In the piss

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Exposing the nose, and their degenerate ideology. Habitual noticer . Break from the bullshit & Secure the existence, its all that matters. #3rdPos ✋

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Репост из: White Awakening ᛉ

Репост из: White Awakening ᛉ


Even when its another race attacking them, they will always, always, always find a way to shift the blame, and focus their hate onto white people. Every single time.

Репост из: Wotan Nation⚡⚡
In respect of the future of National-Socialism – that idealistic, noble, but mis-understood way of life – it is important to understand that National-Socialist Germany was only a beginning of the practical implementation of National-Socialism. That is, a complete National-Socialist society was being worked toward, but was never fully achieved because of the circumstances of the time –

Репост из: Chocodile’s channel
A few clips from “Boys Beware” an educational film produced in 1965 in order to warn young boys about the dangers of homosexual predators. Today, homosexuals are praised as hero’s. That isn’t even slightly hyperbolic. Look at movies, look at television look at conservative politics: gays are highlighted and actively praised. We can and must take active steps to protect our children from people who seek to abuse them
Despite making up only 3% of the population, homosexuals make up 55% of HIV carriers, 82% of syphilis cases and 72% have an STD. These are filthy disgusting people we are dealing with. The majority of them are walking around rotting from the inside out sometimes in various forms as a result of their degenerate lifestyle. You may have been sold the absurd propaganda that aids is the quirky result of being different. It’s not. It’s a disgusting disease only contracted by disgusting people

Most importantly, gays make up 30% of child abuse cases. That’s the number we are given, I can’t imagine how much information is hidden or underreported. It frightens me to think about what the real number might be. Our society has become so Weimar that the fact that old gay men like young gay boys/teenagers has basically become a silly joke/meme. A movie celebrating this phenomenon won an Oscar recently and included many sexually explicit scenes
I am sick and tired of running into the “a guy I work with is gay and he’s nice”, “ok not all gays abuse children though” and the God forsaken “what they do in their bedroom” bullshit. Homosexuals are a probable threat to children. Nobody’s right to “be who they are” supersedes our children’s rights to not be abused by degenerate garbage. Why are we making excuses that allow this behaviour to thrive? Sacrifice a few kids because we don’t want to tread on anybody? Accept the 30% because the 70% seem alright? Nah, we won’t be doin that.

Homosexuals cannot reproduce conventionally. They reproduce by molesting children. A moral society does not enable let alone promote degenerate lifestyles for the sake of its children. Our society promotes degeneracy to children through gay culture. Repent or off the roof you go!

Репост из: Edelweiß Propaganda Network

Get your mind right, NatSoc up! ✋

The (((Communist)))Holocaust of Eastern Europe (The REAL holocaust)

In my previous post I quoted Putin, as he said "The red army liberated Europe from Hitler", but The truth is Hitler was trying to save Germany from the red terror. America and the allies destroyed the one man that stood up to communism, ie international jewry! Look at our world today and understand what the defeat of National Socialist Germany has cost.
Understand the real generational threat that makes its way to your doorstep through all the 'isms' that stem from Judaism.

Putin says "the red army liberated Europe from Hitler"!! Just look at the fruit of that liberation today ....

#WesternDeath #Zionism #DeathToZog

Репост из: ࿕ 🇮🇷 White Tree 🇮🇷 ࿕
This is one of the most screwed up court cases in history. I’m not even going to post a link from people on our side for this one. Just read the Wikipedia summary which is trying to portray this guy sympathetically and you’ll still be able to put the pieces together.

Mel Mermelstein responded to a cash prize offered to anyone who could provide proof of homicidal gas chambers. His “proof” was an anecdotal account of his family being gassed. Obviously this isn’t proof. He didn’t get the cash prize so he took the people offering the prize to court and sued them.

This is the crazy part. The court claimed they didn’t need proof of homicidal gas chambers because “it is common knowledge.”

So if a suspect is accused of being a serial killer all someone has to do is accuse him and he gets convicted?

This isn’t how evidence works. But this is how the holohoax narrative works. Someone says something happened and it must have happened because they said it did.

Репост из: Propagandaministerium
Our Victory is impossible without rejecting degeneracy, corruption and perversion. Get rid of it. Smash it. Burn this parasite to ashes whenever you come across it...

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Репост из: Propagandaministerium
Wherever I go, I see His face. The great Prophet of our race, the first one to rise up against the devilish forces parasiting on the face of Europe - he has become truly immortal. His Cause and his Idea will always be preserved in the hearts of the most devoted sons and daughters of our race, making him our Eternal Leader for generations to come.

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Репост из: ATLdaily
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Suburban man gets done watching American History X for the first time

How we need to roll when called out, and were always being called out!!

Репост из: Western Masculine
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The system that is supposed to represent us, sees us as terrorists comparable to ISIS. That shows you who runs our system. The jews in power will not allow you to have a political solution towards peaceful separation. They will doxx, disarm, and incarcerate us one by one unless the system itself is removed. Whites coming together as a collective force cannot be stopped. We will have victory.

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