Гео и язык канала: не указан, не указан
Категория: не указана

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Гео и язык канала
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Фильтр публикаций

1. __ fresh bread every morning is his job.
(A) Baking
(B) To baked
(C) Bake
(D) Bakes

2. He made a lot of money __ and __ houses.
(A) buy, sell
(B) buying, selling
(C) to buy, to sell
(D) to buy, selling

3. He is not used __ on a boat.
(A) sail
(B) to sail
(C) sailing
(D) to sailing

4. We forced her __ the medicine.
(A) take
(B) taking
(C) to take
(D) took

5. You had better __ now.
(A) to leave
(B) leave
(C) leaving
(D) to leaving

6. __ the burglar, the policeman radioed for help.
(A) Watch
(B) To watching
(C) To watch
(D) Watching

7. Don't eat the __ food.
(A) spoil
(B) spoiling
(C) spoilt
(D) to spoil

8. The manager dismissed the clerk, __ to do the work himself.
(A) preferring
(B) prefer
(C) to prefer
(D) to preferring

9. We hurried there only __ everyone gone.
(A) find
(B) to find
(C) finding
(D) found

10. Please help me _ the rat.
(A) catching
(B) caught
(C) to catching
(D) catch

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✔️ ⤵️


✳️Tugallangan Modallar✳️

Modal fe’llari bilan “have/has+sifatdosh 2” shaklidagi fe’llar ishlatilishi mumkin. Ular o’tmishda sodir bo’lgan yoki bo’lmagan ish-harakatlarning nega sodir bo’lgan yoki bo’lmaganligini tahminan asoslashga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Bunday gaplar ingliz tili grammatikasidagi testlarda ko’plab uchraydi. Modal fe’llarining tugallangan zamon bilan birga ishlatilishidagi asosiy farqlarini imkon qadar ixchamlashtirib, quyidagicha eslab qolish oson bo’lgan formulalar asosida tushuntirishga harakat qildim. Misollardagi “done” fe’li Sifatdosh 2 o’rnida ishlatilgan. “Done” fe’lining o’rnida har qanday boshqa bir Sifatdosh 2 shaklidagi fe’l ishlatilishi mumkin.

▪️SHOULD HAVE DONE – bajarishi kerak edi, ammo bajarmadi. Bajarilishi maslahat berilgan edi.
▪️SHOULDN’T HAVE DONE – bajarildi, ammo bajarilmasligi kerak edi. Bajarilmasligi maslahat berilgan edi.
▪️COULD HAVE DONE – bajarishi mumkin edi, imkoniyati bor edi, ammo bajarmadi.
▪️COULDN’T HAVE DONE – bajarmadi, ammo xohlab, harakat qilganida ham bajara olmagan bo’lar edi.
▪️MIGHT HAVE DONE – bajargan bo’lsa kerak, o’tgan zamon ehtimoli (50% ehtimol).
▪️MAY HAVE DONE – bajargan bo’lsa kerak, o’tgan zamon ehtimoli (50% ehtimol).
▪️MUST HAVE DONE – bajargan bo’lishi kerak, o’tgan zamondagi tahminning kuchli aytilishi.
▪️CAN’T HAVE DONE – bajargan bo’lishi mumkin emas, bajarilmaganligiga aniq ishonch bildirish.

Ⓜ️uallif : @ALLOHYOR_99

🇬🇧Eng sara dars va qo'llanmalar bizning kanalda

🌐Kanalimizga obuna bo'ling

Umumiy ma’lumotlar

Shaxs yoki narsaning harakati yoki holatini ifodalovchi so‘zlar fe’l deyiladi.

1. Fe’llar sodda, yasama va qo‘shma bo‘ladi:👇

a) sodda fe’llar tarkibida qo‘shimcha yoki old qo‘shimcha bo‘lmaydi;

b) yasama fe’llarning qo‘shimchasi yoki old qo‘shimchasi bo‘ladi:

-en: to widen — kengaytirmoq
to strengthen — kuchaytirmoq

-fy: to simplify — sod dalashtir moq
to signify — ifodalamoq, bil dir moq

-ize: to mobilize — jalb qilmoq
to organize — tashkil qilmoq

-ate: to demonstrate — namo yish

un-: to unload — yukni tushirmoq
to untie — yechmoq

re-: to resell — qayta sotmoq

to disappear — g‘oyib bo‘lmoq
to separate — ajratmoq
dis-: to disarm — qurol sizlantir moq

c) Qo‘shma fe’llar ikki so‘zdan yasaladi:

to whitewash — oqlamoq
to broadcast — radioda eshittirmoq

Eng keng tarqalgan qo‘shma fe’llar:
fe’l + ravish

to come in — kirmoq
to take off — yechmoq
to go on — davom ettirmoq.

