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Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
🚨WLM does not condone violence.🚨

WLM is a peaceful, legal & anonymous initiative. Apolitical and non-religious, upheld by freedom of expression and of self-determination.

Any deviation to the above is not to be considered part of this initiative started in April 2021.


Репост из: New Right News
💬 Some key takeaways from the 2021 FBI Crime Data

1. Violent Crime

• Blacks committed the most violent crimes of any group - 44% of all violent crimes, despite being only 13.4% of the population.
• Whites were the victims of more violent crime than any other group - 55% of all violent crime victims.

2. Homicide

• Blacks committed the most homicides out of any group - 52% of all homicides, despite being only 13.4% of the population.

3. Hate Crimes

• Anti-White hate crimes in 2020 increased over 12% from 2019.

New Right News

We have been saying White Lives Matter for over a year now. We have been on the streets, inspiring Whites to be vocal about our collective interest.

Many normies bashed our initiative. Many normies were afraid to participate because it was considered "Racist."

But now that a black man has given his approval, the grifters are fully supportive. We are happy that White advocacy is becoming normalized, but it shouldn't have been a black man making it popular. It should've been YOU, White man.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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⌛️As we see more and more violence in the streets from the anti-Whites, who burn down our countries and attack our people - let us not forget Victoria Rose Smith.

Victoria, just like Cannon Hinnant, British or Scandinavian girls groomed by muslims, the approximatively 24,000 White Women raped yearly by blacks in the US is one of the millions of White People who died at the hands of anti-Whites.

Reminder, these things aren't happening in some obscure 3rd world country a thousand years ago. These things are happening today.


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
❗In order to avoid future censorship, we have created a back-up channel as well.❗

Please subscribe to

The internet will not be free for long, start doing IRL activism and raise awareness to our Racial struggle. Read our manual
👉🏻 here.


Репост из: WLM_EU_ITALY
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La propaganda del nemico va avanti solo finché qualcuno non dice basta.

E noi ne abbiamo avuto abbastanza.
È tempo di agire, basta davvero poco.




Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
🤳🏿Kanye, check our manual at @wlm_reading.

We suppor
t Wakanda too, just not in these lands.

Apologies for not answering your dms on time. Appreciate you taking it upon yourself with the design, but if you need the originals go to @wlm_materia
ls and @wlm_tutorials. It's on us this time.


Tfw attention seeking celebrities like your drip

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King County,  Washington

Anti-White subversive elements have stood unopposed in our urban centers for too long.

Even something as simple as covering up demoralizing leftwing propaganda with pro-White wholesome material can make a major difference in the lives of urban Whites.

To get involved with advocating for your people reach out to @wlmcontactbot


Neben Aktivismus, sind auch gemeinsame Ausflüge, eine gute Möglichkeit um Kameradschaft und Brüderlichkeit zu stärken.
Einige Aktivisten waren vor kurzem zu Besuch bei Tommy Frenck in Kloster Veßra.
Tommy Frenck betreibt dort das Sturmlokal "Gasthaus Goldener Löwe", sowie seinen Onlineversand "Druck18"

Hier trafen die Aktivisten auf Kameraden, konnten sich austauschen und neue Kraft tanken. 💪🏻
Wir Weißen halten zusammen.
In Zukunft können wir auf Tommy Frenck's Unterstützung zählen!

Besides activism, joint excursions are also a good way to strengthen camaraderie and brotherhood.
Some activists recently visited Tommy Frenck in Kloster Veßra.
Tommy Frenck runs his "Sturmlokal" called "Gasthaus Goldener Löwe" there, as well as his online shop "Druck18".

Here the activists met comrades, could exchange ideas and recharge their batteries. 💪🏻
We whites stick together.
In the future we can count on Tommy Frenck's support!



Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
✋🏻WLM is an initiative for all pro-Whites to participate in.

Our principles of explicitly pro-White, legal & anonymous activism are held offline and online.

We welcome
https://www.frenschan.org decision to promote legal IRL activism and we appreciate alternative non-degenerate spaces that offer the opportunity to engage in online activism.

