Фильтр публикаций

Less bullshit from a nature criminal - Telegram channels against Elon Musk - More science and facts, less Elon Musk ecocide! https://t.me/ElonMuskFacts

Ben Shapiro Facts - Less fake science and more scientific facts please! Telegram channels against Ben Shapiro Feelings Opinions https://t.me/BenShapiroFacts

22 July - the most important day in our planet to change laws / human rights / discrimination once at all! Behind Breivik Facts https://t.me/BreivikFacts

Telegram Channels against Amnesty Bullshit Facts or to support Amnesty Human Rights fight https://t.me/AmnestyFacts

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Multichannel - Climate Facts on Telegram by GRT : Cambio climático Changement climatique Klimawandel Mudança climática Klimaatverandering https://t.me/ClimaFacts

🖇🌍 https://t.me/addlist/PnM6poGtTtwwMzcx

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Telegram represents the only political party with brain: Science / Facts / Statistics / Human Rights / Truth / Empathy https://t.me/SciencePoliticalParty

It's world war, more than Ukraine, Russia, Israel and Palestine - É guerra mundial, mais que Ucrânia, Rússia, Israel e Palestina https://t.me/WorldWar3Facts

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🇳🇴💉Breivik Death Sentence NOW🇳🇴💉
Anders Behring Breivik death sentence NOW - a person who killed at least 78 people in Norway living better than homeless https://t.me/BreivikDeathSentence

Anders Behring Breivik Luxus Life - When prisoners live better in prison than the poor and innocent - All inclusive 5 star luxury hotels https://t.me/PrisonHotel

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Telegram stands for animal, planet and human rights - Channel list https://t.me/RightsTelegram

🤜🤜 https://t.me/addlist/Sk-TekVpJhw2MzIx
🤜🤜 (2) https://t.me/addlist/gLPMUCb5s6IwNTMx

Other related to rights
🖇🛡 https://t.me/addlist/pL2yDj4ErKNjNjBh
🖇🤡 https://t.me/addlist/mhZg0973N14wMjMx
🖇🌍 https://t.me/addlist/PnM6poGtTtwwMzcx

Alternative für Deutschland Facts - Wissenschaftliche Kanäle gegen AfD Bullshit - Telegram Channel Lists https://t.me/AfDFacts

Telegram is science and rights, not bullshit and discrimination! https://t.me/addlist/k9KpFJ8y1nJmODQx

Defence Facts on Telegram : Fact behind crimes / criminality / prisoners / terror attacks / sexual abuse / justice laws https://t.me/DefenseFacts


I'm Iceland - Ég er Ísland - Soy islandia - Jeg er Island - Olen Islanti - Sono l'Islanda : Earthquakes Volcanoes Science https://t.me/IslandaTelegram


Volcano Science Telegram Channels : scientific approach to volcanoes earthquakes - approche scientifique des volcans / séismes https://t.me/VolcanoScience

Israel Palestine Gaza War Conflict Facts - Datos de la guerra Israel y Palestina - Fakten zum Israel Palästina Krieg https://t.me/IsraelWarFacts

Join all scientific facts channels related to the war in batch https://t.me/addlist/nTyay5rBWD5jNzJh

Still searching channels? You can use even the media panel to find them faster!if you have no idea to search for terms or scroll previous post

All in one folder will be released in future

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💥💥Telegram Freaks / GenRevolution / Nature Freaks and WomenRightsTelegram stand for peace💥💥

Jump to post 1: https://t.me/FactsTelegramChannels/3

Facts behind Israel and the war no one is sharing you : Renewable Energy / Climate Change Pollution / Natural Disasters https://t.me/IsraelPollution

Israel vs Palestine CO2 War

Two new channels of @IsraelWarBullshit and @TerrorismTelegram to better separate topics: @PalestineForDummies and @MuslimTerrorists

Jump to post 1: https://t.me/FactsTelegramChannels/3

Telegram sharable folder will created in future, so you can join all fact channels with one click @JoinShareableChatFolders

You can still get the all in one feed https://t.me/FactsTelegramFreaks

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💥💥Mission "United for a better world"💥💥

Remember that scrolling the previous 2-5 posts, like most people on Telegram are doing, doesn't mean checking facts! This means just to wish to remain ignorant, by ignoring all other facts.

Same like seeing a channel, without even visiting such channel at all (and searching previous posts) ...

Start to know how to properly use Telegram, not like an idiot

Your Telegram for Dummies channels:

How to search on Telegram https://t.me/grannouncements/334
Telegram for Dummies part 2 https://t.me/FactChecksTelegram/1232

For a better world without @DieWelleTelegram anymore, which is still huge diffused worldwide in 2023

Jump to post 1: https://t.me/FactsTelegramChannels/3

💥💥Travel Advices💥💥

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☠️☠️Terrorism Facts☠️☠️

A bit different compared to all previous channels we released, but it's important to share news with facts too!

Facts about terrorism / war / Israel / Palestine and Video Fact Check @IsraelWarBullshit

Fact Check by other journalists @FactChecksTelegram

Coming soon: @TerrorismTelegram

Jump to post 1 https://t.me/FactsTelegramChannels/3

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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