Covid theater 2019 - 20XX??

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How about digging deep in to the other side of msm narrative and find that the web of events spun by msm is nothing but a series of theatrical events with obliging actors?
This group only aims to spread knowledge of covid 19 plandemic.

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vaccine injury pamplet final.pdf
Vaccine injury/death education and reporting pamphlet. Would be good if we have phone numbers to contact as most of the ordinary people do not use email or telegram. But we need volunteers so we can have a team just to oversee vaccine reporting. My guess is we would have overwhelming no: of people reporting as per the VAERS data seen in US,UK , Europe and Australia. If any team is able to organise phone numbers I am happy to add group names and phone numbers under contact address. Thank you.

Репост из: Eric Clapton
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🇦🇺 If we don't stand for our children we don't stand for much. No vaccines, No vaccine passports, execution for the zionist/bolshevik/communist tyrants. Do what they hate the most, unite.


Sums up everything.....

Репост из: Reignite Democracy Australia
Monica is in an Isolation Cell after refusing PCR Test - A message from Monica's Parents |

Activist arrested....placed in isolation cell.....ISOLATION creates fear response mentally and physically. Your body and mind responds to isolation as a death threat...Isolation is the pandemic not the virus....

Репост из: The Crowhouse
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Prison life in Dan Andrews' quarantine - Threatened by Cops to be gassed.

"No air, no leaving the room for 338 hours, second time in my 11 days here someone has totally smashed up their room, babies crying. I think this guy thought he was leaving today when he is actually leaving at 11.59pm tonight. You go crazy being all alone. Is this really necessary? I myself had 9 negative tests before being denied to quarantine at home and I am vaccinated. Why ? What is the price of Victorians mental health ? does any one actually care ? This guy is threatened to be gassed by authorities if he doesn't calm down ?? WTF !" ... The actions of our Government and Police are the very definition of 'criminal

This is how 14 day quarantine looks is a nightmare! psychological torture!

Sorry for the language...but he is right!

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Репост из: dianna chase

Репост из: COVID19TruthGroup
Dr Robert W Malone, inventor of the mRNA technology used in vaccines, ironizes about the perfect timing for all big pharma companies to have developed vaccines with similar technologies at virtually the same time. Why are they so keen to normalize the use of this kind of technology you may ask? Because it gives them access to modifying human DNA at a whim. Please also note that the effectiveness of this last vaccine is reportedly only 67%, which basically discards the argument of better efficiency for this kind of technology. Full article ———>

Репост из: COVID19TruthGroup
Robert W Malone makes reference to a new article about quality of immunity of recovered COVID patients vs fully vaccinated, and how that should be read into regarding COVID passports and their actual benefit to society. Full Article ——>

Репост из: Students corner Covid Hoax

Репост из: George Van’t Zelfde

Репост из: George Van’t Zelfde

Репост из: Live Learn Evolve
Some highlights

“- In the UK, AZ vax now at close to 0% effectiveness against infection and in israel down to 40% since the media and pharmaceutrical companies used a bias of very high short-term serum antibody levels mimicking mucosal immunity as a (very lucrative) “flash in the pan” and not a lasting protective effect to sell hundreds of millions of doses.

- Vaccine protection even against severe disease will likely further decrease due to new variants, or, in the very worst case, will turn into antibody-dependent disease enhancement (ADE), if high levels of non-neutralizing antibodies aggravate the infection. Indeed, this is what happened in the case of vaccines against SARS-1 and dengue fever.

- There is a very real risk that additional vaccinations, which inject or induce the coronavirus spike protein, could substantially increase the risk of serious cardiovascular and neurological adverse events, such as strokes, GBS and heart muscle inflammation. Globally, covid vaccines may already have killed tens of thousands of people. Alternatives include safer oral vaccine candidates or medically supervised, low-dose oral live virus challenges

- Vaccination cannot achieve “sterile immunity” against infection and infectiousness. Thus, the whole idea of “vaccination certificates” has become obsolete – at least from a medical and epidemiological perspective – and should be rejected: the claim that it’s just “the unvaccinated” that are driving outbreaks – a claim made by many authorities – is simply false.

- In conclusion, and as argued previously, vaccine protection against infection and “mild disease” has pretty much collapsed, whereas protection against severe disease and death remains at a reasonable level, with the partial exception of the most senior citizens and especially nursing home residents, some of whom have never mounted a neutralizing antibody response to the vaccine. Moreover, future coronavirus variants will likely achieve additional immune evasion.”

A sobering look at the way the narrative has been manipulated to invite those not at risk of COVID and quite malevolently blame unvaccinated for outbreaks when natural immunity is considerably more effective in the long run. On a positive outlook for the vaccines it’s shows they have been able to provide mitigation of severe disease for the highest risk senior citizens around the globe.

Репост из: Live Learn Evolve

Here’s a well balanced article on the success and failures of the experimental vaccine program rolling out globally. Super important journal referenced information for anyone interested in real scientific data and not just the cherry picked data coming through the media platforms

Репост из: ShhLittleBirdie

Репост из: CRAIG KELLY - Keeping the bastards honest.
Those that believe ‘’we can vaccinate our way out of this’’ are suffering from a dangerous mental delusion. And that includes 99% of all politicians.

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