All roads lead to the 14 words.


Репост из: WLM_USA_IDAHO
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White Lives Matter activists across the state work to share the truth that we are being replaced. Let's reverse the trend.

White Lives Matter!


Репост из: New Right News
💬 The Case for Leaving America to Escape Racism

As a Black woman, I want freedom from oppression. So I’m finally plotting my exit.

📌 The Washington Post

New Right News

Aktivisten haben sich am 24.09 in Döbeln mit den Jungen Nationalisten getroffen, um zusammen gegen die anhaltende Homo-Propaganda zu demonstrieren.

Die Sächsische Polizei sah sich gezwungen unser Transparent zu konfiszieren. Begründung: "Gefahrenabwehr".

Am Rande wurde der Veranstalter von linken Journalisten bepöbelt und angegriffen.

In Zukunft dürfen deutsche Bürger ihr Geschlecht jährlich ändern. Der Niedergang der Gesellschaft schreitet voran. Wir sind der Widerstand!

Activists met with the Young Nationalists on 24.09 in Döbeln to demonstrate together against the ongoing homo propaganda.

The Saxon police was forced to confiscate our banner. Reason: "danger defense".

On the sidelines, the organizer was mobbed and attacked by left-wing journalists.

In the future, German citizens will be allowed to change their gender annually. The decline of society is progressing. We are the resistance!




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WLM California activists took advantage of the weather during this year's final event of the summer to distribute thousands more of our flyers. We had a great reaction from one of the very few White towns left in the Bay Area, apart from the usual suspects.
Reach out to get involved or learn how to get set up solo.
You have no excuse.
Inaction is treason.

Watch Defiant here

Follow our socials


Репост из: White Lives Matter Official
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📌There is no other struggle that can compare with that of securing a future for White Children.

It is an honor for us to fight this most important battle in the history of our Race, and we will not stop at anything short of total victory. We were out on the 17th of September, and we will be out again on the 15th of October, worldwide.

The first step begins with YOU. Just as you have been awakened by another pro-White, it is YOUR duty to get out there and ACT.

Working out is not enough, posting online is not enough, nothing is ever enough in this war. We must look at the infinity of solutions to the one problem. START NOW.

Anonymous, legal, peaceful. Apply at


Репост из: WLM_USA_IDAHO
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There's nothing wrong with having pride in your own race. Two friendly, non-White people approached our activists and one of them even wanted a picture with our banner. Sadly, most of the naysayers seem to be Whites taught to loathe themselves, that they are somehow oppressing the world, and should be ashamed. Of course there's many non-White anti-Whites, or claiming to be White anti-Whites, but most other races currently have a much better grasp on race than we do.

We've been allowing ourselves to get the short end of the stick and that's going to change.

It's Great to be White!


Репост из: WLM_CANADA_BC
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⚪️ White Lives Matter Activists throughout British Columbia recently took part in the initiatives monthly day of activism.

📌 It is not the thought of power derived from the strengthening of the ego, but on the contrary, the transcendence of the ego. Ordinary individuality must be dissolved. That is what is necessary in the struggle for freedom from bondage and the overcoming of passion. As long as one continues to strive for true and unusurped power, one niether has it nor can use it. In order to acquire it, one must be able to put oneself beyond it, to be free of it; power is feminine. She comes to the strongest. Just as the waters around the bridge piles thrust and accumulate, so power collects around those who stand independently and are unconcerned about it. The power-greedy ego must be conquered and turned to something infinitely greater than itself.

⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!

Репост из: WLM_CANADA_BC
⚪️ White Lives Matter Activists have been placing pro-White material throughout British Columbia.

📌 Sparta was the first massive reaction against the inevitable decline brought about by the comfort of civilization, and as such, there is much to learn from it in this age of biological degradation and a moral induced by a techno-industrial society. The Spartans really broke away from all the vices produced by civilization, and so placed themselves at the top of the pyramid of power in their region.

⚪️ Join us @WLM_BC_CHAT and get involved locally!

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