Фильтр публикаций

RT @MFA_Ukraine: 🇺🇦🇳🇴 Big thank you to our partners from Norway for their decision to increase aid to Ukraine in 2025 from $3.2 billion to $7.7 billion!

💬 "This is a timely and necessary decision that should serve as an example for all our partners.

The funds will be partly directed towards weapons production in Ukraine and strengthening our energy security. Thus, Ukraine’s negotiating positions on the path to a just and lasting peace will become even stronger," – President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Tusen takk! 🫂

UKR Mission to the UN

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RT @panaftosa_inf: 🌍 ¡Convocatoria abiertal!
Participa en el Seminario Internacional Pre-COSALFA
Presenta tu trabajo en formato e-póster sobre control, prevención y erradicación de la #FiebreAftosa en las Américas.
🗓 Envío de resúmenes hasta el 07/03/2025

ℹ️ paho.org/sites/default/files… #COSALFA51


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Pakistan has highlighted the need for the critical role of dialogue in achieving lasting peace in Yemen. We reaffirm our full support for the UN-led peace process and stress the need for an inclusive, comprehensive and sustainable resolution of the conflict. Regional initiatives, particularly those led by Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Sultanate of Oman, remain critical in advancing these negotiations.

Ambassador Munir Akram delivers Pakistan's statement during the UN Security Council briefing on Yemen today

Full video statement here below

Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @AzALWASIL: Pleased to meet with the Permanent Representative of Italy to the #UN, H.E. Mr. Maurizio Massari. We discussed key priorities and areas of collaboration. Grateful for Italy’s continued support and partnership.

Italy UN New York

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @UNECOSOC: 🚀Join us at #CSW69 for an exciting side event on Artificial Intelligence: A Transformative Force for All Women & Girls! #AIforGood

📅 11 March 2025 | ⏰ 16:45-18:00 EST
📍 Conference Room E, UNHQ
🔗bit.ly/3QTG2Xr @LithuaniaUNNY @UNECOSOC @g20org @SoroptiTweet @equals

LithuaniaUN🇱🇹 | #StandWithUkraine

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Global efforts to tackle the #HIV/#AIDS epidemic continue to remain insufficient, with deadly consequences, the UN Human Rights Council @UN_HRC heard on Thursday news.un.org/en/story/2025/03…

UN News

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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🔴El ejército israelí comenzó hoy a demoler más de 16 edificios en el campo de Nur Shams, en Tulkarm, al norte de Cisjordania.
"Estas demoliciones sistemáticas y a gran escala están teniendo un impacto sin precedentes en los refugiados palestinos de la zona" @UNLazzarini

Today, the Israeli Security Forces began the demolition of more than 16 buildings in Nur Shams Camp in Tulkarm, northern West Bank.

This follows several other demolitions of people’s homes over the past weeks.
These systematic and large scale house demolitions are having an unprecedent impact on the lives of Palestine Refugees in the area.

The refugee camps of Jenin, Tulkarm, and Nur Shams have been nearly emptied of their residents, with widespread destruction to civilian infrastructure including homes.
People now face the prospect of having nowhere to return to.

This operation is the single-longest and most destructive since the second intifada, resulting in the largest displacement of Palestinians in the West Bank since the 1967 war. Some 40,000 people were forced from their homes.

The Israeli anti @UNRWA laws which came into effect on 30 January 2025 have created a vacuum of international presence when it is most needed. - Philippe Lazzarini

Noticias ONU

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🚀 #UN56SC noting updates to the Standard International Energy Product Classification, Classification of the Functions of Government, and Classification of Statistical Activities. Focus on harmonization and technical support to drive sustainable change 'buff.ly/bkhp133


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @UN: “It’s time for leaders to put words into action and invest in disarmament solutions and the peaceful future every person deserves."

@antonioguterres on Wednesday’s Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Awareness Day. un.org/en/observances/disarm…

Journal of the United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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#UN56SC endorsed International Classification for Administrative Data on Trafficking in Persons to standardize data on human trafficking. This will enhance comparability, foster better policies, and improve global efforts in combating trafficking. buff.ly/COY20qR


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Ambassador Yıldız received Ms. Munira Subašić, President of the Association of Mothers of Srebrenica and Mr. Murat Tahirović, President of the Association of Witnesses and Survivors of Genocide at the Turkish House today.

Türkiye at UN

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Saludamos la sentencia en favor de las mujeres privadas de la libertad en el #CEFERESO16. El amparo, promovido por @defensoriaifdp, resulta trascendental, ante los fallecimientos registrados por supuestos suicidios. Reiteramos nuestra disposición para brindar asistencia técnica.

📣 Boletín de Prensa 5/2025

IFDP logra amparo en el que juez de distrito ordena elaborar una política de estado en materia de salud mental para mujeres privadas de libertad en el Cefereso 16.

#IFDP #DefensaQueTeEscucha - Defensoría Pública Federal

ONU-DH México

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Crises & conflicts exacerbate existing inequalities, making it even harder for women to claim their rights & shape their futures.

But when women are empowered, crisis recovery is faster, inclusive & sustainable.

Hear from @shokonoda ahead of #IWD2025: go.undp.org/3YR

UN Development

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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Tomorrow, Friday 7 March 2025, the Permanent Mission of #Qatar (@QatarAtUN) will organize their annual meeting of the Group of Friends on Gender Parity with the @UN Secretary-General, @antonioguterres.

Friday, 7 March 2025
12:30-14:00 EST
Economic and Social Council Chamber

To see Other Events in the Journal of the UN, visit: bit.ly/UNJ_Events
Watch on @UNWebTV: bit.ly/4bx9mMV #CSW69

Journal of the United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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The @UN Security Council has expressed its concern over the signing of a charter to establish a parallel governing authority in Sudan.

Such an action risks fragmenting the country, exacerbating the conflict, and worsening the humanitarian situation.

Full statement.👇

UK at the UN 🇬🇧🇺🇳

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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🇰🇿🇺🇳🇯🇵 Exclusive interview of the Permanent Representative of Kazakhstan to the UN, H.E. Mr. Kairat Omarov, with the Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK), dedicated to the Third Conference of States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW).

Permanent Mission of Kazakhstan to United Nations

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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La OMS, UNICEF y UNFPA alertan del riesgo que corren muchos avances de salud pública debido a la decisión de varios países, entre ellos Estados Unidos, de suspender sus contribuciones financieras. news.un.org/es/story/2025/03…

Noticias ONU

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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RT @DirOPSPAHO: Hoy, junto a @AnaCSepulveda_v, directora @FacMedicinaUNAM, analizamos la posibilidad de que esta y otras facultades de @UNAM_MX que forman a los futuros profesionales de la salud de México y la región, sean centros colaboradores de OPS/OMS. También exploramos otras áreas.


United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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“El futuro nos ha alcanzado y la demanda de trabajo de #cuidados se intensifica por el envejecimiento poblacional, cambios epidemiológicos y el cambio climático. Se necesitan políticas audaces”, dice @JoseMSalazarX Secretario Ejecutivo de @cepal_onu #8M 👉bit.ly/41F8Id3

ONU Noticias México

United Nations on Telegram by @UnitedNationsTelegram
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🚺 Women and girls often bear the burden in crises.

Yet they are also powerful change-makers, key to effective humanitarian responses.

Empowering and investing in them is a human rights imperative and cornerstone of a just, equitable and inclusive future. Learn more ⬇️ #IWD2025

UN Humanitarian

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Показано 20 последних публикаций.