Corona Investigative

Гео и язык канала: Весь мир, Английский
Категория: Новости и СМИ

This channel focuses on all aspects of the corona crisis with an investigative perspective, focusing on the scientific proof of the existence of the virus and its detection by PCR techniques. The whole world blindly trusts that this is sound science.

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Весь мир, Английский
Новости и СМИ
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Репост из: Voluntarist Memes
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Репост из: ExpressZeitung 🇬🇧
Event 201: In October 2019 during the simulation of the outbreak of a novel coronavirus

Astonishing, is it not? Of all virus strains in existence, a “coronavirus” was selected for this tabletop exercise. Not to mention that the fictional outbreak came “true” within a matter of weeks.

But not only that: Chinese national George F. Gao was at the centre of both the fictional and the “real pandemic”.

Full issue available here:

One issue - One topic - One piece of the puzzle to understand the bigger picture
Grab a free copy of our Corona-Issue
⭕️ COVID, Great Reset and more to come
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Репост из: Kate Sugak
Friends, I have written many times about the Truth Isolate fund of 1,500,000€, which activists from Germany and Switzerland created 3 years ago. This money was raised to pay out to any virologist who provides proof of the existence of the Covid-19 "sars-cov-2" virus.

It turns out that on 10/17/2022 this challenge was finally accepted for the first time by Prof. Ulrike Kemmerer, who stated that she was ready to provide the scientific proof of the existence of this virus.

Result: Both Professor Kemmerer and her supporter, a molecular biologist "Franky", were unable to provide any scientific proof of the existence of the sars-cov-2 virus.

While "Franky" said in his telegram group that he "doesn't have time for this,” Professor Kemmerer ended up being completely silent and did not provide a single publication, even when she was asked to do so. She also rejected any attempt at conversation to discuss the topic. 😅

Conclusion: neither during the measles virus trial nor now during Covid-19 have virologists been able to provide evidence of the existence of the viruses that acording to them cause these diseases.

👉 Measles virus court case. (My separate video explaining this court case and all the publications that were provided by the party trying to prove the existence of the measles virus will be released soon).

Репост из: Red Ice TV 🚫 [Censored]
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Chris Hipkins will be New Zealand's next prime minister after Jacinda and of course he is going to be even worse than her. He thinks people basically should be hunted down if they haven't taken the Covid jab.

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Репост из: David Avocado Wolfe

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Here is the video to the article above.

The exposition of Dr. Scoglio's thesis on the Covid vaccines being unable to produce any spike protein, and being toxic in themselves, due to their their synthetic mRNA and synthetic lipids content.


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Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls.



I consider today's podcasts one of the most important ones I've done. My guest is a young German man, Marvin Haberland, and our conversation revolves around his upcoming court case in Germany, as well as the foundations of virology.

Marvin is an engineer who, as a result of a health tragedy in his family, decided to take a deep look at medicine. That exploration led him eventually to virology. Like many of us, he discovered that the foundations of virology are based on anti-scientific misconceptions. Unlike most of us, he decided to do something about this realization. He proceeded to deliberately get himself fined for not wearing a mask, which gained him entry into the German court system. He intends to base his entire case on the anti-scientific methods of virology, specifically, the lack of controls.

Watch and listen to the podcast here:



Excess mortality heading for record levels

"At the beginning of October, the mortality rate in Germany was 20 percent above the average for 2018 to 2021, the Federal Statistical Office reports. Unusually high death figures are coming from all over Europe, with an increase of around ten percent on average. Experts call the phenomenon "excess mortality." (Source)

Well, where might this excess mortality come from? People who are still getting vaccine doses literally have lost control of their lives.

"A development that was predictable, says our author."

So say we. We are not showing anything new to our readers here and our editions. But this would be once again such a message, with which one could perhaps stimulate his vaccinated environment to think.

🦠 Issues on "Corona" and related topics

Each issue - one topic - one mosaic stone towards the big picture.


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FLUVID-19 (2022) Full Documentary

The whole Fake-Pandemic in a nutshell.

High quality source:



It would have been better for him to work on his cognitive dissonance and train his intellect. 😔


4.8k 0 60 15 15

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CDC loses court battle against ICAN - Over 10 million data available, the result is
shocking ❗️

After two lawsuits against the CDC and months of legal wrangling, the CDC finally relented, resulting in a court order requiring it to release this data. The first batch of data, containing 144 million rows of health records from v-safe users, has now been obtained by ICAN and is searchable through a user-friendly interface that ICAN has worked around the clock to create.

ICAN has created a clear dashboard from the data. Here, one can select by "vaccination," severity, symptoms, age, gender, and ethnicity.

⭕️ Several million vaccination injuries in the first data preparation alone




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🇪🇺 Record excess mortality in the EU.

"Excess mortality in the EU climbed to +16% in July 2022, up from +7% in June and May. This was the highest level so far in 2022 and represents around 53,000 additional deaths in July this year compared to the monthly averages for 2016-2019." (Eurostat (

Strange. In the "Corona year" of 2020, when no supposedly saving vaccines against a supposed killer virus were yet available, there was no excess mortality. But now that many have been vaccinated multiple times, we now have record excess mortality. How will the vaccine fanatics and lobbyists explain this?


8.1k 2 107 3 23

Репост из: EZ-English
Corona Hysteria without Evidence

Complete first issue (translation of german No. 32) available for free:

🔹 Corona panic: Plunged into disaster by a sham pandemic?

🔹 Corona: Who will guide us through this “crisis”?

🔹 Is “SARS-CoV-2” a new dangerous virus?

🔹 How deadly is the “Coronavirus”?

🔹 A question of vital importance: Died “with” or “of” Covid-19?

🔹 Can health measures make you sick?

🔹 Nothing but a test epidemic?

🔹 SARS: Coronavirus, First Act

🔹 How real is the “Spanish flu”?

🔹 Measures censured by experts worldwide



The never ending story promoted by twitter bots...


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Dr. Kevin Corbett, co-author of the Corman-Drosten Review Report, sees parallels between Covid-19 and AIDS !

The key point:
both diseases have been defined by a reassignment of common symptoms and both pathogens, HIV & SARS-CoV-2, have never been scientifically proven.

Dr. Corbett criticizes misleading science:

✔️SARS-CoV-2 has never been detected
✔️PCR test cannot diagnose disease
✔️Covid-19 is a reclassification of common symptoms
✔️Governments and public health agencies are controlled by WHO

👉🏻 Interview with Dr. Kevin Corbett (Oracle Films)
👉🏻 Kevin Corbett Coronahysteria Homepage
👉🏻 Corman-Drosten Review Report


8.9k 0 140 2 24


Another microbiologist dismantles virology - more and more peers are revisiting the virus existence question

Purnima Wagh
describes how her lab received a contract from the CDC (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) and then attempted to isolate Sars-Cov-2 according to the rules, i.e., without a cell culture.

In the interview, she describes the methods used by virologists and her futile efforts to isolate the viruses using scientific methods (isolation by filtration and centrifugation).

Her infection attempts also failed.

The whole experiment is repeated several times and causes some difficulties.

She has a solid academic background and dismantles virology professionally as only a few can.

We are very excited to see her upcoming scientific publication.


11k 2 181 17 24
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