UNRWA Telegram : UN Watch / UNRWA EDU / United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East / Gaza

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By @WomenRightsTelegram @DefenceTelegram @GenRevolutionOfficial @FactsTelegramChannels More @IsraelWarBullshit @HumanRightsChecklist @HumanRightsTelegram @LawsTelegram @IsraelWarPollution @IsraelWarFacts @IsraelWarWomenRights @IsraelWarAnimalRights

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No te pierdas el eventazo del próximo 26 de septiembre en @AteneoMaliciosa. Nuestra directora ejecutiva, @Raquel_Marti_ y la periodista @olgarodriguezfr recibirán a la activista feminista gazatí Duha Almusaddar .

❤️ Nos acompañará también la poesía de @BelenGNieto


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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"I am very worried about the risk to my children's health."

In #Gaza, people shelter in open spaces with no sewage network or rainwater drainage system. As reptiles, rodents, and insects spread, @UNRWA teams spray pesticides and remove waste to protect families from diseases.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

GAZA: La clínica dental de uno de nuestros centros de salud en Khan Younis acaba de reabrir. Debido a las dificultades para acceder a atención dental por la falta de equipos e instalaciones, la población depende de UNRWA para tratamientos dentales.
👉 ayudagaza.com


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

La población desplazada de Gaza vive hacinada en refugios y tiendas de campaña en condiciones inhumanas.
El acceso a servicios de saneamiento y productos de higiene es muy limitado y el riesgo de propagación de enfermedades sigue siendo extremadamente alto.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @AnastasiaSMoran: Critical legislation introduced in Congress today to restore US funding to @UNRWA

UNRWA is the backbone of the aid response in #Gaza and vital across the Middle East. The conclusion of several investigations led most donors to restore funding. It's time for the US to follow suit

In the face of catastrophic conditions in Gaza, we join other NGOs in supporting legislation to restore U.S. funding for @UNRWA—the suspension of which is impacting lifesaving assistance for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the region. congress.gov/bill/118th-cong… - IRC - International Rescue Committee


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @RESCUEorg: In the face of catastrophic conditions in Gaza, we join other NGOs in supporting legislation to restore U.S. funding for @UNRWA—the suspension of which is impacting lifesaving assistance for millions of Palestinians in Gaza and the region. congress.gov/bill/118th-cong…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @FCNL: Happening now: FCNL’s @HassanElTayyab and Reps @RepAndreCarson, @RepJayapal, @RepSchakowsky, @RepRashida & @Ilhan speaking to urge support for their new bill to restore funding for #UNRWA's vital humanitarian work in #Gaza.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

HAPPENING NOW: A press conference with our Executive Director @marakronenfeld, partners, @RepAndreCarson, @RepJayapal, and @janschakowsky on the @UNRWA Emergency Restoration Act of 2024.

We're streaming live on our TikTok: @unrwa.usa/live' rel='nofollow'>tiktok.com/@unrwa.usa/live


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

En Gaza, los niños y niñas no tendrán una vuelta al cole como otros cursos. Pero sí podrán volver a ser precisamente eso, niños y niñas.
Vamos a devolverles su infancia robada, esperanzas, un futuro mejor y una motivación. Y tú también puedes ayudarles
👉 educacionparagaza.es/


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Los niños y niñas de Gaza han perdido un curso escolar por culpa de la violencia y el desplazamiento. En UNRWA queremos devolverles su infancia robada con actividades de aprendizaje y apoyo psicosocial.
Tú también puedes ayudarles:
🔗 educacionparagaza.es


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

The dental clinic of an @UNRWA health centre in Khan Younis has just reopened.

With people struggling to access dental care due to the lack of equipment and facilities and the high cost of private healthcare in #Gaza, families rely on UNRWA for critical dental treatments.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

No te pierdas el eventazo del próximo 26 de septiembre en @AteneoMaliciosa. Nuestra directora ejecutiva, @Raquel_Marti_ y la periodista @olgarodriguezfr recibirán a la activista feminista gazatí Duha Almusaddar .

