Репост из: The Universal Antidote Videos
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(Translated from Italian)
"Good morning, let me introduce myself. My name is Monica and I am 48 years old. I have endometriosis and I had surgery at 29 to remove a recto-vaginal cyst and adhesions that caused me very strong pain. Unfortunately, after a short while the endometriosis returned and to keep it "under control" I had to take the pill continuously. In the spring of this year the gynecologist made me stop the pill, to give my body a rest and hoping to reap the "benefits" of all these years of taking the pill. At first it was quite good, but as the months went by the situation got worse and worse until it got worse about 2 months ago because my belly was very swollen, and I had pain in the intestinal-lumbar-ovarian-genital area. I was stuck with my back because of the endometriosis. On 11/25 I started with the CDS: protocol C, intestinal cleansing + enema with 6 ml CDS and 500 cc warm water (this once a week, but 2 times were enough), vaginal washes with 5 ml CDS + 500 cc water (once a day every day until I felt well, so for about 15-20 days). Then every night a teaspoon of zeolite + diatomaceous earth dissolved in a glass of water.
Today 12/17 I can say that I feel good: I no longer have pain, my belly has deflated, and I have so much energy (before I was flat).
I hope that this testimony of mine can be useful to many people to undertake a healing journey."
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(Translated from Italian)
"Good morning, let me introduce myself. My name is Monica and I am 48 years old. I have endometriosis and I had surgery at 29 to remove a recto-vaginal cyst and adhesions that caused me very strong pain. Unfortunately, after a short while the endometriosis returned and to keep it "under control" I had to take the pill continuously. In the spring of this year the gynecologist made me stop the pill, to give my body a rest and hoping to reap the "benefits" of all these years of taking the pill. At first it was quite good, but as the months went by the situation got worse and worse until it got worse about 2 months ago because my belly was very swollen, and I had pain in the intestinal-lumbar-ovarian-genital area. I was stuck with my back because of the endometriosis. On 11/25 I started with the CDS: protocol C, intestinal cleansing + enema with 6 ml CDS and 500 cc warm water (this once a week, but 2 times were enough), vaginal washes with 5 ml CDS + 500 cc water (once a day every day until I felt well, so for about 15-20 days). Then every night a teaspoon of zeolite + diatomaceous earth dissolved in a glass of water.
Today 12/17 I can say that I feel good: I no longer have pain, my belly has deflated, and I have so much energy (before I was flat).
I hope that this testimony of mine can be useful to many people to undertake a healing journey."
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