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Репост из: Great Awakening
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🇺🇲-The inauguration rehearsal in the Capitol is fenced off for several hundred meters; the military is training a marching step near the White House along the fences. On the streets there are checkpoints and police. 🔷 🐸 🔷

“A Satanic Pedophile Cult runs the Deep State? That’s crazy, you don’t know that??” -Savannah

“No, and neither do you know that.” -Trump


Репост из: Starship Truther
Please folks, you can’t allow yourself to become negative or angry.

Become still. Peaceful.
There’re many things happening.

The logic on Q in general I’m more and more confident in as time goes on. If it was disinformation meant to harm us or MAGA movement Trump and his people would have made sure to address it and warn against it.

They have not.
Quite the contrary.
They’ve left the door open.
As they are now with inauguration.

They speak with what they don’t say. If Q was bs and meant to derail us, why haven’t we been derailed with just 1 day from inauguration? Why are we still aligned and supporting our president as the rest of the world tries to destroy him? If these drops were meant to harm us they would have used it by now.

Rewatch this entire clip. 👇🏻
Trump Refuses to Disavow QAnon Delusion

What does your gut tell you?


“Satanic Pedophile Cult ran by the Deep State? You can’t say: that’s not true??”

“No, and neither can you.”

Please folks, you can’t allow yourself to become negative or angry.

Become still. Peaceful.
There’re many things happening.

The logic on Q in general I’m more and more confident in as time goes on. If it was disinformation meant to harm us or MAGA movement Trump and his people would have made sure to address it and warn against it.

They have not.
Quite the contrary.
They’ve left the door open.
As they are now with inauguration.

They speak with what they don’t say. If Q was bs and meant to derail us, why haven’t we been derailed with just 1 day from inauguration? Why are we still aligned and supporting our president as the rest of the world tries to destroy him? If these drops were meant to harm us they would have used it by now.

Rewatch this entire clip. 👇🏻
Trump Refuses to Disavow QAnon Delusion

What does your gut tell you?


Репост из: General Warz Channel
Well this is encouraging, posted today.

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Репост из: The Awakening - ENDGAME
🚨 - Additional Footage of NYC tonight where there are clashes with police and BLM protestors


Репост из: The Awakening - ENDGAME
🚨 - Riley June Williams has surrendered to authorities after she was convicted of stealing a laptop from Nancy Pelosi’s office during the U.S. Capitol riot her intention was to sell it to Russia

Full Article

Look at what these poor fools are being made to believe. So filled with hate and ignorance...

Thankfully delusions and dishonesty tend to eventually fall apart. You can only distort the perception of reality for so long before it viciously SNAPS back to an equilibrium.

Pray they find peace.


Репост из: Awakened - BROADCASTING
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🚨 - This is the closest anyone can get to the capital there’s layers and there’s layers of security checkpoints, razor wire 8 foot tall fence and loads of National guard protecting Capitol Building"


Репост из: The Awakening - ENDGAME
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🚨 - Atmosphere is Getting wild in NYC tonight


Doesn’t look like the police are holding back anymore does it??

Репост из: The Awakening - ENDGAME
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