Репост из: Race Realism Channel
Cubans are the only Hispanic demographic that voted majority Trump in 2024. Every other Hispanic demographic voted ~55-65% Harris.
Of the ~70 million Hispanics in America, less than 3 million are Cuban. Mexicans, who make up ~60% of Hispanics in America, voted 62% Harris.
Contrary to cuckservative claims, Hispanics are still a huge problem demographic and will likely vote left for generations to come — perhaps indefinitely, judging by most Latin American countries.
Of the ~70 million Hispanics in America, less than 3 million are Cuban. Mexicans, who make up ~60% of Hispanics in America, voted 62% Harris.
Contrary to cuckservative claims, Hispanics are still a huge problem demographic and will likely vote left for generations to come — perhaps indefinitely, judging by most Latin American countries.