N ϟ C Southern California

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Interested?? Contact @monseroth for Joining/Creating NSC in Southern California
See @crew131guy for more details about The Nationalist Social Club

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As the Purge Continues and As the Marxist Government strips us from our Freedom of Speech and Expression, We will not Be Silenced during this Time of War.



We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

If we don’t stop the mass immigrations In our countries, White people will become a Minority In

Canada by 2036
United States by 2045
Britains by 2066
London already is
Toronto already is
Denmark by 2090
Holland by 2060
Italy by 2080
Irland by 2050
Belgium by 2060
Sweden by 2065
Norway by 2070
Germany by 2060
France by 2057

Still think we can coexist ?

Nationalism would have prevented this.

HITLER wanted to prevent this.

No more white genocide.

Whites are waking up.


Unverified, but apparently Trump will pardon the Tiger King. So just to recap: Trump will pardon Lil Wayne, Kodak Black, high profile Jewish fraudsters, and a circus clown who’s Netflix famous.

No pardons for middle class whites who risked their livelihoods by going to “war” for Trump. No pardons for Proud Boys, Max and John who had the courage to fight Antifa in NYC. No pardon for Enrique Tarrio who’s lead this pro-Trump fraternity.

Let this be a wake up call for Qanon followers and normies: No one is coming to save you. No one man can defeat this evil marxist machine. The only way that we can defeat this is if we completely starve the system of our money and our attention. Build relationships with like minded men
and women . Build your own villages. Home school your children. Completely abandon degenerate pleasures. Return to tradition.


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The Citizens of America will be Facing and Experiencing Starting Tomorrow January, 20th 2021 and for the next 4 years, A Start of a New Tyrannical Marxist Socialist Implemented Government. We as Members of the Movement in Faith of National Socialism, Will Triumph over the Oppressive State of Government Now in Which All Sectors of Branches are Controlled by Those who Ultimately Sought out our Death and Desolation of Not only our Race as Aryan Citizens, But The Death and Desolation of the Western Civilizations in which The Marxists & Zionists try to Obtain and If we Rally Together as Proud Whites of The State in this Great Nation, Then We Will see now what are Forefathers have laid out for us for the Future. ✋🏻✋🏻




The United States Presidents are The Biggest Jewish Mercenaries to have ever hit Mainstream Politics and Your Vote does not matter in the slightest whatsoever. The inauguration is in 4 Days and We as Proud White Aryan Citizens and as People of the State(s) Will defend our Right to Sovereignty and our Right to Freedom of Speech and The People who are blind enough to Vote and Support the Zionist (((System))) are only Fueling and Accelerating Total War amongst The People of The State, and Let it happen, it will only wake more people up to the Realization of the Propaganda that is Spreading without Control of The Reluctant Zionist-Bolshevik Takeover of not only My Brothers and Sisters In Arms in Europa but in The Western Civilizations in which the Kikes Desperately try to Obtain. ✋🏻✋🏻

Understand that they are attempting to impose their evil labels onto your worldview. You, the men and women who wish for a healthy society not ruled by the exploitive rich are their enemy, you may attempt to intellectually argue with the System but your voice will not be heard behind bars.

Your desire for freedom and justice is a hinderance to their regime. You, the average Patriotic American, is the greatest threat to “Democracy”

Democracy meaning the survival of complete elite hegemony over all the means of production, the media, big tech, the food chain, the federal government, the federal reserve.

Understand every time they say there is a threat to national security, it is a threat to THEIR national security. You are not apart of the Supra state which rules this country. Act accordingly



Share, Doxx and Fuck Them Up



*Share this and spread the Message*

Dear followers, this message is addressed to you, regardless of country, culture, ideology or creed
— If the years of 2019 and of 2020 weren't enough to wake you and those around you, be aware that 2021 perhaps (perhaps) be too late for any kind of preparation, but better late than never.

2021 will certain be a thousand times more chaotic and stressful than 2019 and 2020 were once

Riots, regional wars, terrorist groups of the most varied ideologies, famines, natural disasters, political conflicts.

The Future is, of course, a Pandora's Box, which with every passing second & minute is being opened and taking the world its mysteries (and evils) that are contained within it.

So even if you are low income, make sure the basics are guaranteed.
Stockpiles of food, weapons for self-defense (3D Weapons are there for such a case from a country with restrictions), essential supplies, sources of income for emergencies, etc.


White People Can and Will Rise up Against their Oppressors. The Epiphany in which the Citizens of the State have now Realized that their Lawmakers their Political Officials The People who lead in terms of Government or Law Enforcing Positions have Damned us from our Well Being and have Proven to Us Time and Time Again that they will not Protect Us and they will not Change our (((System))), It is with Us as Proud White Nationalists to Take up on Ourself’s to Support and Protect The White People of The State and their Children as our Enemy’s who Sought out our Death, Rule over us till we call upon ourselves to make change. ✋🏻✋🏻

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Rome, Italy 🇮🇹 07/01/21

What’s happening in Italy will happen in The States. White People Will and Can Rise Up under the Ideology of Nationalism. When we as White People feel Threatened as a Race, This is what happens, We Rise up as People of our Faith in Belief. The Members of what the Street Rats called Antifa and The Radical Left have until the Nigger Loving Joe Biden gets Sworn into Office by those who Betrayed us as People of the State to Prepare and Warn all your Members of your “Blac Bloc” or Terrorist Communist Organization for the Uprising of us as Proud Whites. ✋🏻✋🏻

Репост из: NS ACTION
Tbilissi, Georgia 🇬🇪


It’s doesn’t take one of Us, It takes all of Us, As a Movement and as Believers in Faith in National Socialism. The Nation and This (((System))) in which we live under will endeavor no change in the near future from the Jewish Entity’s and Raging Radicalization of the Far Left in which this Nations now Falls under with The Senate The House of Representatives and the White House all controlled by those of the Far Left who Sought out the Destruction of the West. It is We as Members of the Ideology and of this State to take the Responsibility and Band Together to Restart and Rebuilt and new Ethno-State for the Purity of the White Race ✋🏻✋🏻

National Socialism is Growing in High Numbers each day. The Right that you have to Express your Words to the Crumbling (((System))) in which the Zionist-Bolsheviks and the Raising Threat of the Radical Left have Devolved the Minds of its people who still think this (((System))) can still work in this age. Now as National Socialists and We as People need to rebuild A New and Better System for The Sanctity and for The Future of the White Race and for White Children. ✋🏻✋🏻

When we as Nationalists Rise as Humans and When we as Humans Rise as a Movement, Is when we will Fight against the believers of those who’ve Slaughtered the Minds and Hearts of our Brothers and Sisters in National Socialism. This Day and Age is a Time where Marxist Propagandist’s thrive off The Destruction of America and The Destruction of the West and We as Americans and Members of This Faith in Ideology will bring us too the push we need for The Left to Blink in Fear. ✋🏻✋🏻

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This Country of the United States and its State of Government have Fallen under the hands of the Radical Left *The Senate, The House, and The President-Elect* and it is with us as Members of our Faith in Ideology that We will find Strength to make This Country or Any Country that has Fallen in the Hands of Marxist Socialists a Better Nation for the Sanctity of the White Race. ✋🏻✋🏻

As the Communist/Antifa Supporting Joe Biden comes to Inauguration within the coming weeks, We as members of National Socialism will be putting up Propaganda Posters in the Liberal City’s of Southern California to better aware the Left leaning Terrorists that We have not Deteriorated and We will stand with our Brethren in Arms of our Ideology. ✋🏻✋🏻

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