Abu Ibraheem Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi Ash-Shingaani

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-may Allah forgive me, my parents, my Mashaayikh, and the rest of the Muslims-

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Shaykh Yahya Al-Hajoori, may Allah preserve him, said:

❝Your well-being, O Muslim, is in your religion.❞

📂Warning the creation from the harms of impermissibility wealth.

The observations upon Suleiman Ar-Ruheyli, may Allah guide him, taken from the speech of the Mashayikh of The Salafi Da'wah in Yemen:

1- His Fatwa in watering down the issue of voting.
2- His position of Muhammad Al-Imam.
3- His position on Al-Adani.
4- His praise of Al-Wasaabi.
5- His praise of Yaseen Al-Adani.
6- His praise of Farkous.
7- His praise of Muhammad bin Sa'eed Raslaan.
8- His defence of Ibrahim Ar-Ruheyli.
9- His defence of Al-Jaabiri.
10- His defence of the calamities of Rabee Al-Madkhali in Eemaan.
11- Comes with interpretations which make him fall into implementing Hamlul-Mujmal Alal-Mufasal.
12- He doesn't give care to distinction from the people of Innovations, in the manner that our scholars and before them the Righteous Predecessors, were upon.
13- We don't know of any good position of him, or any praise on Shaykh Yahya or any praise on our Da'wah or any mention of it.
14- He doesn't refrain from picture taking, and he has videos where he appears in.

This is an example, from amongst a number of examples, of how the people of knowledge, the professionals in these fields, might not declare someone a "Hizbi" but will still advise not to take knowledge from them, if they had oppositions them and sins that effect those who sit with them and take from them.

So it is not sound to reply to the warnings by those that are qualified and their statements are backed with proofs and evidences, by saying "Who declare them Innovators?!" and "Shaykh so-and-so said they are Salafi!".

And Allah knows best.

Репост из: The Official English Channel of Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-'Inaabi Al-Jazaa'iree
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

27◾The condition of Muhammad Bin Hādi Al-Madkhali◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-'Inaabi Al-Jazaa'iree - may Allah preserve him -


Is Muhammad bin Hādi Al-Madkhali a Hizbi?
Because there is some confusion with some of the brothers, they're saying that he is a fanatic but it hasn't reached them that he is a Hizbi..

Benefit us O Shaykh, may Allah benefit you.


It suffices us that he is fanatical by way of falsehood towards the people of falsehood, against the people of the truth.

While he -and his cohorts- can see the manifestation of the truth and that it's people are in an elevated state, and that their position is grounded.

And that falsehood detoriating and that its people are upon Talawwun (switching and changing), and in continuous decline.

Allah, the Most High, said:

(فَأَمَّا ٱلزَّبَدُ فَيَذْهَبُ جُفَآءً ۖ وَأَمَّا مَا يَنفَعُ ٱلنَّاسَ فَيَمْكُثُ فِى ٱلْأَرْض)

"as for the foam it passes away as scum upon the banks, while that which is for the good of mankind remains in the earth."


Whoever's condition was to be like this, then he is not to be trusted, and is to be left until he comes back to the truth.

Allah, the Most High, said:

(إِلَّا ٱلَّذِينَ تَابُوا۟ وَأَصْلَحُوا۟ وَبَيَّنُوا

"Except those who repent and do righteous deeds, and openly declare (the truth which they concealed"

Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba 'Alawi

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ginal Fatwa:

Important reoccuring #misconception ⤵️

🔺It’s not the case that only when a person becomes an Innovator that knowledge is no longer taken from them.🔻

Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-Jazaa'iree, may Allah preserve him, said:

❝...the point of benefit is that disparagement is not only restricted to declaration of being an Innovator, from it is what returns back to memorization, from is what returns back to ones knowledgebased commodity, preservation and other than this, and from it is what necessitates declaration of being a sinner or an Innovator and what relates to Adaalah...❞

📁The Salafi observation in clarification of some Khalafi doubts.

Important reoccuring #misconception ⤵️

🔺It’s not the case that only when a person becomes an Innovator that knowledge is no longer taken from them.🔻

Shaykh Muhammad Ba Jammaal, may Allah preserve him:

❝The Prophet ﷺ abandoned K’aab bin Maalik, Mararah bin Rabee’, and Hilaal bin Ummaya, whilst they weren’t innovators, and they were far from that.

Therefore whoever is a Sunni but he has with him oppositions and sins that effect those who sit with him and take from him, then he's avoided as a reprimand so that he returns back to what’s correct, and as safety measure in regards to others from following him.❞

📁 t.me/OfficialChannelShaykhBaajammaal/54

Ubaidullah bin Shameet, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

❝I heard my father say:

Allah the mighty and majestic has placed the strength of the believer in his heart, and he didn't place it in their limbs, don't you see that an old man might be weak but he fasts hot days and stands at night, whilst the young man fails to accomplish this.❞

📁Shu'ab Al-Eemaan

Shaykh Abu Hatim Yusuf bin Al-Eid Al-Jazaa'iree, may Allah preserve him:

❝So how can you justify for yourself O caller to Allah, under the notion of Da'wah, to make -or to have someone make for you- a Facebook link or a YouTube link, for your Muslim brothers and the students of knowledge, and to direct them to an audio of yours or an article, then cause them -and this is a must- to fall into viewing indecency and immorality, and to burst into Facebook which is full of doubts of the people of atheism and disbelief and misguidance..

