Iris Koh

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Voice of conscience. Speak with courage, speak with truth. "Fear not, for I am with you;"

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Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Dear friends and supporters,

I wanted to update you on the outcome of our Judicial Review against the Health Sciences Authority (HSA). Unfortunately, our case has been struck out based on the issue of standing. While the judge agreed that we have a Public Right for this JR, we were unable to adequately address the point about "special damages." As a result, the judge ruled that the case did not have sufficient merit to proceed.

Despite this setback, we've learned a great deal from this experience about the complexities of pursuing a Judicial Review. This knowledge will be invaluable as we consider future actions to uphold public rights.

Lesson 1: Bar for striking out is high.

Lesson 2: Bar for JR is even higher.

The process and lessons learnt will help us prepare for the next JR.

We have been ordered to pay $12,000 in costs to the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) as a result of this lawsuit. I humbly ask for your support to help us cover these costs. Any contribution you can make would be greatly appreciated.

If you are willing to assist, please PayNow to 98291678 with the reference "JR Costs."

In the coming weeks we will be organsing events to update on the various lawsuits and anyone who support our JR Costs can come for the event for free and receive materials from our JR lawsuit.

Even though we lost this lawsuit, for the record, was taken down shortly after we began litigation. This site heavily uses different celebrities to promote vaccination.

In any case, we did what we could to the best of our abilities given the limited resources and I know that we can only improve along the way.

Thank you for your continued support and belief in our cause.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel

Important updates. The Republicans want to exit WHO. The vote will come on Nov 5th.

They want to give more power to the UN, from a International Cooperative Power to a Global Governing Power.

UN seems to be the foreshadowing of the One World Government ushering the NWO. Prove me wrong.

Listen to this important announcement.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Please help to share and you can contact me directly if you know any lawyers who can help.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
BREAKING: Forced to get 3 vaccines to receive medical care, 23-year-old Alexis Lorenze is now fighting for her life.

No vax, no care. So she had to get 3 vaccines. Within 10 minutes, she was blind in both eyes. She's now fighting for her life. Doctors are baffled as to the cause since it can't be the vaccines.

Super scary. Don't end up like Alexis please.

Warn your friends.

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
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For Immediate Release
17 Sept 2024

I have made 2 police reports surrounding the suicide of Geno Ong.

While it seems absurd that Geno could be having 1 hr zoom with the AGC, Police, MOH, MAS, IRAS and CAD, I recently found out that she had meetings with police officers.

A certain Mr Jazlan was in communication with her. Is he one of the police officers conversing with Geno and giving her insider information?

She also claimed that she used to be in the police force 20 years ago and many police officers are her students.

I have many questions for the Singapore Police Force.

In the meantime, I have consolidated my research and findings on our blog where I reveal a lot of troubling connections and details.

Please help to share this video on TikTok.

While I'm extremely hurt by how much Geno had systematically seeked to destroyed our reputations, our businesses and relationships, I don't think she deserves to die.

In fact her death seems to have opened up a can of worms about whether or not there is a task force targeting Raymond, myself and Healing the Divide.

I'm calling for information regarding this. If you have more info, please pm me directly.

Thank you very much.
Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Our Lawsuits are NOT about money despite rumours.

Why do we spend sleepless nights, putting our personal names, money etc on the line for this and other lawsuits?

I believe actions speak louder than words.
My enemies would like to combine facts and make it into misinformation, eg saying that we are celebrating Geno Ong's suicide when the celebration was way before Geno's suicide.

Such is the power of their defamation and hate.

But I forgive them cos unforgiveness is the poison we drink, thinking it would kill the other.

Having said that, my lawsuits are not about revenge. It's to put things right. Money is a side effect because there has been huge personal damages inflicted from wagging tongues. I don't imagine anyone will ever understand what it feels to have your business destroyed, friends turned and reputation stained. You will never be in our shoes.

Regardless, I'm not here to please everyone.

At some point when the rubber hits the road and facts will need to be presented in court, some people will continue to choose to believe in the fallacy of their minds, then to apologise, make amends and move on.