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🌈Complete the following sentences using appropriate prepositions.

1. A committee has been appointed to inquire ……………… the accident.

a) about
b) into
c) after
d) of

2. I inquired ……………….. him whether he would come with us.

a) about
b) of
c) into
d) after

3. She insisted ………………….. my leaving the house.

a) of
b) on
c) at
d) with

4. We must guard …………………… anti-social elements exploiting our children.

a) with
b) for
c) against
d) no preposition

5. She instantly jumped …………………… the conclusion that I was the thief.

a) at
b) to
c) on
d) with

6. This is a custom peculiar ………………….. Hindus.

a) with
b) at
c) to
d) of

7. Suddenly it occurred ………………… me that I had left the lights and fans on.

a) on
b) with
c) at
d) to

8. We all look …………………. him for help and guidance.

a) at
b) up to
c) on
d) up

9. When they became rich they started looking ………………….. upon their neighbors.

a) for
b) down
c) at
c) with

Do'stlarga ulashing.....

✅Foydali so'zlar ro'yhati hayotingiz asqotadi

☝️Education - Ma’lumot

🎯I go to school - Men maktabda o’qiyman
🎯I left school 2 years ago - Men maktabni ikki yil burun tamomlaganman
🎯I’m in form - Men ...sinfda o’qiyman
🎯I study at the university - Men universitetda o’qiyman
🎯I’m a ... student - Men talabaman

▪️first year - birinchi kurs
▪️second year - ikkinchi kurs
▪️I’m on a scholarship - Men stipendiya olaman
▪️carriculum - dastur
▪️dean - dekan
▪️department - fakul’tet
▪️diploma - diplom
▪️faculty - fakultet
▪️to graduate - oliy o’quv yurtni tugatmoq
▪️hostel - yotoqxona
▪️laboratory - laborotoriya
▪️lecture - leksiya
▪️lecture-room - auditoriya
▪️library - kutubxona
▪️pupil - o’quvchi
▪️reading-hall - o’qish zali
▪️rector - rektor
▪️report - doklad,maruza
▪️schedule - dars jadvali
▪️school-year - o’quv yili
▪️thesis - dissertasiya
▪️to train - o’qitmoq



Juma ayyom muborak azizlar🌙


☝️Aniq Artikl va uning ishlatilishi 10 siz o'rganshingiz kerak bo'lgan holat✅

1️⃣Yagona narsani anglatuvchi otlar oldidan
🔹The sun, the moon, the earth, the world
2️⃣Okean, daryo ,dengiz sahro, sharshara, ko’l va tog nomlari bilan
▪️The Pafic ocean, the Black Sea, the Nile, the Niagara Falls
3️⃣Orttirma darajadagi sifatlar bilan
▪️The is the biggest building in our town
3️⃣Diqqatga sazavor joy nomlari bilan
▪️The Kremlin
4️⃣Ba’zi geografik nomlar, muzey nomlari, gazeta va jurnal, kema va mehmonxona nomlari oldida
▪️The Criema, the Caucasus, The British Museum, The Life
5️⃣Dunyo taraflari nomlari bilan
▪️The North, The South, the West, The East
6️⃣Ko’plikdagi butun oilani anglatuvchi familyalar bilan
▪️The Akmalovs, The Petrovs
7️⃣Oldin ta’kidlangan narsa va buyum nomlari bilan
▪️The coat was large(oldingi gapda a artikli bilan ishlatilgan)
8️⃣Aniqlashtiruvchi va chegaralovchi: previous, last following, next only, very, same, right
The same story
9️⃣Birlikdagi sanaladigan narsa va buyumlarning sinfini yoki turini anglatuvchi otlaroldidan
The giraffe is the tallest of all animals(agar ot ko’plikda bosa the ishlatilmaydi)
1️⃣0️⃣Bazi ko’cha va shaxar nomlari oldidan(bular kam va yodlab olishingiz kerak
▪️the Arbat, the Mall, the Hague.


