Ask it this way: If Russia attacked Ukraine... Why is Ukraine the one to make a Ceasefire / Peace Deal?
If Ukraine was being attacked why didn't all the members of NATO enter and counter-attack Russia? And why aren't their militaries in Ukraine?
What's the United States of America's linkage to Ukraine to be the sole-funders and fighters even though there's zero troops deployed to Ukraine?
The ONLY linkage to the United States of America to Ukraine are the Department of Defense 2004/05 funding of the Biolabs, the 4 Executive Orders and National Emergency declared by Obama in 2014, Biden's 7 trips in 7 months to Ukraine in 2014, Victoria Nuland's security of $1 Billion for Ukraine in 2014, the same $1 Billion Biden said would be withheld if a certain prosecutor wasn't fired (and was fired), Victoria Nuland saying "F*ck the European Union" in 2014, John Kerry, Nancy Pelosi, Mitt Romney, and Biden's children working in Ukraine, making MILLIONS.
Laws and Orders invoked outline a Special Operation via Unconventional Warfare, Irregular Warfare, Clandestine Operations, Covert Operations.
The Swamp is being drained of the global alliance of bureaucrats, lobbyists and defense contractors as promised.
The 1961 Military Industrial Complex speech is now of the past as the draining of the clowns from the Pentagon and Department of Defense are now gone.
And all Liberals and Democrats are being separated from the Good of the world. The world's watching the Biblical portion paint itself loud and clear.
All liberals are replicating the chaff with reprobate minds. And now their hell will be living in the world of the wheat doing what's right and there's not a thing they can do to stop it.
All Liberals just got played like a Stradivarius fiddle by the Master Fiddler...
Just a few days ago, Liberals were sharing photos saying, "one man without a suit and a suit without a man"...
Liberals were praising Zacheus and calling the chosen one by God the devil... And now, Zacheus is ready to make a deal and Russia's ready for peace.
Guess who all exposed themselves even more as reprobate, evil, and the true traitors, imbeciles, and terrorists against the United States of America?
You're all in a Nation founded by weapons and still guarded by weapons. We've yet to use them and won't have to. But that's why you all look like idiots on social media staying in your circle jerks.
They’re all reprobate minds who are being ostracized and alienated by we the people who are fed up with hypocrisy, gaslighting, manipulation, fraud, and corruption.
Those profiles and platforms are also going to start being prosecuted by Laws and Orders...
They best get with the program. The People have spoken and aren't going anywhere.
Not a thing they can do to stop it. And none of them are going to do a thing about it.
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