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بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
Saluran bisnis yang menyediakan moodboard. pemilik, @Pawrkjeongu
HFW & mutuals panggilan @jeongewuoo_bot

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Репост из: Pouwpee. Soon
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ。・゚゚*✧ 🗓️ ✦・゚゚・.

ㅤ 2023, 3th July — 13.00 GMT+7


“Jingle Jingle! Blissfull din all the way!” As the sound of the bell chime in @LaCenturies little warehouse. The sign says, open order for customized and ready catalogues as moodboard and moodboard deco. Warmth & endearment filled the blank space with craftscatto's spellworking. Divagated eyes regard the excellent job of the workers. Take a look to our book list and listen to words of truth; what they said about us! | ☎️ Contact Centre : 628 819 45

Репост из: J — ROGUE. | OPEN.
{for all the beloved mutuals, I ask for your help to forward this poster to your channel, as the feedback you want can come to the mutual bot.}

With this, J-ROGUE has officially opened! You can order ready or custom moodboards, but before you order a moodboard here, please read the REGULATIONS first, if you want to see a list of ready moodboards, you can check the READY MOODBOARD, If you want to order a custom moodboard too you can use the word MOODBOARD CUSTOM to get the format, if you want to see the results of custom moodboards, you can check the RESULTS MOODBOARD, you can send the format if you are interested in the moodboard here to @jRoguessbot!

Репост из: Incarnadine jumble talcum–undiluted: Wosyv.
{Bijoux’s idyllic semblance aim tinsel pronunciamento; dictum doux amidst help forward’s bulletin–board shows guidance for the spectre chaperone quantified as mutual.}

Wosyv’s declared e’ry epistle camerlengo whilst chatterbox’s florilegium orison yearn for salvation, quisquous elide and conquered with candour luminance. Lambency amalgamated with effervescent fluorescence to hail your escorted surveillant. @Wosyv and the batch of frolicking duenna, distinguished by the prominent conjuncture dropped abaft June 21, 09 am. Shall the grimsuetude qart swell kalon hereditament.

Bequeathal opulent heritage,

Репост из: Noir; magasin de chaussures classiques.
{To my beloved bussines mutual or anyone who see this massage, can you help forward this massage to your channel? Thank you so-much.}

ㅤEscapism have well a cross the path, will centering in gloomy space and paper with faded brown, write: a poet 2000’s! “time to opened this best masterpiece’s” SO SPELL { @CIassiques is open batch } go on 27 June, 14.00; hereabout the enchant came and attand our @CIassiques guidelove. alighted highlight on this space with grey colored as preeminent.

Knock @FoeHoebot Or @Klasrik for be the one have an thus scintillate!

Репост из: ash 🎶 moodboard OBRAL ‼️
[to anyone who sees this especially raymoots, please help forward this message to your channel. thank you, love.]


Astaga, astaga, moodboard di ashtray lagi banting harga 😱😱😱

Diskon 1K untuk semua moodboard yang ada di @moodboardash, ayo buruan kepoin mb kece nya disini !!


Dikarenakan gue (@beastskull) mulai sibuk dan tidak memungkinkan untuk bikin mb baru lagi, gue memutuskan untuk ga jadi buka mb store.

Dan karena mb gue yang tersedia sekarang cakep-cakep tapi kaga ada yang punya + sayang kalo dikasih gratis ke orang, jadi gue obral deh! Kali aja ada yang mau, silahkan baca regulasi obral, isi format dan kirim ke @ashtrayrobot.


best regards, Rivaldo.

Репост из: Eureth, Soon.
[ ✿ ۫ 𓂂 Dear my beloved moots who see this message, please help me share this message to your business channel. Thanks a bunch!! ]

🍂. A zephyr's caressed her lovely skin. We as an admin of @eureth, declare that @eureth officially made they're debut and open on July 1, 2023 at 8AM, on a peaceful day and in a wonderful ambiance. As a result, to commemorate @eureth's debut, we decided to offer to our customers all ready stocks moodboards && wording that cost only Rp1,000 at @eureth! and for customs moodboard & wording, I offer a Rp3,000 price reduction from the original cost, minimum purchase of Rp5,000. below that, is still charged the normal fee! Isn't that an intriguing deal? So, let hurry ahead and place our orders! The promotion runs for three days only, from July 1 to July 3.

Before take the order, please read our regulations first! and if you all have a any question, just go to
@PrettierJ or @Eurethbot for ask your question.

Репост из: 𖧐 ֹ Läcemadè 🩰
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📜 { to all pink business with me, can you help me to forward this message to your business channel and bot so. Thank You! } ...𖦽

🕯️pink room lavender-scented lotion. escape to the land of dreams ~ withdraw into your imagination, or find solace in captivating literature and art, dreamy romantic movies, write your own (poetic musings with quill and ink, or write cursive letters and seal with wax and petals) , spill the beauty of @LaceMade in your heart to the moon or dryad or amphritrite ... 🪞

🎀We're here to invite you here to visit the pink house with the pampering princess soirée ~ Gather friends for a Laduree Macarons and Fortnum & Mason sugared rose and violet petals party, watch classic Hollywood movies in pearl silk robes and vintage satin mules shop at shop @LaceMade to see new things which are certainly very beautiful and interesting 🐇

🎧Not only that, this pink girl also needs friends to explore the pink world together. if you like pink or like lavender lotion. let's be mutual with @Lacemade , all you have to do is fill in the data in { t.me/archivecedens/6 } carefully and well. or you can send a message @Mutualcadensbot with a peaceful and luxurious preamble! 🕊

(untuk mutuals tercinta, tolong sebarkan pesan ini ke saluran bisnis kalian, terimakasih)

Sorak-sorai suara terdengar oleh telinga, manusia berdatangan untuk melihat @jeyukboard yang akhirnya debut, pada tanggal 02 Juli 2023. Burung-burung pun berkicau menemani insan yang melihat beberapa moodboard ready di (@jeyukboard), tidak perlu ragu untuk berkerjasama dengan toko ini.

🥇Untuk memulai silahkan baca 'https://t.me/jeyukboard/9?comment=23' rel='nofollow'>REGULATIONS terlebih dahulu.

🥈Setelah itu, lihatlah hasil MOODBOARD READY

🥉Dan jangan lupa untuk membaca beberapa TESTIMONI

🍊 Moodboard ready

🍊 testimoni

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