1. you students?
A) Do B) Are C) Am D) Is
the man at work?
A) Am B) Does C) Are D) Is
3. Who an optician?
A) is B) are C) am D) does
4. Where
Mary and Julia going?
A) is B) are C) do D) does
5. She working at the library.
A) does B) can C) is D) are
6. Frank and I
A) am B) is C) was D) are
7. there a hamburger on the table?
A) Does B) Are C) Isn’t D) Is
8. There
any soup on the menu.
A) aren’t B) are C) isn’t D) is
9. There any dentists in hospital.
A) are B) aren’t C) isn’t D) is
10. There
no chalk in the classroom.
A) is B) isn’t C) are D) aren’
⚡️ @English_Tests
11. There no surgeons in that hospital.
A) isn’t B) are C) aren’t D) was
you have any other questions?
A) Are B) Aren’t C) Were D) Do
13. How much milk there?
A) are B) do C) is D) were
14. How many vacation days
A) are B) do C) is D) was
15. What those?
A) is B) was C) are D) have
A) There’s B) They’re C) We’re D) It’s
17. She a sweater.
A) has B) have C) is D) are
18. We
a video.
A) has B) are C) don’t D) have
19. David a stereo.
A) doesn’t have B) not have C) don’t have D) don’t
she got a watch?
A) Does B) Have C) Has D) Was

⚡️ #Share

✅✅Vaqt Predloglari✅✅
Bu maqolada AT, ON va IN predloglarini vaqtga nisbatan ishlatilishi (prepositions of time)ni ko’rib o’tamiz. Vaqtga nisbatan yuqoridagi predloglarni ishlatganimizda o’zbek tiliga bu predloglar «-da» qo’shimchasi orqali tarjima qilinadi. Yuqoridagi har bir predlogning alohida vaqt turlariga nisbatan ishlatilish qoidalari bor.

⚠️AT predlogi aniq vaqt va soatlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Masalan:

🔸at 10:30 – soat 10:30 da;
🔸at night – tunda;
🔸at half past eight – soat sakkiz yarimda.

⚠️ON predlogi hafta va oy kunlariga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Masalan:

🔹on May 13 – 13-mayda;
🔹on Monday – dushanba kuni;
🔹on Monday night – dushanba kuni tunda.

⚠️IN predlogi katta davrlar: oylar, fasllar, yillar va asrlarga nisbatan ishlatiladi. Masalan:

🔸in September – sentyabr oyida;
🔸in spring – bahor faslida;
🔸in 1988 – 1988-yilda;
🔸in 16 century – XVI asrda.

Yuqoridagi keltirilgan misollarda predloglarning faqat tor doiradagi vaqtga nisbatan bo’lgan holatlardagina ishlatilishi ko’rsatilgan. Bulardan tashqari AT, ON va IN predloglari ibora bo’lib kelgan holatlarda ham vaqtni ifodalashi mumkin. Bu haqida keyingi darslarimizda ko’rib o’tamiz.


от глагола "to say"

to state — утверждать
to speak — высказывать
to remark — замечать
to report — сообщать
to add — добавлять
to answer — отвечать
to reply — отвечать на реплику
to respond — отвечать, отзываться
to acknowledge — допускать, признавать
to explain — объяснять
to ask — спрашивать
to inquire — наводить справки
to request — обращаться с просьбой
to beg — умолять
to rejoice — радоваться, ликовать
to laugh — смеяться
to joke — шутить, острить
to giggle — хихикать
to cheer — ободрять, утешать
to smirk — притворно или глупо улыбаться
to marvel — изумляться
to chime (chime in) — вступать в разговор, встревать
to beam — широко улыбаться, сиять
to shout — кричать
to belt (belt out) — орать, горланить
to yell — вопить, кричать
to scream — пронзительно кричать, визжать
to exclaim — восклицать
to boom (boom out) — говорить или петь глухим, низким голосом
to call — звать
to quake — вздрагивать, содрогаться
to tremble — трепетать
to stammer — заикаться, произносить с запинкой
to stutter — заикаться, запинаться
to gulp — ловить воздух, вдыхать воздух; задохнуться, захлебнуться (при рыдании, изумлении, испуге)
to demand — требовать
to hiss — шипеть, громко или сердито шептать
to fume (fume at / about / over) — раздражаться, кипеть от злости
to thunder (thunder against) — грозить, обличать
to snap (snap out) — грубить, резко говорить
to sneer — презрительно или насмешливо улыбаться, усмехаться
to bark — лаять, рявкать
to rant — говорить напыщенно, изрекать, разглагольствовать
to grunt — ворчать
to roar — реветь, орать, рычать
to bellow — орать, вопить
to command — приказывать, командовать
to order — приказывать
to dictate — диктовать, навязывать
to insist — настойчиво утверждать
to cry — кричать, вопить; плакать
to sob — рыдать, всхлипывать
to groan — стонать, охать
to bawl — кричать, орать во все горло
to whine — жаловаться, ныть
to mumble — бормотать
to mutter — бормотать
to whisper — шептать
to wonder — интересоваться
to ponder (ponder on / over) — размышлять