Is your article and your audio more valuable than the creed of your brothers and their religion?!❞

📁The trustworthy advice

The Raafidah [the Huuthis] and taking Ahlussunnah out of their Masaajid

❝If I can't say the truth in their midst than it's obligatory upon me to leave so that I can speak the truth, aid the religion, and not remain muzzled❞

By the virtuous Shaykh, the Imaam:

Yahya bin Ali Al-Hajuuri

May Allah preserve him and protect him.

On the night of 17th of Dhil-Hijjah, 1444.

Masjid Ibraheem in Shuhuuh, Sayuun .

🔺Strong speech🔻

Aiding the people of Sunnah and honour in Markaz At-Tawheed

(وَلَا تَهِنُوا۟ وَلَا تَحْزَنُوا۟ وَأَنتُمُ ٱلْأَعْلَوْنَ إِن كُنتُم مُّؤْمِنِينَ)
"So do not weaken and do not grieve, and you will be superior if you are [true] believers."

And the clarification of the shame of those that rejoice at over the grief of others, those that flatter the people of Rafdh and Shirk.

➤In it is a clarification of the obligation of making Hijrah from the places which are over taken by the people of Rafdh, and where it is not possible one can establish the legislative criterium of manifesting the religion which permits residing in their midst.

By our virtuous Shaykh:

Abu Hatim Yusuf Al-Jazaa'iree, may Allah preserve him and protect him

On the night of 6th of Dhil-Qi'dah 1444.

(This clarification took place in the lesson of the explanation of "Hilyatu Taalibil-Ilm" between Maghrib and Ishaa).

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Hijra from the country wherein the companions are being spoken ill of

By the esteemed Shaykh the Allaamah:

Muhammad Amaan Al-Jaami, may Allah have mercy upon him.

Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, may Allah have mercy upon him:

❝Know if a man is proficient in their prayer and completes it and perfects it, then sees those who fall short in their prayer, waste it, and precede the Imam in it.

Then are silent and don't inform them that they are falling short in their prayer and are preceding the Imam in it, and don't forbid them from this nor advise them.

They are joint with them in the sin and the shame.

The one that prays that prays well is the partner of the one who doesn't pray well if they don't forbid them nor advise them❞.

📂Tabaqaat Al-Hanaabilah (1/352)

الشيخ الفقيه أبو حمزة حسن باشعيب حفظه الله تعالى ومتعنا بعلمه:

❞من أحسن الفقه فقه اغتنام الفرص❝.

📂محاضرة في مسجد خالد بن الوليد في الديس الشرقية، ليلة ٢٠ من شهر ذي القعدة ١٤٤٤.

The Shaykh, the Faqeeh, Hassan Ba Shu'ayb, may Allah preserve him and continue to delight us with his knowledge:

❝From the best of Fiqh is the Fiqh of making use of opportunities.❞

📂Lecture in Masjid Khalid bin Waleed in Ad-Dees Ash-Sharqiyyah.

There is another audio which will soon be uploaded in-sha-Allah, wherein the Shaykh may Allah preserve him spoke on this man more.

Репост из: The Official English Channel of Shaykh Hassan bin Muhammad Ba Shu'ayb
بســـم اللــه الرحــمــن الـرحـــيــم

◾️Declaring all innovations to be major disbelief is falsehood◾️

Answered by Shaykh Abu Hamza Hassan bin Muhammed Ba Shu'ayb - may Allah preserve him -


There is a man here named Muhammad Ali Jabataa An-Niyjeeri, may Allah guide him, he declares whoever he wants from the Muslims to be disbelievers by saying that all innovations are disbelief, and that those that fall into an innovation which doesn't necessitates disbelief also are disbelievers after the evidences are established upon them.

We seek a clarification on this affair, may Allah bless you.


These are clear manifest affairs, no two people from the people of knowledge from the Ahlussunnah differ on this subject, in that not all innovation makes one a disbeliever; from it is what makes one a disbeliever and from it is what makes one a sinner.

And the position of declaring all the people of Innovation to be disbelievers is falsehood, there is no doubt in this, and whoever takes this position onboard then they are, who are innovators.

And if they were to implement this methodology of theirs then it would cause them to declare themselves as disbelievers.

And Allah knows best.

Translated by:
Abu Ibraheem 'Abdullaah bin Ahmed Ba Alawi

How do you know the difference between blessings which a person is rewarded with and the blessings which are given to progressively lead them to punishment?

Shaykh Ibn Utheymeen, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

❝If a person was upright upon the legislation of Allah, then the blessings are from the angle reward, if they are upon the disobedience of Allah and these blessings are continually coming then it is progressively leading them to punishment.❞

📂Tafseer Surah Al-Baqarah v.1 p.59

📂 #Words_of_poetry captured from the mouth of our Shaykh Abu Hamzah Hassan bin Muhammad Ba Shu'ayb, may Allah preserve him and continue to delight us with his knowledge:


الْمَوْتُ يَأْتِي بَغْتَةً --- وَالْقَبْرُ صُنْدُوقُ الْعَمَلِ
Death comes unexpected --- and the grave is a crate for actions.

📂 #Words_of_poetry captured from the mouth of our Shaykh Abu Hamzah Hassan bin Muhammad Ba Shu'ayb, may Allah preserve him and continue to delight us with his knowledge:


والْعِلْمُ زَيْنٌ وَتَــقْوَى اللـهِ زِيْنَتــُهُ --- والمتَّقُوْنَ لَهُـــمْ في علْمِهِمْ شُغـُلُ
Knowledge is beautiful and the Taqwah of Allah is its beautification --- and those that have Taqwah are occupied [in acting] upon their knowledge.

These lines of poetry can be found in Al-Iqtidaa Al-Ilm Al-Amal by Al-Khateeb Al-Baghdaadi.

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