I'm not here to judge them. They make their choices. And choices have consequences.

But for now, I will continue the thankless job of doing what must be done. Raymond Ng only did it because I asked him to, out of his love for me, a righteous cause and for the country. He's a patriot like me.

Believe what you what.

Actions speak louder than words.

Iris Koh

Our Lawsuits are NOT about money despite rumours.

Why do we spend sleepless nights, putting our personal names, money etc on the line for this and other lawsuits?

My enemies would like to combine facts and make it into misinformation, eg saying that we are celebrating Geno Ong's suicide when the celebration was way before Geno's suicide.

Such is the power of their defamation and hate.

But I forgive them cos unforgiveness is the poison we drink, thinking it would kill the other.

Having said that, my lawsuits are not about revenge. It's to put things right. Money is a side effect because there has been huge personal damages inflicted from wagging tongues. I don't imagine anyone will ever understand what it feels to have your business destroyed, friends turned and reputation stained. You will never be in our shoes.

Regardless, I'm not here to please everyone.

At some point when the rubber hits the road and facts will need to be presented in court, some people will continue to choose to believe in the fallacy of their minds, then to apologise, make amends and move on.

I'm not here to judge them. They make their choices. And choices have consequences.

But for now, I will continue the thankless job of doing what must be done. Raymond Ng only did it because I asked him to, out of his love for me, a righteous cause and for the country. He's a patriot like me.

Believe what you what.

Actions speak louder than words.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Why are we suing the government for the Citizens of Singapore.

Don’t mind the title as the official title in action is Ng Kai Hoe Raymond and Iris Koh Hsiao Pei (collectively termed as Applicants) and Health Sciences Authority (as Respondent).

As much as there are immense defamatory rumors that we only sue for financial gains (that said, we reserve the right to sue for these defamatory comments), there is no foreseeable financial gain for us even if we were to win the Health Sciences Authority.

There is only 1 reason why we are suing the Health Sciences Authority – it is because of our love for our great country. I shall describe the main claim behind the judicial review on Health Sciences Authority but I would suspend any comments that sound like a pre judgment of what or how the Honourable Court would determine our case.

Raymond Ng

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
HSA JR Updates
15 Sept 2024

The matter of HC/OA 554/2024 will be heard before Justice Valerie Thean on 19 Sept 2024 at 10am at the Supreme Court. Supporters can meet at second floor of Supreme Court from 930am.

We will also be going for lunch with supporters on that day and drinks after the hearing.

Please pray and fast for us and for this lawsuit that we will have Victory.

May the people win.
Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Geno Ong was in touch with Beatrice Chong from SG Suspected Vaccine Injuries group before she died.

I'm suing Beatrice Chong for defaming me and she said that what her group does is to "help the G manage dissenting voices".

It's all being revealed in my blog.

Is Beatrice Chong in the network of rogue Government officers from AGC, Police, IRAS, CAD, targeting civilians?

Thanks to Geno's post, I now have proof that Beatrice Chong received my Court documents of my lawsuit. Save me the trouble of applying for substituted service.

I will be exposing all the people she tagged one by one.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel

I'm putting it in record, in case she is another MSS case. Of cos I don't wish her to be.

She seems unstable. MSS was in contact with her before she passed away.

A whole syndicate to defame us. Are they in touch with the AGC, Police and other government department?

Why did MSS jump down instead of giving up names of these officers?

Why SG Suspected Vaccine Injury group say they are helping govt to manage dissenting voices?

Beatrice Chong was also in touch with MSS before she died.

What are they up to?

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Calvin Cheng’s recent comments about how "cheap" it is to file lawsuits under the Simplified Civil Process reveal a dangerous mindset that undermines the very principle of accessible justice for all, which is at the heart of our Judiciary.

Is he suggesting that only the elites, who can afford expensive lawyers, should have the right to seek justice? That only those with wealth should have access to the courts? Justice isn’t and shouldn’t be a privilege of the rich.

