You can request the Telegram Transparency bot to provide a list of "fulfilled requests" that the Telegram administration has made with the governments of various countries.🇬🇧 For example, so far this year, there have been 3 fulfilled requests by the UK government for user information (allegedly, only IP addresses and the cell number used on sign-up). As a result of these 3 requests, "7 users were affected."
🇺🇸 In the US, 14 requests were made, affecting 108 users.
🇮🇳 Compare this to India:
6992 requests were made, affecting
15,599 street-shitters so far this year. I'm sure they weren't all busted for being pedophiles. There are a lot of scammers there, too.
🇨🇦 In New India, a whopping 0 requests were made. But to be fair, they also depend on intelligence from the US for everything.
Remember that the 5 Eyes gets around pesky domestic privacy laws by providing intelligence on each other's citizens.
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