#Enfluencers Network

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Hello Fellow #Enfluencers! 💚
This is a group for all Environmental issue enthusiasts!
Please feel free to contact
Group: @enfluencers
Channel: @enfluencersnet
Website: www.enfluencers.net

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Have you ever felt you wish to understand various Environmental perspectives?

Here is a chance for you to come, learn, and mingle with fellow #Enfluencers. This time we are taking it to another level...


You now start buying your tickets on Ahun App now!


For further information please contact us on +251942069043

#TEDx #TEDxCountdown #TEDxCountdownEthiopia #JoinTheCountdown #ClimateAction #Countdown #Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #Art #SocialEnterprise #Construction #Agriculture


The moment you have been waiting for is here!

Get yourselves ready to come and enjoy the amazing talks on the beautiful Entoto Natural Park!

Further details will be posted soon!

#TEDx #TEDxCountdown #TEDxCountdownEthiopia #JoinTheCountdown #ClimateAction #Countdown #Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #Art #SocialEnterprise #Construction #Agriculture


#Enfluencers is looking for volunteers, that will be part of the facilitation team on the day of TEDx event. If you wish to be a volunteer, please text @jodahip2 today until 9:00 PM. Further details will be sent to you right away!

Please just send you full name, email and number.

The volunteers will be granted a certificate from #Enfluen

#TEDx #TEDxCountdown #TEDxCountdownEthiopia #JoinTheCountdown #ClimateAction #Countdown #Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #Art #SocialEnterprise #Construction #Agriculture


Репост из: #Enfluencers Network
Enfluencers Network is truly honored to be accepted by TEDX, to prepare the COUNTDOWN edition here in Ethiopia.

The team is working tirelessly to make this event, one of a kind.
Stay tuned for further updates and ticket sales.

NB: For those of you who wish to collaborate and partner on the day of the event, we are more than welcome to do so.

#TEDx #TEDxCountdown #TEDxCountdownEthiopia #JoinTheCountdown #ClimateAction #Countdown #Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #Art #SocialEnterprise #Construction #Agriculture


Репост из: Joda's E-nfluence 💚
Conversation with Joda- V17

Betty is one of the most inspiring #Enfluencer entrepreneur/agropreneur in Ethiopia! Please tune in on Instagram on Friday @jodaenfluence account, to hear the current struggle and activities of the life of a business woman!

#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #Youth #Benu #Lehem #Act4Food #Act4Change #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #GoGreenBreathClean



Репост из: Joda's E-nfluence 💚
Conversation with Joda- V16

Hanna Kidane is one of the most inspiring #Enfluencer who is a gender and climate advocate here in Ethiopia! Please tune in on Instagram today @jodaenfluence account, to hear the current struggle and activities of the life of an Activist!

#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #Youth #Nature #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #GoGreenBreathClean



Репост из: Joda's E-nfluence 💚
Conversation with Joda- V15

Leilena Hailu is the youngest #Enfluencer guest on our show, yet! Please tune in on Instagram @jodaenfluence account, to hear the current struggle and activities of "Nature Lovers of Ethiopia"

#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #Youth #Nature #School #TheGreenerTheBetter #GreenerFuture #GoGreenBreathClean

@enfluencersnet @natureloversofethiopia


Репост из: The Youth Print
Add your voice to the Global Youth Letter

We need to act now. Using a mixed methodology approach including crowdsourcing to garner the views, experiences and aspirations of 8,000 young people across 23 countries, the Global Youth Letter is an urgent call to action for society’s leaders and emerging climate champions to unite to end the climate emergency once and for all.

Young people are at the centre of this collaborative approach, as we support them to raise their voices, and gain the skills and networks to participate in meaningful dialogue and bring about real change for our planet.

We hope the letter and the report inspire you to add your voice to 8,000 Rising and we invite you to do so here https://bit.ly/3F2ogdG

To know more, follow the link https://www.britishcouncil.org/.../global-youth-letter...

#BritishCouncilinEthiopia @TheYouthPrint #TheClimateConnection

በአለም አቀፍ የወጣቶች ደብዳቤ ላይ ድምጽዎን ያሰሙ !

