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Hey ChatGPT, can you help me with Matura?!

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Wenn im Video mehr Ausländer gibt als Deutsche nur als kleine Bemerkung ..., auch wenn 🙅‍♂️ Diskrimierung der Ausländer

aber ✅ zu Limitierung

Egal was, wer in Deutschland ist, sollte die Regeln folgen

Eine Sache ist sicher. Handy und ChatGPT müssen in der Schule gebannt werden!
Machen Studenten nur dummer

Die Maturitätsquote der Frauen (49,2%) ist deutlich höher als die der Männer (36,5%).

Fast die Hälfte der Schweizer/-innen haben einen Maturitätsabschluss erhalten, gegenüber etwa einem Viertel der Ausländer/-innen https://perma.cc/QK7S-7MA7

Anzahl Studenten die nicht bestehen? 📈

Wenn WhatsApp (ja weil die Leute noch so ignorant sind WhatsApp zu benutzen statt Telegram) wichtiger ist als die Schule ...

Wenn iPads nötig sind, sollte die Schule diese geben und unter Kontrolle halten.

Das betrifft nicht Universitäten, wo die Studenten mit 🧠 arbeiten und diskriminieren andere auch weniger ...


🙅‍♂️ smartphone during compulsory school
🙅‍♂️ ChatGPT too
✅ iPad if students need that, BUT this should be provided by the school! by blocking ChatGPT!
✅ smartphones after compulsory school (which means when kids have around 15 years)
✅ better education

Are you thinking "but you are using ChatGPT 3.5" .... who matters?!

ChatGPT 4 is fake news too! and the best, this is not made by us ... For sure we will not use fake ChatGPT to get fake infos by paying 20 dollars and after 3 seconds reaching their limitations! If we use that, maybe we will discover more bullshit, like many bullshit no one in the world is complaining, except us. Because we don't keep 🙊 closed!

Only ignorant people use ChatGPT without understanding that you need to waste 2x time, means doing the research manually and doing / verifying the bullshit OpenAI is saying ...

or lazy people = most people in our world.

ChatGPT Norway Bullshit ... It's important to note ... doesn't receive extensive coverage ... IF CHATGPT IS THE FIRST ONE! Part 5

Part 1 https://t.me/ChatGPTBullshit/82

Manshaus admits he killed his stepsister, and says he has no regrets. He nevertheless does not plead guilty because he claims that he acted in an emergency on behalf of the European people

I rapporten kommer det frem at Manshaus mistet moren og bestemoren på tragisk vis da han var i barnehagealder. Han skal ha fått begrenset oppfølging etterpå https://perma.cc/AA9B-HM6S

The report states that Manshaus tragically lost his mother and grandmother when he was of kindergarten age. He must have received limited follow-up afterwards.

AGAIN, exactly like with Breivik and Dahmer! both with HUGE COMPLEX FAMILY RELATIONS!!! showing how family is huge important.

Exactly like ChatGPT is writing bullshit about Wenche ...

Now let we recheck a bit the topic homicide, we wrote already previously

About Canada!!

In 2021 kwamen in Nederland 126 mensen om het leven door moord of doodslag, 5 meer dan in 2020 https://perma.cc/7QKD-NLWD

🇳🇴 2021 Det ble registrert 23 drapssaker med totalt 29 ofre.

Gemäss der Polizeilichen Kriminalstatistik PKS wurden von 2011 bis 2020 in der Schweiz insgesamt 479 Personen getötet.

Henkirikoksen uhreina kuolee Suomessa vuosittain arviolta noin 100 ihmistä.

🇳🇴 5.4 mio — 29 or 5.37/mio
🇳🇱 17.5 mio —> 3.25x —> 29* 3.25 = 94 vs 126 or 7.2/mio
🇫🇮 5.5 mio —> 29 vs 100
🇨🇭 8.7 mio —> 1.6x —>479/9 = 53/y or 6.1/mio vs 29*1.6 = 46

Norway Bullshit ChatGPT Part 4

Part 1 https://t.me/ChatGPTBullshit/82

Drept i utlandet - registreres ikke av norske myndigheter https://perma.cc/Y32Z-PFVT

Killed abroad - not registered by the Norwegian authorities

2024 har så vidt starta, men allerede har flere drap rysta landet https://perma.cc/M5KE-GMKK

2024 has just started, but several murders have already shaken the country

Drapstallene i fjor var de høyeste på ti år. Åpningen på 2024 har vært brutal, med syv drap på ni dager https://perma.cc/6D7T-9HHF

The homicide figures last year were the highest in ten years. The opening of 2024 has been brutal, with seven murders in nine days.

Det er første gang siden 2013 at antall drapsofre har passert 30 i løpet av et år. Til sammenligning ble det i 2022 registrert 26 saker med 29 ofre https://perma.cc/93Q2-QH74

It is the first time since 2013 that the number of murder victims has exceeded 30 in the course of a year. In comparison, 26 cases with 29 victims were registered in 2022.

Med farens våpen drepte Philip Manshaus først sin adoptivsøster, før han angrep en moské i Bærum https://perma.cc/TW9C-FQJ7

Back to Philip Manshaus

With his father's weapon, Philip Manshaus first killed his adopted sister, before attacking a mosque in Bærum

What happens in Italy? 12 years for something similar
while in this case Norway max 21 years, not 30 years because is different compared to Breivik

Jeg ønsket å minimere lidelsen. Jeg skjøt med hensikt å drepe fortest mulig.

I wanted to minimize the suffering. I shot with the intention of killing as quickly as possible.

Manshaus erkjenner at han drepte stesøsteren, og sier at han ikke angrer. Han erkjenner likevel ikke straffskyld fordi han hevder at han handlet i nødrett på vegne av det europeiske folk https://perma.cc/H4DH-FPVV

See next post

Показано 6 последних публикаций.


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