✅Foydali so'zlar ro'yhati hayotingiz asqotadi
☝️Education - Ma’lumot
🎯I go to school - Men maktabda o’qiyman
🎯I left school 2 years ago - Men maktabni ikki yil burun tamomlaganman
🎯I’m in the...th form - Men ...sinfda o’qiyman
🎯I study at the university - Men universitetda o’qiyman
🎯I’m a ... student - Men talabaman
▪️first year - birinchi kurs
▪️second year - ikkinchi kurs
▪️I’m on a scholarship - Men stipendiya olaman
▪️carriculum - dastur
▪️dean - dekan
▪️department - fakul’tet
▪️diploma - diplom
▪️faculty - fakultet
▪️to graduate - oliy o’quv yurtni tugatmoq
▪️hostel - yotoqxona
▪️laboratory - laborotoriya
▪️lecture - leksiya
▪️lecture-room - auditoriya
▪️library - kutubxona
▪️pupil - o’quvchi
▪️reading-hall - o’qish zali
▪️rector - rektor
▪️report - doklad,maruza
▪️schedule - dars jadvali
▪️school-year - o’quv yili
▪️thesis - dissertasiya
▪️to train - o’qitmoq
☝️Education - Ma’lumot
🎯I go to school - Men maktabda o’qiyman
🎯I left school 2 years ago - Men maktabni ikki yil burun tamomlaganman
🎯I’m in the...th form - Men ...sinfda o’qiyman
🎯I study at the university - Men universitetda o’qiyman
🎯I’m a ... student - Men talabaman
▪️first year - birinchi kurs
▪️second year - ikkinchi kurs
▪️I’m on a scholarship - Men stipendiya olaman
▪️carriculum - dastur
▪️dean - dekan
▪️department - fakul’tet
▪️diploma - diplom
▪️faculty - fakultet
▪️to graduate - oliy o’quv yurtni tugatmoq
▪️hostel - yotoqxona
▪️laboratory - laborotoriya
▪️lecture - leksiya
▪️lecture-room - auditoriya
▪️library - kutubxona
▪️pupil - o’quvchi
▪️reading-hall - o’qish zali
▪️rector - rektor
▪️report - doklad,maruza
▪️schedule - dars jadvali
▪️school-year - o’quv yili
▪️thesis - dissertasiya
▪️to train - o’qitmoq