❤️ Nos acompañará también la poesía de @BelenGNieto


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

While too many of our staff are being killed as our buildings are attacked in #Gaza, @UNRWA continues to be the target of misinformation and disinformation attacks.

These aim at distracting from the atrocities of the war, dehumanising people, and undermining & eliminating UNRWA.

#Gaza: too many of our staff are being killed as our buildings are attacked.

At the same time, @UNRWA continues to be the target of a barrage of misinformation & disinformation.
This includes attempts of justifying the killing of staff by labeling them operatives of armed groups like Hamas.

Such horrific claims, made publicly, are not backed by evidence & are dangerous.
Most importantly, they instigate fear among our humanitarian frontline workers in Gaza.
Several colleagues told us they no longer feel safe to put on the UNRWA vest.
Their children are begging them not to go to work fearing they might be killed while in UNRWA buildings.

The misinformation attacks are not about the neutrality of #UNRWA or our humanitarian workers.
They aim at:
- Creating distraction from the atrocities of this war.
- ⁠Dehumanization by rendering the unbearable justifiable.
- Undermining & eliminating UNRWA, the largest humanitarian provider in Gaza including for food, shelter and health care.

Everyone has a responsibility to control the spread of inaccurate or malicious information.

Before sharing, check the facts to avoid the trap of putting the lives of others at risk. - Philippe Lazzarini


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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"Hemos recibido una generosidad excepcional de donantes privados". @UNLazzarini explica que muchos países y socios privados han demostrado solidaridad. Desde el comienzo de la violencia en #Gaza, UNRWA ha recibido 150 millones de dólares solo de donaciones privadas.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Hillel Neuer on @FoxNews: "In the history of modern warfare, we’re not aware of a more precise, pinpoint, targeted operation, which exemplifies the principles that the U.N. is supposed to care about, like proportionality.

And yet, incredibly, @antonioguterres and @volker_turk have found ways, absurdly, to condemn Israel without offering any other alternative way that Israel could have more precisely targeted terrorists who’ve been firing 8,500 missiles at Israel unprovoked since October 8th."


UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

🔴 Hasta el 16 de septiembre, según OCHA, más de 55 órdenes de desalojo seguían en vigor en Gaza, cubriendo aproximadamente el 86% del territorio.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

UNRWA sigue siendo el blanco de un aluvión de información errónea y desinformación. Esto incluye intentos de justificar el asesinato de personal etiquetándolos como operativos de grupos armados. 🧵


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @UNLazzarini: #Gaza: too many of our staff are being killed as our buildings are attacked.

At the same time, @UNRWA continues to be the target of a barrage of misinformation & disinformation.
This includes attempts of justifying the killing of staff by labeling them operatives of armed groups like Hamas.

Such horrific claims, made publicly, are not backed by evidence & are dangerous.
Most importantly, they instigate fear among our humanitarian frontline workers in Gaza.
Several colleagues told us they no longer feel safe to put on the UNRWA vest.
Their children are begging them not to go to work fearing they might be killed while in UNRWA buildings.

The misinformation attacks are not about the neutrality of #UNRWA or our humanitarian workers.
They aim at:
- Creating distraction from the atrocities of this war.
- ⁠Dehumanization by rendering the unbearable justifiable.
- Undermining & eliminating UNRWA, the largest humanitarian provider in Gaza including for food, shelter and health care.

Everyone has a responsibility to control the spread of inaccurate or malicious information.

Before sharing, check the facts to avoid the trap of putting the lives of others at risk.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Tras casi 12 meses de violencia en Gaza, la población se ha visto obligada a refugiarse en cualquier pedazo de tierra disponible, incluso en la playa.
El otoño se acerca y las tormentas provocan que las olas inunden las tiendas de campaña. Los plásticos y telas no protegen.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Показано 19 последних публикаций.