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✳️Ingliz tilida TILAK bildirish yo'llari✳️

1️⃣Tilak bildirishda fe’lning oddiy shaklidan foydalanamiz

▪️Bless you! – Sog’ bo’ling
▪️Allah save us. – Alloh bizni asrasin
▪️Long live the President! – Prizdentimiz uzoq yashasin
▪️Allah forbid – Alloh o’zi kechirsin
▪️Be it so – shunday bo’lsin

2️⃣Tilak bildirishni yana bir yo'li may orqali bildiriladi bunda may oldinga chiqadi

May our president live long – Prizdentimiz uzoq umr ko’rsin
May your wishes come true – Orzularingiz ro’yobga chiqsin

3️⃣Wish : iborasi tilamoq, biror narsa tilab duo qilmoq ma’nosida ishlatilishi mumkin

▪️I wish you every success in the future. – Men kelajakda barcha ishlaringizga muaffaqiyat tilayman
▪️We wish you good luck in your new job. – Yangi ishingizga omad tilaymiz
▪️I wish your channel(Fast English with Boysoat) success - kanalizga muaffaqiyat tilayman
⚠️Biror kishiga tilak bildirishda biz ega kesim shaklida gap tuzmaymiz, agarda ega kesim holida tuzilsa umuman ma'no o'zgarib ketadi, balkim wishdan so'ng to’ldiruvchi keladi. Ya'ni wish somebody something(luck/success etc..)
▪️I wish you luck

4️⃣Biz Wish o’rnida Hope foydalanshimiz mumkin

I hope that you have a great time. – Ajoyib vaqt o’tkazasiz dgan ummidaman
I hope that she passes the exam. – Imtihondan o’tishingizga umid qilaman
I hope to pass the exam. – Imtixondan o’rishga umid qilaman


🇬🇧Love idioms-sevgi iboralari🇺🇿

❗️Yodlab oling

♻️I think I’m falling in love with my best friend
▪️LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT – bir ko'rishda sevib qolmoq
♻️My wife and I met at a party. It was love at first sight.
▪️BE AN ITEM – kuchli sevoshmoq( bir jonu bir tan)
♻️ I didn’t know Chris and Sue were an item. They didn’t even look at each other at dinner.
▪️BE HEAD OVER HEELS(In love) – Juda qattiq sevmoq
♻️Look at them. They’re head over heels in love with each other.
▪️BE LOVEY-DOVEY– sevgisini ko'chada odamlar oldida o'pishib isxor qilish
♻️I don’t want to go out with Jenny and David. They’re so lovey-dovey, I just can’t stand it.
▪️PUPPY LOVE – o'smirlikdagi qisqa vaqtli sevgi
♻️My son is only twelve, but he’s already in love. Isn’t it a bit too early?
Don’t worry, it’s only puppy love. It won’t last
▪️ON THE ROCKS– munosabatda qanaqadir muommo bo'lsa ishlatamiz
♻️I think they will call off the wedding. Their relationship seems to be on the rocks.
▪️POP THE QUESTION– turmushga chiqshni so'rash
♻️ So, did Ben pop the question last night?
No, he didn’t. He just took me out for dinner and that’s all.
▪️THOSE THREE LITTLE WORDS– men seni sevaman
♻️ I think he loves me, but he hasn’t said those three little words yet.