The simplified civil process exists so that anyone, regardless of financial status can defend themselves or seek redress. The affordability of filing a lawsuit is not a flaw; it’s a strength of the judicial system, ensuring that everyday citizens are not priced out of justice. It’s an integral part of a fair and equal society.

His remarks are not only offensive but also a direct insult to the integrity of our legal system, which provides checks and balances to prevent frivolous claims.

His insinuations harm the credibility of the judiciary and insult the common people who cannot afford legal teams. His comments send the wrong message—that justice is only for the elite which will set a dangerous precedent to the abuse of power by those rich enough to afford lawyer fees.

It will cause more people to jump down if they cannot afford expensive legal fees in defence.
It will cause more people to jump down if they cannot right a wrong simply because it costs thousands of dollars to file.
Is this what he wants?

Maybe he is suddenly realising that ordinary "poor" people like us can HOLD HIM to account for what he says and he is TREMBLING.

The question we should be asking is not "Why is it so cheap to file?" but

"Why are lawyers charging so much?" !!!!

Calvin Cheng claims to care so much about Geno Ong. They seem to have spoken about 2 weeks ago before she passed away. What did they talk about? Did he offer any "Legal" advice to her?

Instead of providing financial assistance for her lawsuit, he advised people "Don't Cave," dismissing their financial situation and mental well-being.

"Don't Cave" is a piece of irresponsible and stupid advice. It means don't negotiate, don't give in. Instead of opting for relief, he asked people to opt to drag on for a lawsuit that is meaningless to hold on to.

Not only does it jam up state resources, this also affects the parties involved. From filing very lawsuits, I believe dragging on a protracted legal fight is exactly what the Court DOES NOT WANT.

His "army of lawyers" at Lee and Lee should advice him to shut up.

This is extremely serious and should be investigated.

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
So it will be tomorrow 10 Sept at 11am Supreme Court and then 2pm at State Court cafe for CC case.

We won't be at Supreme Court at 3pm today. Kindly take note.

Iris Koh

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Mark Tan, is the man behind RICE Media

Ask him why did he not interview us and report our side of the story before he smeared our name and destroyed our business?

Ask him why he does not stand by what he reported by continuing the defamation lawsuit we filed on him?

Where are all the victims who went to him?

Why don't they continue the lawsuit and stand by their report?

Were they paid to do this hit piece on us?

I need answers. Someone has died and the Media must take part of the responsibility for one sided reporting which has led to severe and widespread defamation on us.

Please help me to share and viral.

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel - mai siao siao killed herself to escape justice

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
@iriskoh11/live?enter_from_merge=share&enter_method=share_copy_link' rel='nofollow'>

I'm going live now.

Репост из: Healing The Divide Channel
Dear everyone,

I want to thank all the encouraging messages that you have sent to me.

A few said, if Geno didn't die, means we die. Yes, I believe that anyone who is weaker under the relentless attacks from all our enemies combindd would probably have succumbed, given up or gone crazy etc long ago.

We are only still standing because truth is on our side and we are not afraid to go to court to see to it that the truth prevails.

We live in very crazy times.

Misinformation is a serious ill in society that's why it's very important to report and speak responsibly.

The karma of spreading lies is very serious. Verification is our duty.

When I heard that Geno Ong died, my standard for the truth is 2 sources.

I had to get my second source to confirm her death, which we did through the police station.

Do not simply believe anything just cos the authorities say it's true or many people say it's true.

Think and act with critical thought at all times. It is often hard to do because there are often deliberate propaganda at play.

If you made a mistake, just apologise, admit and promise not to make the same mistakes again.

Heal the divide with our fellow human beings by putting down pride and making amends.

Her death has strengthened in me the resolve that misinformation and slander must be stopped at all costs.

If lawsuits are the only way, then so be it. Sadly, it is often the last and only resort left before someone is willing to talk to you to repair the damage.

I am saddened that Singapore is full of righteous people who often throw stones based on impression.

For society to progress, we have to progress starting with the information we choose to believe and share.

Iris Koh

To read our two articles on Geno Ong, go to

I will do a short TikTok Live at 8pm tonight. Still got to prepare for the HSA JR amidst all these drama....

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