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El cambio climático exacerbado por el fenómeno de El Niño está afectando a alrededor de 60 municipios brasileños del estado de Amazonas y los delfines de río son las víctimas más recientes de la actual sequía que azota la región. El evento más crítico ocurrió el día 28 de septiembre donde se verificó la muerte de 70 delfines, mientras que durante el fin de semana no hubo muertes confirmadas, y el martes 3 de octubre se han registrado 4 muertes más https://perma.cc/4EZU-2QAP

Climate change exacerbated by the El Niño phenomenon is affecting around 60 Brazilian municipalities in the state of Amazonas and river dolphins are the most recent victims of the current drought plaguing the region. The most critical event occurred on September 28, where the death of 70 dolphins was verified, while during the weekend there were no confirmed deaths, and on Tuesday, October 3, 4 more deaths were recorded.

Evitar el punto de no retorno depende de que se mantengan en pie los bosques amazónicos que generan la humedad en la región, pero también de que la temperatura del planeta no siga aumentando. Frente a esta grave situación, WWF aboga por un cese de la deforestación y de la minería ilegal de oro, y por la protección del 80% de la Amazonía, hasta el 2030, acompañado de esfuerzos globales para mantener el incremento de la temperatura por debajo de los 1.5 grados centígrados.

Avoiding the point of no return depends on the Amazon forests that generate humidity in the region remaining standing, but also on the planet's temperature not continuing to increase. Faced with this serious situation, WWF advocates for an end to deforestation and illegal gold mining, and for the protection of 80% of the Amazon, until 2030, accompanied by global efforts to keep the increase in temperature below of 1.5 degrees Celsius.

Behind the electric car bullshit! Part 2

Part 1 https://t.me/PolestarTelegram/220

Then we want to learn from Elon Musk how to save the planet? Seriously???

It's like taking advices from Ben Shapiro and co.

or relation tips from a pornostar!

or marriage advices from religious Ben Shapiro

or pollution science from people who complain about Klimakleber / AfD

by taking excuses "i have less hours to work!" use train and commercial planes like everyone, OR USE SKYPE!


exactly like the excuses by politicians

and rich people

or people do when they kill someone ...

without considering all other ways Elon Musk is polluting our planet!


and don't buy yachts, jets and similar things!

Polestar is better than Tesla!

and is a NORDIC brand!


like other things! most rich people ignore

Behind the electric car bullshit! Part 1

I'm innocent if i buy an electric car! NOPE!

Baerbock, have you understand that!!!!

THIS IS THE MOST WRONG IDEA PEOPLE HAVE! YOU ARE NOT INNOCENT, because behind that there are tons of things, like we wrote previously:

- what about how you generate electricity?

and obviously so this means which nation ...

- what about which car?

- what about the size of the car?

- what about which brand?

- what about Deep Mining?

- what about leather?

- what about batteries?

What about charging points and other factors?

In 2021, the watch and jewellery sector consumed 50% of the world’s annual gold production (PWC n.d.).

Un gros SUV doté d’une batterie de 100 kWh, de type Tesla Model X, Audi Q8 e-tron ou futur Peugeot e-3008, consomme 3 fois plus de cuivre et d’aluminium et 5 fois plus de lithium, de nickel, de cobalt, de manganèse et de graphite qu’une petite citadine d’une batterie de 20 kWh, de type Renault Twingo ZE.

En France, une voiture électrique émet en moyenne, sur l’ensemble de son cycle de vie, 3 fois moins de GES qu’une voiture thermique.

Une voiture électrique consomme en moyenne 2,2 fois plus de métaux critiques qu’une voiture thermique.

Si nous ne pouvons pas nous passer des métaux critiques, il est possible d’en modérer la demande. Ci-dessous le résultat des modélisations réalisées par le WWF France et EY, sur la base des travaux de l’IMT-IDDRI et avec l’appui de l’ADEME, du BRGM, du CNRS et de l’IMT-IDDRI, pour 4 métaux particulièrement critiques pour la production de voitures électriques (lithium, nickel, cobalt et cuivre).

Репост из: MissionScandinavia
RT @WWFEU: 🐺 Almost 300 NGOs have a message for President von der Leyen:

Any decision to change the protection status of wolves must be based on reliable scientific data, say NGOs in an open letter published today

📩 The full letter: wwf.eu/?12540466/Nearly-300-…


Mission Scandinavia on Telegram by @MissionScandinavia
A @grttme project - Other backups: @Hallotme


Norway, stop to do shit now!

The deep seabed is our planet’s final frontier. Covering around half the Earth’s surface, it’s a largely unknown, uncharted world. But we’re beginning to discover that it’s a world teeming with life, and that it exerts a major influence on the whole ocean ecosystem and on our climate.

Mining would have a destructive impact on deep-sea ecosystems and biodiversity, which could have a knock-
on effect on fisheries, livelihoods and food security and compromise ocean carbon, metal and nutrient cycles. It also runs counter to the transition to a circular economy, undermining efforts to increase recycling and reduce the use of finite resources.