✳️Bu sifatlar o'zidan keyin to predlogini oladi✳️

▪️acceptable — ma’qul, qabul qilarli
▪️attentive — e’tiborli, sinchkov
▪️clear — aniq, ravshan
▪️devoted — sodiq, fidoyi
▪️equal — teng, barobarequal — teng, barobar
▪️familiar — tanish
▪️grateful — minnatdor
▪️important — muhim
▪️kind — mehribon, rahmdil
▪️known — mashhur, taniqli
▪️unknown — noma’lum
▪️liable — lozim, kerak
▪️necessary — zarur, kerakli
▪️opposite — qarama- qarshi
▪️polite — odobli, xushmuomala
▪️similar — o‘xshash, bir xil
▪️strange — begona, notanish
▪️superior — eng oliy (sifatga oid)
▪️inferior — eng past
▪️unpleasant — yoqimsiz, noxush
▪️useful — foydali
▪️useless — befoyda

🔸It is not clear to me why he behaved like that.
🔹U o‘zini nega bunday tutganligi menga tushunarsiz (qorong‘u).


Способы приветствия на английском языке

Hello - Здравствуйте!
Hi - Привет!
Good morning - Доброе утро!
Good afternoon - Добрый день!
Good evening - Добрый вечер!

Способы прощания

Goodbye - До свидания!
Bye - Пока!
Good night - Спокойной ночи!
See you - До встречи!
Have a nice day - Хорошего дня!

Слова вежливости

Please - пожалуйста
Thank you (или Thanks) - спасибо
Thank you very much - большое спасибо
You're welcome - пожалуйста (в ответ на «спасибо»)
Don't mention it - не стоит благодарности
Not at all - не за что
I’m sorry (или Sorry) - извините
Excuse me - простите (также используется для привлечения внимания)
No problem - ничего страшного
It's ok или That's ok - все в порядке
Don't worry about it - не стоит беспокойства

В более высоком разрешении (для печати)

Do you speak English? - Вы говорите по-английски?
I don't speak English - Я не говорю по-английски
I speak a little English - Я немного говорю по-английски
Please speak more slowly - Пожалуйста, говорите помедленнее
Could you please repeat that? - Повторите, пожалуйста
Could you please spell that? - Продиктуйте по буквам, пожалуйста
How do you say ... in English? - Как по-английски будет ...?
How do you spell that? - Как это пишется?
How do you pronounce this word? - Как произносится это слово?
I understand - Я понимаю
I don't understand - Я не понимаю

Как спросить или подсказать дорогу

Could you tell me how to get to the ...? - Вы не подскажете, как добраться до…?
Do you know where the ... is? - Вы не знаете, где находится…?
How far is the…? - Как далеко до…?
airport - аэропорт
train station - железнодорожный вокзал
bus station - автобусная станция
Can you show me on the map? - Вы можете показать мне на карте?
I'm looking for this address - Я ищу этот адрес
It's this way - Это сюда
It's that way - Это туда
You're going the wrong way - Вы идете не в ту сторону
Take this road - Следуйте по этой дороге
Turn left - Поверните налево
Turn right - Поверните направо
Go straight ahead - Идите прямо
Take the first turn on the left - Поверните на первом повороте налево
Take the second turn on the right - Поверните на втором повороте направо
Turn left at the crossroads - На перекрестке поверните направо
Continue straight ahead - Продолжайте идти (ехать) прямо
Continue past the post office - Проходите (проезжайте) мимо здания почты
You'll pass a park on your left - Слева будет парк
Keep going for another… - Пройдите еще…
two hundred yards - двести ярдов (1 ярд ≈ 0,9 м)
hundred metres - сто метров
half-mile - полмили (1 миля ≈ 1,6 км)
kilometre - километр
It'll be… - Это будет ...
on your left - слева
on your right - справа
straight ahead of you - прямо перед вами
Другие вопросы
What's this? - Что это?
What's this called? - Как это называется?
Have you got a minute? - У вас есть минутка?
Can you help me? - Вы не могли бы мне помочь?
May I borrow your pen? - Я могу позаимствовать вашу ручку?
May I use your phone? - Я могу воспользоваться вашим телефоном?

Фразы для чрезвычайных ситуаций

Надеемся, что вам не пригодятся фразы, находящиеся в этом разделе, но знать их все же следует.

