Werewolf Kvlt II

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Категория: не указана

Deep is our blow, our wrath is invincible,
We do not have mercy, nor a homeland.
Our happiness is at the tip of our sword,
our hearts will know no pity.
Our battle cry in thrill will sound to the land,
Which is cutting its chains.

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Репост из: ☀️The Sun Riders☀️
The Religion of the Warband

The Warband or Männerbund was a staple of ancient European war. Their religion, while not well documented, was unique to them and their lives. The system of unmarried and landless youths would live in the wild, hunt and ambush their enemies. They would act outside the law and be known as outlaws and wolves. Even in some cultures acting as a sort of police, ironically. This tradition evolved throughout the centuries, even in relatively modern times.

-Kalin, The Sun Riders


The German revolution – the revolution to find ourselves – is not as stormy, not as violent, not as bloodthirsty as the revolutions previously known to us from history. We already spoke of it. The German now strides more cautiously, but also more consciously, reflectively, towards the re-shaping, toward the reevaluation, toward the creation of anew order. That lies in his nature, in his thoroughness that is ultimately rooted in the soil and conscious of responsibility. All the greater, however, is the depth of the effect of the German awakening:
the face of the earth will be changed!

— Kurt Eggers

"You lonely ones of today, you expelled ones, you should one day be a folk; from you, you who have chosen yourselves, a select folk should emerge: – and from it, the Overman!"
– Nietzsche

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Arditi - Ashes Scattered In A River

Репост из: Vrillionaire Book Club 📖
"Just as the hardest tests cull out weak individuals, it also cuts out weakness in the strong individuals and this is what accounts for the phenomenon of the strong getting even stronger under fire.

The hardest trials are the great leaveners of men. Performance under prolonged stress is the only way of knowing because all of the rest can be faked."

- James Mason
(SIEGE: 7.18 Conflict and Adversity)

Репост из: Futurist Forge
Live fast and die whenever

Under the proposed changes, confessional boxes, altars and classical sculptures will be replaced with modern art murals, and new sound and light effects to create "emotional spaces".

There will be themed chapels on a "discovery trail", with an emphasis on Africa and Asia, while quotes from the Bible will be projected onto chapel walls in various languages, including Mandarin.

The final chapel on the trail will have a strong environmental emphasis.

"It's as if Disney were entering Notre-Dame," said Maurice Culot, a prize-winning Paris-based architect, urbanist, theorist and critic who has seen the plans.


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Kai Murros European Revolution

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BlutAdler - Aristocrasse

Репост из: Wilde Jäger

Репост из: 𝕯𝖆𝖘 𝕾𝖈𝖍𝖜𝖆𝖗𝖟𝖊 𝕶𝖔𝖗𝖕𝖘 🗞
When the Nordic man hears the voice of his blood and morals, he brings to his conscience obligations that dictate the laws of his blood, which is an indissoluble bond with his people, honor and truthfulness, unshakable faith and loyalty to the Gods, then he feels that laws of your actions are the highest laws.
And when he looks back and at his own life in a contemplative hour to the history of his people, he then knows that often his people and his life have a deeper meaning and a supreme goal, which are expressed by his actions.

- Anton Holzner


Репост из: Truth is Light
Evil is allowed to dominate here FOR A REASON: so your Soul can become STRONG & LIGHT FILLED in fighting it. What matters is not what happens here but in what actions you decide to take in response to things that happen.

Evil will always come here; EVIL IS MEANT TO COME HERE. The SOUL TEST is designed to see whether you will fight evil or join evil. Will you become a traitor & join evil for your own selfish desires? Or will you resist evil even if it hurts you to do so? To become a living embodiment of LOVE is to always take right action to DESTROY EVIL.

You passing the Soul Test is not dependent on whether or not you DEFEAT THE ENEMY, but in whether or not you defeat your own spiritual WEAKNESSES, like COWARDICE.

It is only in battling evil that you can embody COURAGE, BRAVERY, TRUE LOVE, HONOR & GOODNESS. It is in battling evil that you learn how to DESTROY EVIL & PROTECT GOODNESS.

If there is no Dragon to slay then you can never find the COURAGE within you to stand up & FIGHT.


Репост из: Futurist Forge
"True change and the change we need to enact only arises in the great crucible of crisis. A gradual change is never going to achieve victory. Stability and comfort are the enemies of revolutionary change. Therefore we must destabilize and discomfort society where ever possible.

A political candidate that keeps the status quo or only seeks to introduce minimal change, even when the minimal change is in support of our cause, is ultimately useless or even damaging. Revolutionary change is needed and above all necessary."

- Brento
n Tarrant

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NEW AXIS - My Love (Black Magick SS cover)

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