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En las primeras horas del alto el fuego en #Gaza, algunos de los residentes desplazados del campamento de refugiados y refugiadas de Jabalia, en el norte, están empezando a regresar.

Para muchos, sus hogares se han reducido a escombros.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Apoyar a UNRWA es defender la humanidad.
Apoyar a UNRWA es no permitir que el mundo abandone al pueblo palestino.
No más muertes.
Es el momento de recuperar nuestra HUMANIDAD. #YoApoyoAUNRWA @VioletaStar


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

La población de Gaza apenas tiene acceso a agua potable y no pueden satisfacer sus necesidades más básicas. Su salud corre un serio riesgo.
👉 ayudagaza.com


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Tras las primeras horas de alto el fuego en Gaza, la pregunta es: ¿A dónde va a volver la población?

Varias personas desplazadas están intentando llegar a sus casas al norte, pero muchas son ahora escombros.

El 69% de la infraestructura en la Franja ha sido destruida o dañada.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @HillelNeuer: On her way to Davos to sip champagne and eat caviar, Amnesty International chief Agnes Callamard pens an anti-capitalist manifesto — and makes sure to single out only one country in the world: 🇮🇱 Israel. No mention of China, Iran, Russia, Sudan, North Korea, Venezuela, Syria...

I am on my way to Davos for the 25th edition of the World Economic Forum.

Are we truly entering an ‘Intelligent Age’, as the World Economic Forum posits, driven by artificial intelligence, robotics and biotech advances? Hard to believe given the gravity of the challenges facing humanity.

There is nothing intelligent about letting tech companies run amok, without robust safeguards to protect us from the worst impulses of corporate power and the adverse consequences of unprecedented technological growth.

There is nothing intelligent about letting technological leaps widen existing divisions, and inequalities and facilitate authoritarian practices, as we’re already seeing. T

There is nothing intelligent about allowing machines to make decisions to kill people

There is nothing intelligent about enabling the annihilation of international law, attacking international justice and pretending the Palestinians of Gaza are not the victims of a genocide by the Israel authorities.

For all the promise of the digital age, it has also brought us widespread anxiety, heightened polarization and oceans of disinformation. Without ironclad human rights protections built into the heart of the technological development process, the utopia some promise could all too easily descend into dystopia.

Talk of safeguarding the planet will ring hollow until world leaders stop letting fossil fuel companies sacrifice our future through their relentless, all-consuming pursuit of profit. The corporate actors retreating from previous commitments to stop growing the fossil fuel industry will cause costly destruction and untold human rights violations.

Protecting our planet must begin with commitments to vastly scale up climate finance and fund a rapid, full and just phaseout of fossil fuels, while helping affected communities adapt to the worst impacts of climate change and providing reparations for climate-caused losses and damages.

Reimagining growth requires a genuine commitment to reforming the global financial system. If this is to be a worthwhile exercise, attendees must stop propping up the crumbling system that delivers unimaginable wealth to a tiny minority at the expense of the suffering of billions.

Instead of perpetuating these problems, those gathered at Davos must use their considerable influence to fix them. They must recognize that the human and economic costs of maintaining the status quo are as incalculable as they are unjustifiable.

If we are to achieve a better future, we must reconsider paradigms of growth and prosperity and expand our thinking beyond narrow metrics such as GDP.

To effectively address structural and systemic inequalities, we must find new and innovative ways to measure and deliver shared and sustainable advances.
Crucially, this demands strong actions so that justice is delivered, historical crimes are addressed, and conflicts and arms race are reigned in.

Let us be intelligent enough to to secure a future in which both human dignity and our planet thrive. - Agnes Callamard

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @hadjalahbib: The work done by @UNRWA to support Palestinians in #Gaza and the region is now more important than ever and needs to be steadily supported by the international community.

This was the message I conveyed to @UNRWAJFO, Director of @UNRWA Affairs at the Jordan Office.

UNRWA Europe 🇺🇳

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @UNLazzarini: #Gaza #ceasefire @ICRC

UNRWA Europe 🇺🇳

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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RT @apuntnoticies: 🗣️ Raquel Martí, d'Unrwa: "Es calcula que hi ha 60.000 xiquets desnodrits a Gaza"

Este diumenge està previst que entre en vigor l'alto el foc entre Israel i Hamàs després de més quinze mesos de guerra.

⬇️ Més informació: apuntmedia.es/noticies/mon/v…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @elpais_america: Video | La directora ejecutiva de UNRWA España, Raquel Martí, describe como “catastrófica” la situación que sufren los gazatíes e insiste en una paz duradera para poner fin a la crisis humanitaria elpais.com/videos/2025-01-18…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @ParrillaGil: Raquel Martí (UNRWA): “Hay 14.000 personas heridas que necesitan urgentemente ser atendidas fuera de Gaza” diario.red/articulo/canal-re… a través de @diario_red_


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

RT @UNRWAJFO: Many thanks to British MPs for visiting @UNRWA Hussein Camp #Jordan, engaging with student parliamentarians, showing strong support to #PalestineRefugee & @UNRWA’s human development services.

Grateful for your leadership & advocacy for peace & security in the region!

UNRWA Europe 🇺🇳

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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The #ceasefire is a glimmer of hope for hundreds of thousands of displaced people hoping to go back to northern #Gaza.

No place like home, except most homes are now reduced to rubble.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

En unas semanas está previsto que entren en vigor las leyes del parlamento israelí que prohíben nuestro trabajo en tPo. Está en juego la vida de los refugiados de Palestina y la legitimidad de nuestro sistema multilateral.
Actúa👉 actuaunrwa.es/peticion/queno…


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Today we honor the memory of MLK Jr.—one of the greatest leaders in history—who worked closely with UN Watch founder Morris Abram.

Rev. King's final speech: "I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the Promised Land."

UN Watch

UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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En #Gaza el llanto había sido negado. Las lágrimas de alivio van cargadas de dolor por estos 15 terribles meses.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

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Following months of bombardment, the residential buildings and streets of Tel Al-Sultan, Rafah, are now rubble and ash.

The #ceasefire is just a starting point on a long journey to alleviate the suffering of people in #Gaza.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

En las primeras horas del alto el fuego en #Gaza, algunos de los residentes desplazados del campamento de refugiados y refugiadas de Jabalia, en el norte, están empezando a regresar.

Para muchos, sus hogares se han reducido a escombros.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

En las primeras horas del alto el fuego en #Gaza, algunos de los residentes desplazados del campamento de refugiados y refugiadas de Jabalia, en el norte, están empezando a regresar.

Para muchos, sus hogares se han reducido a escombros.


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Apoyar a UNRWA es defender la humanidad.
Apoyar a UNRWA es no permitir que el mundo abandone al pueblo palestino.
No más muertes.
Es el momento de recuperar nuestra HUMANIDAD. #YoApoyoAUNRWA @UgarteEva


UNRWA on Telegram by @UNRWATelegram
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme

Показано 20 последних публикаций.