Также стоит запомнить телефоны службы спасения — 911 в США и Канаде и 999 в Великобритании.

Help! - Помогите!
Be careful! - Будьте осторожны!
Look out! или watch out! - Осторожно!
Is anything wrong? - Что-то не так?
What's the matter? - В чем дело?
Is everything ok? - Все в порядке?
What's going on? - Что происходит?
What happened? - Что случилось?
Are you ok? - Вы в порядке?
Is everyone ok? - Все целы?

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⛳️I would like to + (verb)

This sentence lets someone know what you would be interested in doing. This can be a physical, mental or verbal action.

Here are some examples:

"I would like to answer that question."
"I would like to compete in a cooking contest."
"I would like to explain myself."
"I would like to invite you over."
"I would like to practice."
"I would like to become a doctor."
"I would like to see you more often."
"I would like to thank you."
"I would like to learn about animals."
"I would like to meet the President."

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❇️Xorijda asqotadigan 100ta inglizcha ibora 2-qism✅

▪️I want to book a table. - Men stolga buyurtma bermoqchi edim.
▪️I would like … - Men … xohlayman.
▪️I do not eat meat. - Men go‘sht yemayman.
▪️I agree. – Ma'qullayman.
▪️With pleasure –Jonim bilan.
▪️I see – Tushunarli.
▪️I am busy – Men bandman.
▪️No, thank you - Yo‘q, rahmat.
▪️Im sorry, but I cant - Meni kechiring, ammo men buni qilolmayman.
▪️Thank you so much. - Katta rahmat.
▪️You are welcome! - Marhamat! (Rahmat deyilganda javob sifatida aytiladi)
▪️Best wishes! - Yaxshi tilaklar bilan.
▪️Congratulations! - Tabriklayman!
▪️Happy birthday! - Tug‘ilgan kuningiz bilan!
▪️I wish you all the best! - Barcha yaxshi tilaklarni sizga tilayman!
▪️Have a good holiday! - Bayramni yaxshi o‘tkazing!
▪️Have a good time! - Vaqtni maroqli o‘tkazing!
▪️Have a good trip! - Oq yo‘l!
▪️Take care! - O‘zingizni ehtiyot qiling!
▪️Good luck! - Omad!
▪️See you (later)! - Keyinroq ko‘rishamiz!
▪️See you soon! - Tezda ko‘rishamiz!
▪️I need help. - Menga yordam kerak.
▪️I am lost - Men yo‘qolib qoldim.
▪️I have an emergency - Men favqulotda holatdaman.
▪️Please, call for help! - Iltimos yordamga chaqiring!
▪️Call the police! - Politsiyani chaqiring!
▪️Call for a doctor! - Doktorni chaqiring!



🇬🇧Iboralar yodlab oling🇺🇿

🇬🇧1.A little bird told me (a little bird whispered me) (fig)
🇺🇿Agar ma’lumotni oldindan eshitgan yoki bilgan bo‘lsangiz, lekin kimdan eshitganligizni aytishni xohlamasangiz shu ibora qo‘llaniladi. Kichkina qushcha aytib (pichirlab) ketdi, eshitdim-da, teshik quloq eshitadi-da.

🔹Did you hear that Shohsanam is going to marry? Where did you find this information? A little bird told me
🔸Shohsanamning turmushga chiqishini eshitdingizmi? Ushbu ma'lumotni qayerdan topdingiz? Bir kichkina qush menga aytdi(teshik quloq eshitadi-da)

🇬🇧2.A little frog in big pond (fig)
🇺🇿O‘zga yoki begona davrada o‘zini noqulay yoki ojiz, g‘alati his qilganda qo‘llaniladi, kichkina baqa katta ko‘lda.

🔹When John transferred to another group he found himself a little frog in a big pond.
🔸Jon boshqa guruhga o'tganida, u katta suv havzasida kichkina qurbaqa ekanligini bildi.

🇬🇧3.A little new to all this (new to all this)
🇺🇿Agar biror kishi biror ishda yangi yoki uquvsiz bo‘lsa
ushbu ibora qo‘llaniladi, hammasi uchun yangi yoki yanglik

🔹I am afraid that I am a bit slow. I am a little new to all this.
🔸Men biroz sustligimdan qo'rqaman. Men bularning barchasi uchun biroz yangilikman.