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Connect with our sea

Backup by @WWF_Planet_Animal_Earth_Facts
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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Fighting Climate Change to Save Our One Shared Home | WWF

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A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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SOS Lupi - Dona ora al 45590

We need to protect 🐺
More infos https://t.me/AnimalFactsTelegram/37

Backup by @WWF_Planet_Animal_Earth_Facts
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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Net Zero Roadmap: A Global Pathway to Keep the 1.5 °C Goal in Reach — 2023 Update

Backup by @WWF_Planet_Animal_Earth_Facts
A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

New report from the International Energy Agency shows bolder action is necessary this decade to triple global renewable power capacity by 2030 and phase out fossil fuels https://perma.cc/8637-W3W7

The EU has set a 32% target for renewable energy by 2030, but this is not enough.
What WWF is doing
To boost sustainable renewables in line with our climate goals, we need several things:
The EU target of 32% renewable energy by 2030 should be raised to at least 50%.
Deployment of renewables needs to be boosted in a nature friendly way.
An electricity market designed with variable renewables in mind.
Much stricter criteria on bioenergy, to ensure it offers genuine carbon savings over fossil fuels, and does not harm nature.
No subsidies for new hydropower https://perma.cc/GK6J-UQ7N

More about Energy

2030 climate and energy deal: How credible will the EU be? https://perma.cc/4WBF-N5ME

It found that nine of the plans do not commit to ending fossil gas use by 2035, and eight will not have ended coal or oil shale use by 2030 https://perma.cc/LB6K-NGCV

We have all the tools to cut emissions, but time is short https://perma.cc/3JVL-QL2A

To limit global temperature increase to 1.5°C as set in the Paris Agreement, the EU must achieve climate neutrality by 2040, thereby eliminating fossil fuels and achieving a 100% renewables-based energy supply as soon as possible https://perma.cc/TY9J-4WUZ

8 reasons why we need to phase out the fossil fuel industry https://perma.cc/8KF9-K5DL

A World Beyond Fossil Fuels https://perma.cc/89NR-BQAG

WWF calls on leaders to back a global plan to phase out all fossil fuels well before 2050 https://perma.cc/39HB-8W36

Ölausstieg Raus aus dem Öl https://perma.cc/3ZMV-3H9B

1,5-Grad-Ziel verlangt Kohleausstieg schon vor 2030 https://perma.cc/ZZ8R-985R

Ocean sustainability by 2030 https://perma.cc/X3DJ-LNBH

'Fossil fuel age' has failed says UN Secretary-General https://perma.cc/DN4G-EG2E


Репост из: NorgeTelegramFreaks : Norge Telegram Freaks from Norway / Scandinavia - fra Norge / Skandinavia - aus Norwegen / Skandinavien
Dear Prime Minister Støre,

We write to you as the undersigned civil society organisations to raise the importance of preserving the deep ocean from the threat of deep sea mining, in light of Norway’s alarming proposal to open up large areas of the Norwegian extended continental shelf in the high Arctic to deep sea mining.

The deep sea supports the multiple ecosystem processes necessary for Earth’s natural systems to function, including the absorption and storage of vast quantities of the carbon emitted into the air by human activities. Scientists believe that as many as 10 million species may inhabit the deep sea, the majority of which are yet to be discovered. The high Arctic is an environment of international significance, and is home to important marine species.

Contrary to the argumentation of deep sea mining companies, mining the seabed is not needed ...

Prime Minister Støre, your co-chair of the Ocean Panel, Palau, and a growing number of governments including from European countries like France, Germany and Spain have taken a precautionary position, advocating a precautionary pause, a moratorium or a ban on deep sea mining. Scientists, Indigenous groups, fisheries and seafood organisations, civil society organisations, and major businesses including Storebrand, BMW, and Google are all calling for a stop to deep sea mining. The European Investment Bank has excluded deep sea mining from its investments as it is deemed ‘unacceptable in climate and environmental terms’, and the European Parliament has called for a moratorium multiple times.

It is not too late to live up to the responsibilities as co-chair of the Ocean Panel and to establish Norway as a leading country in the increasing opposition to deep sea mining. We urge you to step back from the brink of introducing this destructive industry and to support a global moratorium on deep sea mining. Unless the Norwegian government stops the opening process, we believe Norway should resign from the Ocean Panel.

Yours sincerely

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A @grttme project - Other backups: https://swiy.co/tgme

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Just Imagine: Healthier Oceans | David Attenborough: A Life On Our Planet

In 2018, 302.18 million cattle (including buffalo) were slaughtered for meat.

Far more hides are produced from cattle production each year than are used for leather. In the US alone, some industry experts estimate that around 17% of hides are wasted. The US produced 33 million hides in 2019.

Around 20% of leather is absorbed by the auto industry for vehicle interiors.

Beef is a major driver of deforestation and conversion of habitat in Latin America, and leather is inextricably linked to the beef industry.

Leather sourced from areas with high deforestation and conversion rates can easily have double the GHG footprint than without. But cattle raised far from deforestation frontiers can have high deforestation related footprints from their feed; each 10% addition of deforestation-contaminated soy to the diet increases the total GHG footprint for cattle by about 25%.

Many companies, particularly in the auto and fashion industries, are touting “vegan” leather and have increased their use of leather alternatives, in part due to perceptions related to leather having negative animal welfare and environmental impacts.

Often missing from this narrative is that most leather alternatives are made using plastic, which is created from fossil fuels, does not biodegrade, and has littered oceans and soils with debris and microplastics, causing tremendous damage to biodiversity. Tesla, for example, has stopped using leather interiors, yet is promoting fossil fuel reduction from its electric vehicles, which does not consider the impact of fossil fuels in its leather alternative interiors.

If plastic-based leather used for a car interior is biobased and responsibly sourced and for which there is an effective, end of life management process in place (ideally, recycled), it might be a strong choice in terms of total impact.

Показано 17 последних публикаций.


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