the government against climate change 🙈 get 5 years of prison!
or 10 years to make free animals that are abused
or 0 years or few weeks for serious crimes!
or get released and get same exact or better job position

No only Breivik complained about no sense missing human rights, it requests a no sense parole, can request such things every x years, all their no sense court sessions get paid by the population (Breivik couldn't even afford to pay that, even if he wishes ...), but he has even the right to request such no sense things again, so once the international court already told him "there is no missing right!"
and he is living a better life than homeless people or people in Gaza for example! but even other people lives ...

If Breivik get released next year, it would be extremely ridiculous! But even if this would happen in the next years!

But at the end from Norway you have no the certainty that they will keep it in prison for the whole live, with their shitty prison laws and after all errors they did and continue to do ...

I tillegg til det allerede beskrevne samværet legger staten vekt på at Breivik har «en rekke fritidsaktiviteter», som matlaging, spilling, bibliotektilgang, lufting og trening. I tillegg får han lov til å studere.

In addition to the socializing already described, the state emphasizes that Breivik has "a number of leisure activities", such as cooking, playing, library access, airing and exercise. In addition, he is allowed to study.

I fengselet har Breivik i praksis en egen liten atskilt avdeling med flere rom, herunder kjøkken og treningslokale. Han har også en PC, men uten nettilkobling.

In practice, Breivik has his own small separate ward with several rooms, including a kitchen and training room. He also has a PC, but without an internet connection = Norway confirm Breivik 5 stern hotel in prison ... https://perma.cc/3XBP-86TN

Tre undulater, to blå og en hvit, flyr fritt rundt og kvitrer iherdig inne på den avsperrede avdelingen i Ringerike fengsel. Innerst i en gang, bak gitter og med egne voktere, soner terrordømte Anders Behring Breivik (44) alene sin forvaringsstraff.

Three budgies, two blue and one white, fly around freely and chirp persistently inside the cordoned-off ward in Ringerike prison. Deep in a hallway, behind bars and with his own guards, terrorist convict Breivik (44) is serving his custodial sentence alone https://perma.cc/8523-8D8F

To be honest, probably MOST PEOPLE WOULD SWITCH LIFE WITH BREIVIK! He lives in luxus!

Most homeless, poor people and prisoners CAN ONLY DREAM TO HAVE SOMETHING LIKE THAT!

One thing is sure IT'S TIME TO CHANGE! where criminals have more right, get more money support and more attention than normal not criminal people

High Security Prison Part 4

Part 1 https://t.me/DefenceTelegram/526

He was partially successful when the case was heard in the Oslo District Court, but lost on all points when the case was heard by the Borgarting Court of Appeal in March last year. The appeal to the Supreme Court was rejected https://perma.cc/ERC6-PBPH

Konvention zum Schutze der Menschenrechte und Grundfreiheiten https://perma.cc/J7GG-B65J

22. juli-dømte Anders Behring Breivik saksøker staten for brudd på menneskerettighetene. Han begjærer seg samtidig prøveløslatt https://perma.cc/Q326-BBFX

22 July-convicted Anders Behring Breivik is suing the state for violations of human rights. He is also requesting parole.

This is not related to the previous one ... It's 2023!

Tre rom, TV og Playstation: Slik er Breiviks liv i fengsel https://perma.cc/GP4K-Z3TN

Three rooms, TV and Playstation: This *was Breivik's life in prison


Breivik er misfornøyd med stadige kroppsundersøkelser med metalldetektor https://perma.cc/TP5D-MJQK

Breivik is dissatisfied with constant body searches with metal detectors 🤦‍♂️

Dårlige luftemuligheter, i det han betegner en «betongboks» på 50 kvadratmeter. Det gir bare begrensede bevegelsesmuligheter.

Poor ventilation, in what he terms a "concrete box" of 50 square metres. It only provides limited movement possibilities.

When prisoners have more room to move than animals before being slaughtered ...

Søksmålet har delvis ført fram, og Staten dømmes etter dette til å erstatte Breiviks sakskostnader med kroner 330 937,50.

The lawsuit has partially succeeded, and the State is accordingly ordered to compensate Breivik's legal costs with NOK 330,937.50

The sentencing conditions for Anders Behring Breivik represented a violation of Article 3 of the Human Rights Convention, which deals with torture. This is stated by the Oslo District Court in a judgment handed down on Wednesday https://perma.cc/5UPT-VQ53

Even if they approve playstation 3, for sure not violence gaming! (his passion)

High Security Prison Part 3

Part 1 https://t.me/DefenceTelegram/526

Related to the request

Well, first which request ....?

Parole is A NO GO AT ALL! about more money to send letters too ... such prisoners are already huge expensive ... and letters are the goal to spread propaganda / criminality or sending "encrypted messages"

About gaming, well yes and no. Our first answer would be "NO, at all", it's your fault ... and this is what we wrote too

But let we think that with a prisoner mind. Now let we consider they have no Playstation 2 at all.

It would be pretty shitty. We have no problem to live in a 3x3 room for 18 hours each day ... if there is something we can do (internet, watching movies, etc.). If all such things are not available, well, then it's really pretty shitty! even if you are a criminal and you know you will not get a death sentence, because in 🇪🇺 is not available. You would remain in such room without doing nothing 24/24 365/365 for 80 years ... Obviously that suicides are high in prison ...

About Breivik is not really clear how how it looks in 2023 ... but at least he had Playstation 2 (when he complained about human rights). If he can use computer without internet in 2023 is not clear, but probably yes ... no matter what, a computer without internet is pretty useless, if you cannot watch movies ... or you are not a writer ...