🇬🇧4.Able to breathe easily again (able to breathe freely again)
🇺🇿Ma’lum biror qizg‘in jarayon yoki holatdan keyin yana erkin nafas olmoq yoki nafasni rostlamoq, yengil nafas olmoq.

🔹The lesson is over now you are able to breathe freely again.
🔸Endi dars tugadi, siz yana erkin nafas olasiz.

🇬🇧5.Able to fog a mirror (fig)
🇺🇿Hazilomuz ibora bo‘lib, hali nafas o‘lyapti yoki hali tirik, bardosh bera olmoq, oyoqda tura olmoq, hali joni bor, qimirlay olmoq.
Today I have overworked and I am barely able to fog a mirror.

🇬🇧6.Able to take a joke (can take a joke)
🇺🇿Hazilni tushunmoq, hazil
ko‘tara olmoq.
♻️I do not advise you joke with her, she cannot take a joke.




🔰Yodlash kerak🔰

✳️In predlogi bilan ishlatiladigan iboralar yodlab oling✳️

▪️in the rain — yomg‘irda
▪️in the sun — quyoshda
▪️in the shade — soyada
▪️in the dark — qorong‘ida
▪️in bad weather — yomon havoda
▪️in block letters — bosh harflar bilan
▪️in the affirmative (the negetive) ijobiy (salbiy)
▪️in bulk uyib, tepa qilib
▪️in any case har ehtimolga qarshi, ehtiyot shart
▪️in the circumstances ana shu (ushbu) sharoitda
▪️in the country qishloqda, shahardan tashqarida
▪️in demand talabda, xaridorgir
▪️in due course vaqtida
▪️in the east (west, south, north) sharqda (g‘arbda, janubda, shimolda)
▪️in full - to‘la
▪️in full swing - eng qizg‘in paytda
▪️in general - umuman
▪️in somebody’s interest(s) - ning manfaati uchun
▪️in the long run - oxiri, axiyri, oqibatda, pirovardida, axir
▪️in a loud (calm) voice — baland (tinch) ovozda
▪️in the market — bozorda
▪️in stock — omborda
▪️in store — zaxirada
▪️in the street — ko‘chada
▪️in a picture — rasmda
▪️in a mirror — oynada
▪️in ink — siyoh bilan
▪️in biro — sharikli ruchkada
▪️in pencil — qalamda
▪️in words — so‘z bilan
▪️in figures — raqam bilan
▪️in cash — naqd pul bilan
▪️in order (disorder) - tartibli, saranjom (tartibsiz)
▪️in part - qisman
▪️in conclusion - pirovardida, oxirida, nihoyat
▪️in the direction yo‘nalishda, -ga qarab
▪️in question - gap ketayotgan (Here is the book in question. Mana gapirilayotgan kitob).
▪️in English (Uzbek, Russian, French) inglizcha (o‘zbekcha, ruscha, fransuzcha).
🔹The letter was written in English.
🔸 Xat inglizcha yozilgan edi.
⚠️Lekin: He speaks English. U inglizcha gapiradi.
▪️in return o‘rniga
▪️in sight — ko‘rish maydonida, doirasida
▪️in so far as — modomiki, hamonki; sababli, uchun
▪️in the meantime — shu asnoda, shu vaqt ichida
▪️in the spring (summer, autumn, winter) bahorda (yozda, kuzda, qishda)
▪️in the morning (afternoon, evening) ertalab, (kunduzi, kechqurun)
▪️in the open air ochiq havoda
▪️in the front of a car — avtomobilning oldida
▪️in the back of the car — avtomobilning orqasida
▪️in the sea — dengizda
▪️in the corner — muyulishda, burchakda
▪️in excitement — hayajon ichida in the beginning (end) — boshida (oxirida)
▪️in a queue — navbatda
▪️in a row — bir qatorda
▪️in the open air — ochiq havoda
▪️in one’s opinion — ning fikricha
▪️in (at) one’s option xohlagani, tanlagani, didiga yoqqani
▪️in vain — behuda, bekorga
▪️in time o‘z vaqtida
▪️in a car/ in a taxi — avtomobilda/ taksida
▪️in a line — bir chiziqda
▪️in the past (future) — o‘tmishda (kelajakda)
▪️in a letter — ( bir) xatda


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