Eva Vlaardingerbroek

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Репост из: The Revolution NOW
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🇬🇷 The Revolution Now:
Teachers and students march through Athens against covid restrictions and police presence in universities.

💥 t.me/TheRevolutionNOW

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Coming soon psychological warfare? - I think it’s already been here for a long time!

Eva Vlaardingerbroek War Room interview...

🇳🇱 t.me/EvaVlaardingerbroek

Репост из: Art or Gold
Living in a world ruled by "WEF-Davos-Psychopaths" a la Schwab, Gates, Biden, Macron, Fauci, Zuckerberg, Johnson... Well actually there are only Psychopaths in Office at the moment 😅 Accident... or Globalism?

🏛 t.me/CapitolNews

Репост из: AntiGates
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Five Nurses Speak Out About What Is Going on In Hospitals

Steve Kirsch Meets with Five Nurses Who Share What They Are Seeing in Patients

🔗 See the Full Interview Here

💉💀💉 t.me/AntiGates

Репост из: American Tribune
Modern Medicine "Game-Changer": Genetically Altered Pig Kidneys Transplanted Into Brain-Dead Human

The first transplant of its kind has been successfully performed according to the University of Alabama at the Birmingham School of Medicine.

The kidneys were taken from pigs that had been genetically modified with 10 key gene edits that made the organs suitable for humans. The kidneys remained functional for 77 hours after the operation, - the entire length of the study.

The school’s director called it a“game-changing moment in the history of medicine … and a major milestone” in xenotransplantation. It's “arguably the best solution to the organ shortage crisis."

📰 t.me/AmericanTribune

Репост из: Great Awakening
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Look the arrogant "WEF elite" assholes! Their time is over!

Watch the arrogance of this 'lady' actually calling themselves 'elites' and then saying the problem is the plebs no longer trust them..

🔷 t.me/GreatAwakeningChannel

Репост из: Los Angeles Post
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Unvaccinated Students in Los Angeles are segregated outside and not allowed to attend class. They were even denied chairs. This is at New West Charter school.

🧚‍♀️ t.me/LosAngelesPost

Показано 9 последних публикаций.


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