So in conclusion, we can understand in part the request (but check next post), but would still refuse that too.

Han fikk delvis medhold da saken ble behandlet i Oslo tingrett, men tapte imidlertid på alle punkter da saken ble behandlet av Borgarting lagmannsrett i mars i fjor. Anken til Høyesterett ble avvist.

Breivik Syndrom Part 4

«Sultestreiken vil ikke ende før justisminister (Anders) Anundsen og leder av KDI (kriminalomsorgen) slutter å behandle meg som et dyr,» skriver Breivik, og legger til at han snart vil offentliggjøre startdatoen for protestaksjonen.

"The hunger strike will not end until the Minister of Justice (Anders) Anundsen and the head of the KDI (criminal correctional service) stop treating me like an animal," writes Breivik, adding that he will soon announce the start date of the protest action.

Blant de mer spesielle kravene er at Playstation 2 byttes ut med den nyere Playstation 3, med tilgang til det han mener er spill mer egnet for voksne, og som han kan plukke ut selv.

Among the more special requirements is that the Playstation 2 be replaced with the newer Playstation 3, with access to what he believes are games more suitable for adults, and which he can select himself https://perma.cc/UN9Q-D2MN

Well, even in Switzerland they get Playstation 2
https://t.me/PrisonFacts/610 there is a reason why the get that! that is related to the requests he made previously!

Internet Connection Settings https://perma.cc/4E3Z-28QD

Breivik is well know for gaming. He wrote a lot about that in the diary

No matter what, prisoners should already happy to get a PS2! Some prisoners should make experience in the worst prison, where almost 0 rights are available ...

«Tortur-lignende forhold»
Videre skriver Breivik at han mener han har rett til et «bredere utvalg av aktiviteter» enn andre innsatte for å kompensere for å sitte i isolasjon.

«Torture-like conditions»
Furthermore, Breivik writes that he believes he has the right to a "wider selection of activities" than other inmates to compensate for sitting in isolation https://perma.cc/92HH-7X4N

Part 1 https://t.me/TerrorismTelegram/546

Human Rights should be new defined, like we asked before! stopping the abuse of such human rights, just because currently the definition is pretty 💩 and missing for criminals ...

Breivik Syndrom Part 3

A mass murder with 100% proof should have NO RIGHT to request similar things
like NO RIGHT to request parole!

Ja. Han får sendt frankert post, men det er ikke gitt at det faktisk sendes, svarer Jordet.

Posten som sendes til og fra innsatte blir overvåket og sensurert av fengselsmyndighetene. Breivik klager over begrensningene han er underlagt, som bremser ned kontakten med omverdenen.

Yes. He can be sent franked mail, but it is not a given that it will actually be sent, Jordet replies.

The mail sent to and from inmates is monitored and censored by the prison authorities. Breivik complains about the restrictions he is subject to, which slow down his contact with the outside world.

Norway has the full right to check what he is sending and block that, at the end what he needed to say, he already said in the 1500 pages.

Norway should have no right to block things, if such things are related to explanation "why i did that?", "how is my relation with my family", since such infos are useful for investigations ... but obviously only specific people should get such infos, means not right wing supporters ...

«Dere har satt meg i helvete (...) og jeg vil ikke klare å overleve så lenge. Dere dreper meg,» skrev han til fengselsmyndighetene i november, og truet med sultestreik og ytterligere vold fra høyreekstreme.

"You have put me in hell (...) and I will not be able to survive this long. You are killing me," he wrote to prison authorities in November, threatening a hunger strike and further violence from the far right.

Well, this WAS YOUR DECISION! so don't complain now!

Plus even by getting death sentence, you would still live 20+ years in the same way ... Not just because you get death sentence, you will die after 3 seconds ...

Репост из: Prisión / Tribunal / Ley / Datos sobre los presos - Gefängnis / Gericht / Gesetz / Gefangenen Fakten - Prison Tribunal Loi Faits
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Presentazione della professione di Agente di custodia

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A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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The reality? Anders Behring Breivik is having a better life than many people worldwide! without water, electricity, house, food, etc.

Yes, he lives better than 🇵🇸 in Gaza! even after doing a massacre ... the same happens in Switzerland ...

Just think about that, since our governments look for example suicide as a devil thing, but they give a shit to all homeless people in their countries ...

Never forget that prisons in Norway are 1000x better than in other countries ...

If this is not a motivation to commit massacres ...

You get "a life in luxus", without need to work, you get all what you need, you know you will not get any type of death sentence at all, since we 🇪🇺 are so idiots removing such things ...

When our laws are a motivation to do terrorism! So Amnesty @AmnestyBullshit, if we really watch facts, death sentence is not a vip ticket for suicide

The best? He accused Norway for violating human rights! https://perma.cc/5L74-WBBJ

«Han lever i en treroms suite med et vindu, og der har han en tredemølle, et kjøleskap, en DVD-spiller, en Sony Playstation og et skrivebord med en skrivemaskin», skriver den amerikanske avisen, og fortsetter med å liste opp hva Brevik har tilgang til og kan gjøre fra cellen.

"He lives in a three-room suite with a window, and there he has a treadmill, a refrigerator, a DVD player, a Sony Playstation and a desk with a typewriter," writes the American newspaper, and continues to list what Brevik have access to and can do from the cell.

Selv har Anders Behring Breivik altså sittet i isolasjon siden han tok livet av 77 mennesker i Oslo sentrum og på Utøya 22. juli 2011.

Anders Behring Breivik himself has therefore been in solitary confinement since he killed 77 people in the center of Oslo and on Utøya https://perma.cc/A7M7-6LUJ

Показано 17 последних публикаций.


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