Th3 Gøsp3L

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Репост из: ThePsalmist?
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. 29 For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. 30 And those whom he predestined he also called, and those whom he called he also justified, and those whom he justified he also glorified. (Romans 8:28-30, ESV)

*September 14,2017*

Theme:SO MUST THE SON OF MAN BE LIFTED UP(Exaltation of the cross)
Scripture Reading: John 3:13-17

Today the church calls us to reflect on the Cross. In 1913 George Bernard wrote words and tune for his best known hymn "The Old Rugged Cross".
The hymn calls us to cherish the Cross thus " So I'll cherish the old rugged cross, till my trophies at last I lay down;" John stott wrote,"that great and most glorious of all subjects-the Cross of Christ". However, I fear that the cross without ever being disowned, is constantly in danger of being dismissed from the central place in contemporary Christian life. Dearly beloved as we reflect on the Cross of Christ, we urge you to do whatever it takes to make the Cross your passion. Ask God to change your heart so you can personally affirm for your own life the words in Galatians 6:14----"Far be it from me to boast except in the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ." In this book "Living The Cross Centered Life" C.J.Mahaney queried: "if we as Christians have already come to believe in the Gospel----if we've already received the gift of salvation He purchased for us with His precious Blood-----why focus any longer on the cross? Isn't time to give our full attention to more " mature " matters of living out our faith? NO, "we never move on from the cross, only into a more profound understand of the cross. The cross wasn't merely one of Paul's messages; it was The Message. He taught about other things as well, but whatever he taught was always derived from, and related to, the foundational reality that Jesus Christ died so that sinners would be reconciled to God ". To forget the cross is to forget the in unforgettable love and mercy of God. A grateful Christian will never forget the cross, because it is by His death on the cross that we are redeemed. The Cross is the "crux" of the Christian life.

Brethren there could be different crosses depending on material and size; but the Good Friday brings us back to the reality that it is about a wooden cross and, more importantly, about the oner whp died upon it. Let us form the habit of always looking up to the Cross, to Jesus who brought HIS death on the cross gave us victory over sin and death. St. John of the cross concludes this reflection thus, "Whoever does not seek the cross of Christ doesn't seek the Glory of Christ."

1. Thank Jesus for His death on the cross for you.
2. Pray for forgiveness for the times you failed to crucify the passion of your flesh.
3. Prayerfully take the hymn
"The Old Rugged Cross."

Meditation: Num. 21:8-9

God bless😇
@Daily_Gospel 🌻

Репост из: TCY-The Christian Youth

Репост из: Children of God

Репост из: Lōne_Løne Bros
Two scenarios.....

A cat enters a white lady's bedroom at night...

White lady: awww hey where did u come from kitty? who do u belong to? picks up cat and takes him to the kitchen, pours some milk for the cat and goes like "u have a gud night kitty, tomorrow we will go find ur owner" then locks the kitchen door behind her.
Same cat enters a Ghanaian woman's bedroom at night....
Gh lady: Herr Yesu mogya nka wanim wati, where did u come from? who ever sent u has failed, tell them u did not meet me. She picks up her Bible and tries to throw it at the cat and fails then bursts into tongues. She then picks up the phone and calls pastor...
Gh lady: Odiifoɔ u said it ooo, now they've come fiili fiili(physical).....
She will go to church on Sunday in white to share her testimony. 😆😆😆

~Bhrā N_ørbert🎭

Репост из: Christian Wallpapers?

Репост из: Christian Wallpapers?

Репост из: Christian Wallpapers?

Репост из: Versanity

Репост из: Rohi

Репост из: Christian Wallpapers?

Репост из: ThePsalmist?

Репост из: Versanity

Репост из: Th3 Gøsp3L
When the two ears are put side by side it forms the shape of the heart. lnterestingly, the word 'ear' sits right in the middle of the word 'heart' (h-ear-t). The ear is the way to the heart. So, if you want someone's heart, learn to listen to him/her. If you want God's heart, learn to listen to His Words.

@Daily_Gospel 🌻

When the two ears are put side by side it forms the shape of the heart. lnterestingly, the word 'ear' sits right in the middle of the word 'heart' (h-ear-t). The ear is the way to the heart. So, if you want someone's heart, learn to listen to him/her. If you want God's heart, learn to listen to His Words.

