Europagan Discovery Channel

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Exploring the mysteries of traditions, deities and superstitions on European soil. Connecting the diaspora to our past. Unearthing our cultural history for the Hyperborean people of the world.

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Ossian receiving the Ghosts of the French Heroes. Anne-Louis Girodet.

Father Frost and the step-daughter. Ivan Bilibin

Until there came three
mighty and benevolent
Æsir to the world
from their assembly.
They found on earth,
nearly powerless,
Ask and Embla,
void of destiny.
Spirit they possessed not,
sense they had not,
blood nor motive powers,
nor goodly colour.
Spirit gave Odin,
sense gave Hoenir,
blood gave Lodur,
and goodly colour

- Völuspá

Ragnarök (motif from the Heysham hogback) (by W. G. Collingwood, 1908)

Seated on Odin's throne Hliðskjálf, the god Freyr sits in contemplation. In his hand he holds a sickle and next to the throne sits a sheaf. Frederic Lawrence

Todd Yeager. Pan’s Moonlight Dance

This is where I am meant to be, and once I came face to face with that fact, it was like an enormous weight lifted off my shoulders. I just need to slow down and embrace who I truly am, and who I am meant to be.

Be great, Hyperborean. You have much to be proud of.

*Note* I do not follow Odin, but he is seen as a god of wisdom or the pursuit of it, hence the images.

Returning to the old ways and seeking out the old gods is not an easy task, as much of our lore and gods have been covered up, destroyed or masked under the careful watch of the church. What some don’t realize is that they never left. They have always been with us, both Diasporan and Native European alike.

It came to me as natural as breathing air, and as refreshing as a cool breeze on a stifling day. In seeking to understand our people, our ways, our stories, and our gods.. I am inching closer to understanding myself.

I have come to realize now that I may never read, or hear every single story of the gods and that actually excites me. Our stories cannot be contained in a single book, or even a whole library. They are too countless to number, and I have barely scratched the surface.

I feel my haste with my research and reading is that I thought I had to fill a god-sized void when I left abrahamism, but what I didn’t realize until recently is that it left room for an awakening of sorts.

Some may call this “blood memory.” Remembering something that was hidden, or pulling the veil from your eyes to see how you should have always done.

When I first started researching the gods of my people, I was astonished to find out that when I thought I had reached the end of a deity’s lore, another one would pop up and smack me in the face. Again, this is my previous experience with abrahamic religion that prods me to fully understand the truly unknowable, so that I can confine it to a box come to understand it more.
It is in nature that I feel that primal urge and tug to embrace something more ancient and powerful than my feeble mind can comprehend.

In my haste to understand our gods, I failed to utilize what is truly important and that is understanding. I figure I was thinking the more information I hoarded on the gods, the better I could get to know them. What I should have been doing this whole time is pondering on the lore more, and slow down so that I could do so.

Seeking and understanding

One thing you don’t take into consideration when you feel the call to European native spirituality is the vast volume of information, lore, stories, gods, and heroes that await you.
My recent departure from abrahamic desert religion, and the formation of my spiritual worldview from those years leaves me with an enormous conundrum.

Will I ever discover all the stories? Will I comprehend their meaning? Where are my gods?

This was deeply troubling at first, and the feeling can still arise whenever I struggle to understand our lore and how they fit into my life.

Репост из: ᛉEcofash Propagandaᛉ [2]

Information panel at the head of Loch Long. This is one of several carved figures beside the paths and car parks near Arrochar. The figure holding the panel is a 'bodach' - a trickster, boogeyman, or elfin figure in Scottish folklore. He can be seen as an “old man” who is purported to be paired with Cailleach, also known as Beira, Queen of Winter.

When softly blew the south wind o'er the sea,
Lisping of springtime hope and summer pride,
And the rough reign of Beira ceased to be,
Angus the Ever-Young,

The beauteous god of love, the golden-haired,
The blue mysterious-eyed,
Shone like the star of morning high among
The stars that shrank afraid
When dawn proclaimed the triumph that he shared

With Bride the peerless maid.
Then winds of violet sweetness rose and sighed,
No conquest is compared to Love's transcendent joys that never fade.

Then came a day when Angus met Bride in a forest near the castle.
The violets were blooming and soft yellow primroses opened their eyes of wonder to gaze on the prince and the princess.
When they spoke one to another the birds raised their sweet voices in song and the sun shone fair and bright.

Said Angus: "Beautiful princess, I beheld you in a dream weeping tears of sorrow.”
Bride said: "Mighty prince, I beheld you in a dream riding over bens and through glens in beauty and power."
Said Angus: " I have come to rescue you from Queen Beira, who has kept you all winter long in captivity."
Bride said: " To me this is a day of great joy.”
Said Angus: " It will be a day of great joy to all mankind ever after this."

That is why the first day of spring the day on which Angus found the princess is called "Bride's Day".

"Angus hath come the young, the fair,
The blue-eyed god with golden hair
The god who to the world doth bring
This morn the promise of the spring;

Who moves the birds to song ere yet
He hath awaked the violet,
Or the soft primrose on the steep,
While buds are laid in lidded sleep,

And white snows wrap the hills serene,
Ere glows the larch's l vivid green
Through the brown woods and bare. All hail!
Angus, and may thy will prevail. . . .

He comes ... he goes. . . . And far and wide
He searches for the Princess Bride (Brida)."

-Bard song, The coming of Angus and Bride

Репост из: HeimdallR's Home
The Goddess Harke is said to bathe in Lake Kamern in the morning after wandering out of her Oak Forests. If the river is iced over she will take an oak tree and smash the ice open. Other goddesses also often appear associated with waters such as Perchta, Hertha, and Holle all being associated with lakes and wells. Lakes and other living waters function as liminal spaces especially wells which also combine the liminal spaces of shadows and under earth. Hertha is said to bathe in Hertha Lake. There are often threats associated with getting into the water or trying to reach the bottom of these areas. With water spirits moving boats into trees in Hertha's lake or a message at a sacred well for Holle that warns people to not try to dredge the lake again or disaster will befall a nearby town. This may be to uphold the sanctity of these places or it may be Christianized or even Post-Christian pagan legends to keep people away from these areas.-TLK

Репост из: Wäinölä ??
Lake Katumajärvi ("remorse lake") in Hämeenlinna, Finland.

The name of the lake purportedly comes from an incident in the time of the Crusades, when a number of Tavastians were forcibly baptized. After the Swedish soldiers left, the people forced a priest they had captured to wash the baptism away.

It has become something of a tradition to undo Christian baptisms with water from the lake.

Illustration of Abaris, the Hyperborean.

“Neither by ship nor on foot would you find the marvellous road to the assembly of the Hyperboreans.

Never the Muse is absent from their ways:
lyres clash and flutes cry and everywhere maiden choruses whirling.

Neither disease nor bitter old age is mixed in their sacred blood;
far from labor and battle they live.”

– Pindar, Tenth Pythian Ode.

If we are truly as evil as the world says, then maybe it is past time for us to concentrate only on ourselves and our people. It’s the least we can do.

We have contributed much to the wonder of the world and as I mentioned to a friend yesterday, we are quite literally the spice of the earth.

I Love the skin I’m in, and I encourage all Hyperboreans to as well, because we give life to a bland, tasteless earth that would be an awful, desolate place if we were not here to bring it to life!
The first step is to love yourself. From there you can begin to understand yourself. Only then can you start to see what a wonderfully complex, beautiful, passionate, insightful, benevolent people we are.

We have much to be proud of, but that is not enough. We need to fall in love with our kin and ourselves.

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