አሁኑኑ እርምጃ መውሰድ አለብን።
በ 23 ሀገሮች ውስጥ የ 8,000 ወጣቶችን እይታ ፣ ልምዶች እና ምኞቶችን ለማሰባሰብ የህዝብ ንቅናቄን ጨምሮ የተለያዩ መንገድ በመጠቀም ፣ አለም አቀፍ የወጣት ደብዳቤ (Global Youth Letter) የሕብረተሰቡ መሪዎች እና ታዳጊ የአየር ንብረት ሻምፒዮኖች የአየር ንብረት አደጋን ለአንዴና ለመጨረሻ ጊዜ ለማቆም እንዲተባበሩ አስቸኳይ ጥሪ ነው።
ወጣቶች በዚህ የህብረት ጥሪ ዋና ትኩረቶች ሲሆኑ እኛ  ድምፃቸውን እንዲሰማ እና ትርጉም ባለው ውይይት ውስጥ መሳተፍ እንዲችሉ  ክህሎቶቻቸውን በማሳደግ እንዲሁም በቂ የተሳትፎ እድል እንዲያገኙ በማድረግ ለፕላኔታችን እውነተኛ ለውጥ እንዲያመጡ እንደ ብሪቲሽ ካውንስል ድጋፋችንን እንሰጣለን፡፡
ደብዳቤው እና ሪፖርቱ ድምጽዎን ወደ 8,000 Rising ለማከል ያነሳሳዎታል ብለን ተስፋ እናደርጋለን፡፡ እናም እዚህ እንዲያደርጉ እንጋብዝዎታለን https://forms.office.com/r/w1rG4CBf9h
የበለጠ ለማወቅ የሚከተለውን ሊነክ ይከተሉ https: //www.britishcouncil.org /.../ global-youth-letter ...



Who is ready to eat?

#ECon3.0 #Enfluencers #Ethiopia


Видео недоступно для предпросмотра
Смотреть в Telegram
Contact @jodahip2 for details!
#Enfluencers #Merch
#Tshirt #Masks

Репост из: GUGU Recycled Crafts
Gugu Recycled Crafts
100% Recycled Penholders #thereisnothingcalledgarbagge
Place your order @Gugu4th /+251911627859
Join our channel on telegram and follow us on instagram @gugurecycledcrafts

Check us out TODAY on Instagram @kurifturesortentoto at 3:00PM!
We are taking over the park and you are coming with us!

#Kuriftu #WalkAndPick #R&DGroup
#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment

እንኳን ለአዲሱ ዓመት በሠላም አደረሳችሁ እያለን ዓመቱ አረንጓዴና የበለጠ ሠላማዊ ኢትዮጵያን እንመኛለን!

Wishing you all a Happy Ethiopian New Year, we are also hopeful for a Greener and peaceful Ethiopia in the coming year!



#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #theGreenertheBetter #GreenerFuture #HappyNewYear



Eyerusalem Kenea is the founder and creative director of Liluyan crafts that produces environment friendly fashion accessories and promotional items.

🤔For more details www.enfluencers.net

#Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Entertainment #Ethiopia #Business #Ecofriendly #Youth #Creative


#E_Opportunities for all #Enfluencers

As most of you have already been asking us on, how we can lead you to a more Environmental Friendly opportunities and get access to the vast knowledge of Environmental Protection, we have a google group set up for all of those things and beyond. If you have your perspectives and opportunities, you can also share it on that platform.

💚Please send your email accounts to @jodahip2 to be part of the various resources you may use.

Thank you for all your support so far!

#theGreenertheBetter #GreenerFuture #Enfluencers #Environment #Earth #Ethiopia #Education #Entertainment #Youth #environmentalism #environmentallyfriendly #eco #environmentalist #africa #green #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #CountDown


Репост из: GreenRotaractET

The orinetation for the Hopeful little Akaki river project will be this sunday at Kuriftu Entoto park.
It'll give an insight into what the project aims to accomplish and elaborates how you can be a part of cleaning the river that flows through our city.
We hope to see you there!

Transport is only for registered volunteers

🗓 Sunday Aug 29, 2021
⏰ 9:00AM/3:00LT
📍 St.Gerogis round about, piyasa
📞 +251963630976 Bersabeh
+251920314305 Tiwuld


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