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Репост из: Irish Diaspora
PDFs of Recommended Irish books relating to History/Nationalism/Culture

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America (1999) Charlotte Iserbyt.pdf
Written by whistleblower Charlotte T. Iserbyt, it is the result of what she discovered while working in the US Department of Education and her subsequent research on the subject.
The book describes that changes gradually brought into the American public education system work to eliminate the influences of a child's parents, and mold the child into a member of the proletariat in preparation for a socialist-collectivist world of the future. She considers that these changes originated from plans formulated primarily by the Andrew Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Education and Rockefeller General Education Board, and details the psychological methods used to implement and effect the changes.

Fighting in the Streets (1991) Urbano.pdf
Obviously just for educational purposes...
This manual of Urban guerrilla warfare is a no-nonsense "how-to" manual for armed resistance in today's urbanized "cement jungles." It explains proven methods of street combat tested over the years in countless armed struggles worldwide.
Chapters include: Principals of Urban Guerrilla Warfare; The Urban Base of Operations; Improvised Explosives and Chemicals; Improvised Weapons and Munitions; Ambushes; Counter-Insurgency Operations; Security and Communications and more...

The Crowd- A Study of The Popular Mind (1896) Gustave Le Bon.pdf
In this book, Le Bon claims that there are several characteristics of crowd psychology: "impulsiveness, irritability, incapacity to reason, the absence of judgement of the critical spirit, the exaggeration of sentiments, and others..."
He argues that, "By the mere fact that he forms part of an organised crowd, a man descends several rungs in the ladder of civilisation. Isolated, he may be a cultivated individual; in a crowd, he is a barbarian — that is, a creature acting by instinct. He possesses the spontaneity, the violence, the ferocity, and also the enthusiasm and heroism of primitive beings, whom he further tends to resemble by the facility with which he allows himself to be impressed by words and images — which would be entirely without action on each of the isolated individuals composing the crowd — and to be induced to commit acts contrary to his most obvious interests and his best-known habits. An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will."

Bloody Brazilian Knife Fighting Techniques.pdf
All the knife skills you hope to never use...

How to Start Your Own Country (1979) Erwin S Strauss.pdf
Interesting read covers present opportunities using four approaches, Traditional Sovereignty, Ship Under Flag of Convenience, Litigation, Vonu (out of sight and mind). It also gives thoughts on starting a "Model Country" and gives comparisons of all five approaches. It also covers Internal Organizations and Recruiting Settlers, The Future of New Countries, Case Histories, and a list of reference material.

Everything you need to know about hunting, butchering and cooking small wild game and fowl.
Includes sections on Gear; Basics; Species; Butchering; and Recipes...

Everything you need to know about hunting, butchering, and cooking large wild game...
Includes sections on: Gear; Tactics and Strategies; Big Game Species and Hunting Methods; Butchering; and Cooking Big Game ...

Tarot Symbolism and Divination (2012) RRetAC.pdf
Whether you believe in the ability of Tarot to predict the future or not, I've found that the cards can be useful in meditation and exploration of one's psyche... This book includes descriptions and meanings for all major and minor arcana; covers divination, and appendixes of interpretation summaries, correct designs of the greater arcana, and patterns within the decanate cards....

From the Ground Up (2007) Robin Mittenthal.pdf
a guide to basic organic vegetable, flower, and herb gardening for new gardeners...

covers: Direct Action; Affinity Groups; and a ton of ideas for direct actions... some better than others.

Official Winter 2005 Selection of the Department of Homeland Security Dangerous Books Club

Brave New World (1932) Aldous Leonard Huxley.pdf
is a dystopian social science fiction novel by English author Aldous Huxley. Largely set in a futuristic World State, whose citizens are environmentally engineered into an intelligence-based social hierarchy, the novel anticipates huge scientific advancements in reproductive technology, sleep-learning, psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by only a single individual...

Often compared to George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Modern Library ranked Brave New World at number 5 on its list of the 100 best English-language novels of the 20th century in 1999. In 2003, Robert McCrum, writing for The Observer, included Brave New World chronologically at number 53 in "the top 100 greatest novels of all time", and the novel was listed at number 87 on The Big Read survey by the BBC.

Anarchism and Other Essays (1910) Emma Goldman.pdf
an essay collection by Emma Goldman outlines Goldman's anarchist views on a number of subjects, most notably the oppression of women and perceived shortcomings of first wave feminism, but also prisons, political violence, sexuality, religion, nationalism and art theory.
Essays included are- Anarchism: What it Really Stands For; Minorities Versus Majorities; The Psychology of Political Violence; Prisons: A Social Crime and Failure; Patriotism: A Menace to Liberty; Francisco Ferrer and the Modern School; The Hypocrisy of Puritanism; The Traffic in Women; Women Suffrage; The Tragedy of Woman's Emancipation; Marriage and Love; and The Modern Drama: A Powerful Disseminator of Radical Thought

US Marines Close-Quarters Combat Manual.pdf
includes the fundamentals of close combat like target areas for unarmed combat; target areas for knife fighting; basic warrior stance, movement, and changing directions; breaking a fall; offensive skills like hand punches, forearm strike, elbow strike, knifehand strike, kicks, leg sweep, and chokes; defensive skills like blocking, wristlocks, defense from chokes and headlocks, defense from punches, kicks, and knife attacks; various bayonet fighting skills; group strategies; and weapons of opportunity...

includes Wild Plants with Edible Tubers, Bulbs, or Roots; Wild Seeds of Food Value, and How They Have Been Utilized; the Acorn as Human Food and Some Other Wild Nuts; Little Regarded Wild Fruits and Berries; Wild Plants with Edible Stems and Leaves; Beverage Plants of Field and Wood; Vegetable Substitutes for Soap; Medical Wildings Worth Knowing; Miscellaneous Uses of Plants; and a Cautionary Chapter on Certain Poisonous Plants... Includes both Regional and General Indexes.

an excellent introduction to Qi, Qigong, and the Baduanjin.
The Baduanjin qigong (八段錦) is one of the most common forms of Chinese qigong used as exercise. Variously translated as Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight-Section Brocade, Eight Silken Movements or Eight Silk Weaving, the name of the form generally refers to how the eight individual movements of the form characterize and impart a silken quality to the body and its energy. The Baduanjin is primarily designated as a form of medical qigong, meant to improve health in contrast to religious or martial forms of qigong. However, this categorization does not preclude the form's use by martial artists as a supplementary exercise, and this practice is frequent.

New Libertarian Manifesto (1983) Samuel Edward Konkin III.pdf
Agora, Anarchy, Action!
The New Libertarian Manifesto is a libertarian philosophical treatise and is the first explanation of agorism, a philosophy created by Konkin. Konkin proffers various arguments of how a free society would function as well as examples of existing gray and black markets. It contains criticisms of using political (i.e. activist or legislative) or violent means and advocates non-politics with non-voting as a strategy. Finally, Konkin describes the steps of using the black market to dismantle the state, a strategy known as counter-economics.
Declared a "Black Market Best Seller"

USMC Summer Survival Manual (2002).pdf
a summer survival course handbook with clear learning objectives covers the requirements for survival; survival kits; water procurement; expedient shelters and fires; core values and leadership challenges; signaling and recovery; navigation; traps and snares; uses of game; expedient tools, weapons, and equipment; foraging for plants and insects; fishing; tracking; survival medicine; mountain weather; and an intro to evasion. It also includes appendixes for an evasion plan of action; a survival quick reference checklist; animal habits; and tactical considerations;

Показано 20 последних публикаций.


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