Borax & Boron 4 Health

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English discussion group for healing with Borax aka Boron

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We’re on the verge of 900 subscribers! 😱

⬆️⬆️⬆️ This is the weekly reminder for our new members on how to get started. Low and slow! Thanks for being here and don’t forget to join us in the group chat!

Репост из: Borax & Boron 4 Health
Dosing information from Walter Last's book "The Borax Conspiracy". I highly recommend starting at the very low 3 mg a day dose and working up. You can prepare the concentrated solution as shown or put just a tiny pinch of Borax directly in your morning drink of choice and slowly work up to 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon of Borax a day.

Just ordered a water distiller for our home! While doing so, I learned that distilling water still may not remove some harmful VOCs so a post distillation charcoal filter is recommended when you know for a fact your tap water contains VOCs or when you want to be extra sure none will be present in the final product. I went ahead and picked up some charcoal filters for now to be on the safe side. It might be a little overkill but at least I'm prepared if something were to contaminate our tap water or if we ever needed to use an alternate water source in an emergency. I also purchased the 3 year extended warranty since I've read so many complaints about distillers in general not lasting as long as they should.

First of all, if you sleep with the blinds open, there’s something wrong with you. 😜😘 Seriously though, does anyone really believe these crazy narratives anymore?

So glad you all are here in this group ❤️

Репост из: Cruel History
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Boiled water changes flouride into flourine, making it more potent...

Anyone cooking their vegetables with tap water? 😬

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Репост из: Borax & Boron 4 Health
Dosing information from Walter Last's book "The Borax Conspiracy". I highly recommend starting at the very low 3 mg a day dose and working up. You can prepare the concentrated solution as shown or put just a tiny pinch of Borax directly in your morning drink of choice and slowly work up to 1/8 or 1/4 teaspoon of Borax a day.

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I’m going to make this ⬇️⬇️⬇️ a weekly reminder to help all the new folks joining us. We keep growing and growing! Thanks for being here and best wishes on your health journey! ❤️

Репост из: ADHD Naturally
It’s so sad how bromine, a poison that causes cancer and cognitive issues, came to replace iodine in white bread many years ago. We are bombarded with this toxin now daily from all types of products. Iodine pulls bromine out of the body which is why it is so important for our health.

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Not good. When I started taking copper balanced with zinc per the Copper Revolution protocol last year, I stopped needing sun screen all together. I developed a nice tan instead of burning. Seed oils also cause sunburn so avoiding those helps quite a bit too.

About to switch my teens over to Borax powder from boron liquid and capsules. Ordering these tiny measuring spoons so I can be more precise with their dosing. None of my various measuring spoon collections at home go smaller than 1/4th teaspoon for some reason. 🤔Thought someone else starting out might find it useful too.

Репост из: ElevateThyMind
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🤔Spike protein shedding or jumping all over? Let’s look at it from another side.

RFID chips: From the documentary - BlueTRUTH

Ways to detox graphene:
-Borax or Baking Soda

👍Graphene Antidote study:

Vital Earth makes a pH balanced blend of fulvic and humic minerals without the acid that I prefer over shilajit. I wonder if it can be used in place of shilajit/humic acid for spike detox? 🤔

Репост из: YouTube Downloader Bot
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Jorge Flechas, MD - Boron and Oral Health

Репост из: ADHD Naturally
Let’s talk about brilliant Boron! Before I started my research, I had never heard of anyone supplementing boron. It’s a vital yet often overlooked mineral. Scientists believe boron was necessary for the evolution of life on earth because it plays a necessary role in metabolism for plants, animals and humans alike! One of the key reasons I included it on the ADHD Naturally protocol is because it is very helpful in removing toxins like fluoride, heavy metals and pesticides from soft tissues including the brain. Not only that but it also balances hormones like estrogen and testosterone. It is antifungal as well and helps rid the body of candida that often plagues the guts of neurodivergent people. In addition, boron has been shown to improve the electrical activity of people’s brains and their cognitive performance including short term memory. The benefits of this overlooked mineral are extensive:

• Reduces menstrual cycle pain and cramping
• Increases magnesium absorption and lessens wasting
• Improves wound healing
• Reduced wasting of Vitamin D
• Raises antioxidant enzymes such as glutathione and SOD
• Helps the formation of SAM-e
• Prevents cancers such as breast, prostate, cervical, lung and non-Hodgkins’ lymphoma
• Reverses osteoarthritis
• Reverses calcification of endocrine glands and ovaries
• Reverses arteriosclerosis
• Protects against kidney stones

There is nothing BORING about BORON!!!

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