@Daily_Gospel 🌻

*September 9,2017*

Scripture Reading:Matthew 6:34

Arthur Rochie said, "worry is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged,it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained." Worry does not guarantee the future,instead it denies us and diminishes our potentials. That is why Jesus, addressing Martha who worried and fret so much over many things, said, "...only one thing is needed." (Lk.10:41-42) Never has it been said in any where in history and records that anybody was successful by worrying.
Rather, as medical personnel and physiologists have observed , man's life span reduces by worrying. Many times, I have relied on my competence alone and this has failed me full time and rendered me no option than worrying about my past, future and even the present. As a result, I have become so deficient and ineffective.

I am sure you too are consumed by the worries for one thing or the other,whether in the past, present or the future. Whichever is your case,know this: experience has shown me that worrying about the past has no ability to correct the present or future (the done deeds); and worrying about the future is indeed futile. Because the future forever remains a reality in the realm of what Plato refers to as "The World of idea," in other words, it is a reality blowing in the air or like the air. Our worries can neither guarantee the stability of our present or the future nor assured us the hope of any tangible worth. Hence, the Evangelist Matthew, reminds us that each day will care for itself (matt. 6:34). Meaning, therefore, that we should leave everything in the hands of God. However this does not mean that we cannot plan.
A preacher once said, not to worry is not synonymous with lack of planning or the idea not to make plans. As a matter of fact, the decision to bring forward our worries before God who knows all that trouble us and what we need whether in the present or future is indeed the evidence of planning. Let us therefore, commit our course to Him and he will act through Christ Our Lord.

Meditation: Matthew 6:27

@Daily_Gospel 🌻

Репост из: Versanity

Have you ever wondered why God carefully positioned a membrane of blood in a lady’s sexual opening? It is a thiny membrane that partially or completely covers the opening of the vagina. It is called the “HYMEN”. Why would God-Our Maker put a breakable tissue full of blood at the very door of the sexual opening of the female? Why is it so carefully placed at that entrance, like a ribbon tied at the entrance of a new house about to be launched? Why is it filled with blood that spills away when it is broken? Why? Without doubt, the HYMEN IS A GATE! It was God (our creator) who set that blood- filled vessel there as a covenant blockage, a sign and a token of a covenant between the bearer and whoever plunges into her opening. Before God, the disvirginity of a lady is not a casual act of fun. It is a serious covenant struck and confirmed by the blood shed on that day. This is God’s way of saying, “Whoever plunges into this woman shall only be able to do so by making a blood covenant to be joined to her for the rest of his life, from that point onward. Little wonder why sexual intercourse was designed by God to take place only and only after the marriage contract is sealed. The one who made the body (the hormones, organs, nerves, tissues, e.t.c)God said it in clear terms, the body is not for fornication”. Anyone who chooses to use the body for fornication must know that he/ she is working directly against God’s plan and there would
definitely be a consequence either now or at old age!There is a spiritual bonding, a supernatural process that takes place in a lady’s heart to the first guy that enters in to her especially at that particular time when the hymen breaks. There is no covenant without blood: this is why the membrane contains enough of it. As a matter of fact, what happens the first time a lady has sex is not just sex but an immersion and a bathing of the man with her hymen blood to initiate a covenant that is highly recognized in the spirit realm of both light and darkness! The first time this happens just marks her opening day covenant ceremony and each subsequent experience goes on to further refresh or strengthen that covenant or establish another version of it with another person. Many have washed useless boys with that hymen-blood. Many have struck irreversible covenants with men that have nothing to do with their destiny. Many have shared that hymen blood in sexual activity with demon-possessedmen while some others have struck such precious covenants with candle sticks as they exercised sex with it. If only they knew,many girls who carelessly allowed themselves to be disvirgined in a bid to be among the so called “big girls” would never have done so. The let me says it in clear terms: “Or do you not know that he who is joined to a harlot (through sexual activity) is one with her ? This is why many girls are not yet married yet their spiritual composition is already shattered and imbalanced, because they have mingled their souls with that of different men. Dear Singles,know today that there is a definite proportion of your virtue that leaves you each time a man enters into you and when that man leaves you, he leaves with it. Just imagine how much of yourself would be lost each time a man enters into you without any properly signed marriage bond or contract. Sex is a spiritual affair. A giving of yourself to another. All of these things have strong and terrible spiritual implications. A broken hymen opens you up to the spirit of the man that broke it, any other spirit whatsoever that may have mingled with that man’s spirit, those who have mingled theirs with him and the spirit of any other man that enters into you thereafter. The fun part is that pre-marital sex is not funny at all. What happens between the lines could be deadly and dangerous. The very first day a lady, or a man does that there will be spiritual transfer of destiny. The sin of fornication gives demons and occultic people direct access into your God's given destiny.So guys,zip up! Girls wise up!! It doesn't matter but it matters a




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